Expert and fellow directory


Uwe Sunde's picture
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Economist and Professor at LMU Munich. Uwe Sunde is full professor of economics at the University of Munich (LMU), where he holds the chair of population economics. He obtained his PhD in economics from the University of Bonn and has taught at the University of St.Gallen before joining LMU Munich. Uwe Sunde is research professor at ifo, Munich and DIW, Berlin, and a fellow of the Center of Economic Policy Research (CEPR), London, and of the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA), Bonn. Uwe Sunde has made theoretical and empirical contributions in the field of economic growth and long-run development, population economics, labor economics, political economy, and behavioral economics.
Ulf Rinne's picture
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Ulf Rinne is a labor economist who works at IZA - Institute of Labor Economics in Bonn, Germany. His research interests are in various fields of empirical labor economics and applied microeconometrics. He is particularly interested in the evaluation of labor policies, in the design of immigration policies, in research on discrimination, and in the consequences of technological change and digitalization on the labor market.
Emer Smyth's picture
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Research Professor with the Economic and Social Research Institute in Ireland; Principal Investigator, Growing Up in Ireland study. Research interests: education; educational inequality; gender; child wellbeing; longitudinal analysis; comparative analysis; school-to-work transitions.
Dr Naeem Akram's picture
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Naeem Akram is PhD degree holder from FUUAST School of Economic Sciences (FUUAST), Islamabad. Presently he is working as Assistant Chief at Economic Affairs Division, Government of Pakistan Islamabad. Prior to joining EAD he had worked in Planning Commission of Pakistan, Ministry of Finance and UNDP. Besides, he is the author of more than 40 research articles published in various national and international scholarly journals and Newspapers. The focus of his research is poverty reduction, Income inequality, environmental economics and Economic Growth.
Ethel Kuuya's picture
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Chief Executive Officer of Advisory Kulture. Ethel is a highly respected transformation advisor to public and private sectors in Southern Africa, a sought after speaker, leadership master-coach, as well as an entrepreneur and award winner she has spent two decades working in public and private sector transformation, strategic planning, leadership development and culture remodelling spanning 3 continents, 46 countries and thousands of leaders impacted. Ethel works closely with senior government officials, Boards and CEO's to shape the leadership that Africa needs. A frequent contributor to the Chatham House, London School of African and Asian Studies, and many others, Ethel produces research, articles and thought leadership on Africa and what it takes to transform. A recipient of the Crans Montana Forum 2018 new leader award, and a masters graduate of HEC Paris she also has several post graduate qualifications covering business, strategy, leadership, innovation, entrepreneurship and analytics.
Steven Feldstein's picture
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Steven Feldstein is a senior fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in the Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program where he focuses on issues of technology and democracy, human rights, and U.S. foreign policy.
Romy Winter's picture
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I am a Lecturer of Policing and Emergency Management at the University of Tasmania. My research focus is domestic and family violence, men's violence, and the impact of violence on children. Leader of the Violence and Abuse Research Unit (VARU), Tasmanian Institute of Law Enforcement Studies (TILES).
Eirini Gallou's picture
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Dr Eirini Gallou, AFHEA (Teaching Fellow for the Centre for Sustainable Development, Strathclyde University) has joined the centre recently, having completed her PhD in ‘Sustainable heritage management in island contexts’, focusing on community engagement mechanisms in the case of Orkney islands, in UCL ISH (Institute for Sustainable heritage) 2020, and working as a policy social analyst for Historic England since then. She has worked in architectural design, policy, and practice in the highly interdisciplinary field of cultural heritage management in the UK, Netherlands, and Greece. Eirini also completed an internship in ICCROM and contributed to one of their flagship expert course ‘People centred-approaches to the Conservation of Nature and Culture’ in 2017. She is passionate about promoting collaborations to address sustainable development in an equitable way for all, and is keen to support work on inclusive policy development and social just transitions discussions, new models of urban development that consider socio-ecological factors and the development of human and social capital next to climate resilience.
James Chin's picture
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Professor of Asian Studies at the University Tasmania. Focus on Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Papua new guinea, fiji, Solomon Islands.
Gloria Origgi's picture
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Gloria Origgi is a philosopher and Directrice de Recherche based at the CNRS in Paris (Ecole Normale). She works on trust, reputation, and the social dimension of knowledge.

