Expert and fellow directory


Kristina Arakelyan's picture
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Adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Service at NYU's Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service
Ellisiah Jocson's picture
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Professor of Inclusion and Disability studies at National Teachers College, Philippines. Resident Expert with Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for Special Educational Needs (SEAMEO – SEN).
Osman Gazi Güçlütürk's picture
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Lawyer and legal academic from Turkey with a focus on regulatory issues related to emerging technologies and data governance. Research on the regulation of technologies since 2016; obtained Ph.D. mapping the rules applicable to data in artificial intelligence.
Claire Nelson's picture
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Dr. Claire Nelson is Chief Ideation Leader of The Futures Forum, a research and education practice specializing in bringing the power of strategic foresight, and the discipline of sustainability engineering to challenges facing organizations and communities. Nelson, named on Forbes as one of the top 50 female futurists in the world, is author of the game-changing book “SMART Futures for a Flourishing World: A Paradigm for Advancing Global Sustainability”.
Thekiso Molokwane's picture
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Thekiso Molokwane Ph.D. is a Senior Lecturer of Public Administration in the Department of Political and Administrative Studies, University of Botswana. He has worked for the Government of Botswana; Lecturer at Limkokwing University of Creative Technology and; Postdoctoral Fellow in Public Administration - North West University, Vaal Campus RSA. His research interests include public policy; new public management and public sector reforms with focus on public private partnerships. He has published journal articles, book chapters, conference papers and edited Conference proceedings as well as book projects.
Natasha de Terán's picture
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Natasha de Teran works at the intersection between finance, technology and public policy. An author and former journalist, she believes passionately in the importance of financial literacy, financial inclusion and digital enablement. A Non-Resident Scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, she sits on the Financial Services Consumer Panel, the Payment Systems Regulator Panel and the Bank of England's CBDC Engagement Forum.
Hannah Graham's picture
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Criminologist, University of Stirling, and Associate Director, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research.
Paul Cairney's picture
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Professor of Politics and Public Policy, University of Stirling, UK.
Bhuvanesh Awasthi's picture
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Dr Bhuvanesh Awasthi is a Senior Behavioural Researcher with the Canadian Federal Government. His work is at the science-policy-diplomacy interface, applying behavioural insights for service delivery and client experience, inclusive behavioural finance, impact measurement and evidence (experimentation, data) informed policy instruments to improve outcomes and governance.
Samuel Agblorti's picture
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Samuel Agblorti holds PhD in geography from the University of Calgary, Canada, and is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Mixed Migration and Diaspora Studies (CeMMiDS), Department of Population and Health at the University of Cape Coast. Samuel has been involved in forced migration research for over a decade with broad interests in migration, refugees, gender and development, and environmental politics. He has published in reputable journals (e.g. Canadian Journal of African Studies, Refugee Survey Quarterly) with one research paper for the UNHCR. He has presented his works at international conferences globally (Law and Society Conference, Honolulu in 2012; German Development Institute, 2018 among others).

