Expert and fellow directory


Mathew Wong's picture
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Assistant Professor at the Department of Social Sciences, Education University of Hong Kong. Research interests include the causes and consequences of income inequality, as well as the political economy of redistribution.
Hei-hang Hayes Tang's picture
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Assistant Professor of Department of Education Policy and Leadership, and Programme Leader of MA in Leading Innovative Learning Organizations (LILO) at the Education University of Hong Kong. A sociologist, Dr Hayes Tang is interested in the fields of education policy, higher education, academic profession and youth studies. His research reconsiders the sociological role of higher education in the rise of 'academic entrepreneurialism', focussing on East Asia. He is committed to create new knowledge in application for better education governance and policy innovation in the age of global inequalities.
Ruth Pereser's picture
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I'm a faculty member at Tel-Hai College and a scholar in the field of gender studies, combining cultural and queer theory and empirically informed inquiry. I study forms of citizenship, the public sphere and politics of belonging in the context of kinship, migration, diasporic cultures and urban environments. I am a co-founder of the Haifa Feminist Institute - Archive, Library and Research Centre, and a member of the Lexicon for Political Theory research group at the Minerva Humanities Centre in Tel-Aviv University. My current research explores women without legal status in Israel.
Stanley Nwani's picture
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Lecturer at the Pan-Atlantic University, Lagos, Nigeria. Stanley Nwani is an Economist with research interest in human development, health and environmental sustainability.
Qing Gu's picture
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Professor of Leadership in Education and Director of UCL Centre for Educational Leadership
Taehee Choi's picture
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Dr Taehee CHOI researches policy or reform processes, teacher change therein, and their interaction with languages. Dr Choi has taught the youth and the teachers in South Korea, the US, the UK and Hong Kong. Through the Asian Productivity Organisation, she has advised governments and educational institutes of the UN ESCAP countries. She has contributed to social justice through these activities, particularly in a reform context.
Katharina Bohnenberger's picture
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Socio-Ecological Economist, Research Assistant, Institute for Socio-Economics, University of Duisburg-Essen
Sabrina SU's picture
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Dr. Sabrina SU is a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Applied Social Sciences, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She obtained her PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong in September 2017 and has been doing mixed-method studies about youth development, career support services, organizational behaviors, workplace wellbeing, and capacity building among youth work practitioners. She is concerned about the career and life development of young people in general, and youth at risk in specific, such as youth not in education, employment or training (NEET), youth with prolonged social withdrawal behaviors (hikikomori and semi-hikikomori), educationally disadvantaged youth, youth with special education needs, and young mothers. The potential of her concepts such as collective psychological ownership (CPO), experience-driven recognition (EDR), and more enabling others (MEO) are recognized by international reviewers with regard to promoting individual agency and shared agency for enhancing the sustainable career and life development of diverse groups of people in various contexts.
Michael Byrne's picture
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Lecturer in urban political economy, University College Dublin (Ireland). Director of MS.c Equality Studies. Research areas include political economy of housing, the private rental sector, social housing finance, housing movements/urban politics.
Ali Mehdi's picture
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Ali is a senior global health and development researcher with 17 years of experience, involving research in 12 countries of Asia, Africa, Europe and North America. He is the Founding President of the Inclusive Development Foundation (IDF), India - - and is a Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), UK. His publications are listed at

