Expert and fellow directory


Paola Ricaurte's picture
Short description: 
Associate Professor Tecnológico de Monterrey
Brian Head's picture
Short description: 
Brian Head is Professor of Public Policy at the University of Queensland, and was Director of the Centre for Policy Futures. He was a senior policy executive in the Queensland state government (1990-2003) and CEO of a national NGO in social policy (2005-07). Professor Head is currently 1 of the 9 internationally recognised expert members on the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).
Mohammed Masbah's picture
Short description: 
Founder and President of the Moroccan Institute for Policy Analysis (MIPA). Associate Fellow at Chatham House in London
Chang Lu's picture
Short description: 
Chang Lu, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of Educational Big Data and Evaluation in the School of Education at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Her research interests include educational data mining & learning analytics, online learning, machine learning and deep learning in education, automated evaluation and feedback system, and computational thinking assessment.
Sabelo Mhlambi's picture
Short description: 
I research the human rights impact of technology, its ethical design and use, with a focus on Sub-Saharan Africa. Broadly I focus on "decolonizing AI", yet I'm also a technologist and create AI solutions.
Anne Hewitt's picture
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I am an Associate Professor at the University of Adelaide Law School, with research expertise in legal prohibitions of discrimination, the regulation of tertiary education, and workplace rights and protections. I have completed research funded by competitive grants and contracts for a range of Australian and international organizations, and have experience combining legal and regulatory analysis with empirical research including through qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
David McNair's picture
Short description: 
Executive Director at The ONE Campaign, Visiting Scholar at Carnegie Endowment, Council Member, European Council on Foreign Relations
David Homa's picture
Short description: 
Head of Research Accelerator at The Digital, Data, and Design Institute at Harvard University, and affiliate of the Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society. Strategy, Research, and Operations Executive for Digital Transformation. Former Director of the Digital Initiative at Harvard Business School. I research Digital Technology Literacy to understand how to educate everyone for work and citizenship in a digital world.
Alireza Salehi-Nejad's picture
Short description: 
Iranian multidisciplinary researcher at the Faculty of World Studies, University of Tehran. Researcher at the Cyberspace Research Policy Center.
Hefziba Lifshitz's picture
Short description: 
I am head of MA Program in Intellectual Disability (ID) at the Faculty of Education, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. I head the Baker Research and Promotion Center of Toddlers and Children with Developemental Disabiltiies where toddllers and children with ID attend the university to learn reading and math skills. I am also head of the Lois Alberto Machado Research Chair on Cognitive Modifiability and Human Development. Within the chair, I intiated the Empwerment – Ozmot Project: Three stages of inclusion in the academic world of students with ID. In Stage 1 - Separate Model: Students with ID attend the university and receive academic enrichment. In Stage 2 they are included in a research seminar with typical peers. In Stage 3, six highly capable students with ID (with and without Down syndrome) are fully integrated in undergraduate courses. They have to date completed 40 out of 64 academic credits required for the BA degree. Based on their success, the Bar-Ilan University directors decided to register these six students as full-fledged students. They will receive a BA degree in Social Sciences.

