Expert and fellow directory


Lasse Lehtonen's picture
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Lasse Lehtonen is a professor of Health Law in the University of Helsinki, Director of Diagnostic Services in Helsinki University Hospital
Simon Haeder's picture
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I am an Associate Professor of Public Health in the Department of Health Policy & Management in the School of Public Health at Texas A&M University. I study the politics of health policy with a focus on consumer access. I study things like provider networks, shared governance programs, and policy implementation.
Carlos Schmidt-Padilla's picture
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I am a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Development Research Initiative.
Gabrielle Legault's picture
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Taanishii, I'm Métis from Lac Pelletier, Saskatchewan, Canada. I am an assistant professor in Indigenous Studies at the University of British Columbia in Syilx Territory in the Okanagan. I teach about the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and am interested in international Indigenous organizing and advocating for and protecting Indigenous Rights.
Jeya Wilson's picture
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I am a qualified and experienced Board Chair and Director who has worked in complex, multi-territorial environments. Amongst other positions, I have been Chair of the World Health Organisation’s Independent Expert Oversight Advisory Committee, Vice-Chair of the Board of Fairtrade International, and served on the ILO’s Independent Oversight Committee, and the Global Fund’s Audit and Ethics committee. My wide range of executive positions include Director for Business Partnerships at UNDP, New York, CEO of the World Heart Federation, Adjunct Professor and Executive Director of the International MBA at the University of Geneva, and CEO of Africa’s largest chamber of commerce and industry. I was also New Zealand Honorary Consul in South Africa. I have a doctorate in international relations from Oxford where I was President of the Oxford Union. I hold the Financial Times Non-Executive Director Post-Graduate Diploma, Certificate in International Enterprise Risk Management, and Certificate in Digital and Cybersecurity Management. I live in Aotearoa New Zealand, having previously lived in Switzerland, Germany, Nigeria, Samoa, Sri Lanka, South Africa, UK and US.
Deniz Koca's picture
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Deniz Koca is an Assist. Prof. at Lund University, Centre for Environmental and Climate Science (CEC). He holds a Ph.D. in Geobiosphere Science, M.Sc. in Environmental Studies & Sustainability Science, and B.Sc. in Environmental Engineering. His main expertise lies in applied systems analysis, system dynamics modelling and facilitation of stakeholder participatory group modelling process. He has been involved in various transdisciplinary research projects with the main task of analyzing, interpreting, modelling, simulating and communicating alternative scenarios of complex dynamic environmental and socio-economic issues with a systems approach and within the sustainability criteria. Deniz has been teaching systems analysis and system dynamics modelling courses on undergraduate, gradute and post-graduate levels. Since 2017, Deniz is the Coordinator and Director of Studies of BIOECONOMY Graduate Research School within the CEC. He is also the chairperson of Lund University Food Faculty, a collaboration initiative across all faculties at Lund University. He is a Donella Meadows Fellow and member of the Balaton Group, also known as the International Network of Resource Information Centers (INRIC).
Alana Cattapan's picture
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Alana Cattapan is the Canada Research Chair in the Politics of Reproduction and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Waterloo. Her research examines gendered inclusion in policy making, identifying links between the state, the commercialization of the body, and reproductive labour including the governance of reproduction and reproductive technologies.
David G. Embrick's picture
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Associate Professor with a joint position in Africana Studies Institute and the Department of Sociology at the University of Connecticut. Director of Research on Resilient Cities, Racism, and Equity at UConn Hartford.
Dr Dipak Tatpuje's picture
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Prof. Dr. Dipak Tatpuje has over 40 years of experience in the field of experiential education, project consulting, and research projects at national and International level by developing models for rural development through empowerment of youths. He completed more than 14 projects with national and international organizations like UNESCO-Bangkok, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Commonwealth Association of Science, Technology, and Mathematics Educators (CASTME-Asia), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Visit:
Lincoln Quillian's picture
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I am a Professor of Sociology and Public Policy at Northwestern University in the USA. My work includes studies of inequality, race/ethnic minorities, and urban segregation.

