Expert and fellow directory


Donald Peurach's picture
Short description: 
I am a Professor of Education Policy, Leadership and Innovation in the University of Michigan's School of Education. I am also a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. My work focuses on building systems to support large-scale instructional improvement, with a particular focus on network-based continuous improvement.
Brie Haupt's picture
Short description: 
Brittany "Brie' Haupt, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor at Virginia Commonwealth University in the Homeland Security & Emergency Preparedness Department with research interests of cultural competency, emergency and crisis management, crisis communication, and community resilience. She has published in Public Administration Review, Journal of Public Affairs Education, Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, Disaster Prevention and Management, Risk, Hazards, and Crisis in Public Policy, Journal of Emergency Management, and Frontiers in Communication section on Disaster communications. Dr. Haupt's award-winning book with Dr. Claire Connolly Knox on Cultural Competence for Emergency and Crisis Management: Concepts, Theories, and Case Studies offers educators a roadmap for successfully engaging participants in various aspects of cultural competency knowledge, skills, and abilities. This text received the American Society of Public Administration's Section on Democracy and Social Justice's 2021 Book of the Year Award.
Jim Unah's picture
Short description: 
University Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Faculty Dean & President of the Philosophers Association of Nigeria.
Fatima El-Tayeb's picture
Short description: 
Fatima El-Tayeb is Professor of Ethnicity, Race & Migration and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Yale University. Her research interests include Black Europe, comparative diaspora studies, queer of color critique, critical Muslim studies, decolonial theory, transnational feminisms, visual culture studies, race and technology, and critical European studies. She is the author of three books and numerous articles on the interactions of race, gender, sexuality, religion and nation. Here current research projects explore the intersecting legacies of colonialism, fascism, and socialism in Europe and the potential of (queer) people of color alliances in decolonizing the continent.
Ahmad Barakat's picture
Short description: 
Ahmad Barakat is a lecturer in Political Science and and International Studies at the University of Birmingham, UK. His teaching and research interests lie in the politics and diplomacy of the Middle East. His work has appeared in a number of leading academic journals. He completed his PhD in political science and international studies at the University of Birmingham. He is a former Syrian diplomat and human rights expert.
Mervyn Horgan's picture
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Mervyn Horgan's research gathers an eclectic set of substantive interests grounded in a normative commitment to solidarity. His broad areas of expertize are in urban sociology (especially public space) and housing studies.
Giuditta Fontana's picture
Short description: 
Giuditta Fontana is an Associate Professor in International Security at the University of Birmingham, UK. Her research and teaching interests lie at the intersection between education and peace/conflict studies. She is committed to exploring the complex relationship between education policies and practices, civil conflict, and peace processes. Her multi-methods research combines original datasets, large-scale quantitative analysis, and fieldwork-based, rich qualitative investigations of conflict-affected societies in Europe, the Western Balkans, the Middle East and Western Africa.
Alison Taysum's picture
Short description: 
Consortium Coordinator-Efficiency & effectiveness of investment in high-quality education & training, ’global lecturer, 12 doctoral completions, 100+ Masters completions, experienced Director of Doctoral & Masters programmes in UK, & External Examiner in UK, Europe & Internationally over 21 years, BELMAS Treasurer for 17 years, expert for Japanese MEXT, European Commission, European Science Foundation Research Councils in UK, Canada, Kuwait & Qatar.& Board Member/reviewer for International Peer-Reviewed Journals and Editor-in-Chief of ‘Journal of Groundwork Cases and Faculty of Judgement’.
Justin Waring's picture
Short description: 
Justin Waring is a medical and organisational sociologists interested in the governance of health and care services, with a particular focus on the implementation of innovations and improvements. His work draws on diverse social theories to offer new critical insights into policy processes, system change and the re-organisation of care work. He is committed to delivering safer and more equitable care services.
Niheer Dasandi's picture
Short description: 
Niheer Dasandi is Professor of Global Politics and Sustainable Development at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. His research focuses on the relationship between human rights and development, and the health dimensions of climate change, and has been published in leading academic journals. He is part of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change. He has previously worked for the United Nations Development Programme.

