Expert and fellow directory


Luciana Cingolani's picture
Short description: 
Luciana Cingolani is Assistant Professor of Public Administration at the Hertie School and an affiliate of the Centre for Digital Governance. Her research interests include state capacity building, digital governance, inclusion in eServices and representative bureaucracies. She has supported, among others, the work of the French Development Agency, a Horizon2020 project on public procurement transparency in Europe, the OECD-Sigma initiative and the UNDP. She has a PhD from Maastricht University in the Netherlands and a Master of Public Policy at San Andrés University in Argentina.
Tommaso Reggiani's picture
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Tommaso Reggiani is Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Economics at Cardiff University | Cardiff Business School, research fellow at IZA and Masaryk University-MUEEL lab. His studies mainly focus on the promotion of virtuous behaviour and prosocial preferences - both at the individual and organisational/community level - as well as their interactions with economic and psychological incentives (cooperation, trust, giving, compliance, voluntarism, public goods, social capital). Research Interests: Behavioural & Experimental Economics, Public Economics, Ethics & Economics.
Hanaa Almoaibed's picture
Short description: 
Research Fellow, King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies; Associate Fellow, Chatham House; Visiting Research Fellow, LSE Middle East Center; VP Research, Arab Institute for Women’s Empowerment, Nusf; Board Member, Johara Global; Advisor, AlThuraya Foundation. PhD, UCL-IOE Sociology of Education; MSc, LSE Development; BA, University of Washington, International Studies.
Natascha Wagner's picture
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Natascha Wagner is professor of International Economics at the Nijmegen School of Management of Radboud University (Netherlands). She is in charge of the Global Data Lab, which develops databases and instruments for monitoring and analyzing the status and progress of societies. In its current version the database contains 133 indicators for 131 countries and 1483 sub-national regions. Her research interests lie in international economics, development, health and education. She has participated in various impact evaluation projects in Africa and Asia.
Paolo Gaudiano's picture
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Paolo Gaudiano is President of Aleria Research, Chief Scientist of Aleria and Adjunct Associate Professor at the NYU Stern School of Business. Paolo is also a Forbes contributor on Diversity & Inclusion, and Chairman of the annual Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference. These activities combine Paolo’s decades of experience in business, technology and academia, to transform how people think about diversity and what they do about it, with the ultimate goal of making our society more inclusive and equitable.
Ella Prihatini's picture
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Ella S. Prihatini is a lecturer in International Relations at Bina Nusantara (BINUS) University (Indonesia) and an honorary research fellow at the Centre for Muslim States and Societies (CMSS) University of Western Australia (UWA). Her PhD thesis investigates women’s parliamentary representation in Indonesia. She holds a BA in International Relations (University of Gadjah Mada/UGM, Yogyakarta) and Master of Development Practice (University of Queensland/UQ, Brisbane). Her research interests focus on women’s political participation, gender studies of Asia, and young voters.
Mayra M. Tirado's picture
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Research Associate at Arizona State University, focusing on governance, S&T policy, research impact, diversity, organizations, and policy evaluation.
Maureen Waller's picture
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Maureen Waller (Ph.D. Sociology, Princeton) is Professor of Public Policy and Sociology at Cornell University. Professor Waller’s research uses a mixed methods approach to examine social and policy issues which deeply impact the lives of economically disadvantaged families in the U.S. This work has drawn on hundreds of qualitative interviews as well as national survey and policy data to provide new insight into the experiences of marginalized families at the intersection of the child support, welfare, family court, and criminal justice systems.
Emmanuel Lazega's picture
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Professor of Sociology, Sciences Po Paris. Specialized in social networks analyses in organizations, institutions, markets and policy fields. Publications:
Yochai Eisenberg's picture
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Dr. Yochai Eisenberg is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Disability and Human Development at the University of Illinois at Chicago and affiliated researcher at the Great Lakes ADA Center. Dr. Eisenberg’s interdisciplinary work reflects his training in public health (PhD), urban planning (Masters) and disability studies and is interwoven in his undergraduate course that explores the links between disability, urban planning and geography.

