
The Silk Roads online platform presents a range of publications relating to various aspects of the Silk Roads, including volumes published by UNESCO and a number of other institutions. A short summary has been provided for each publication, highlighting the subject(s) it deals with and its contribution to the wider understanding of these routes and their historical context. By presenting and promoting these works, written by academics from across the world, this platform hopes to promote the diverse and fascinating historical, cultural, religious and scientific legacy of the Silk Roads.  Some of these publications can be purchased online from their respective institutions.

While all efforts have been made to present an overview of publications relevant to the Silk Roads, the content and information provided by the works presented here are in no way exhaustive and do not imply the expression of any opinion on the part of UNESCO, nor the endorsement of any of them. UNESCO is not responsible for the contents or opinions expressed therein, which are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization.


Title Authors ISBN number
flag The Historic City of Taxila Ahmad Hasan Dani 9231023616
flag Les Routes de la soie; Patrimoine commun, identités plurielles Editions UNESCO 978-9232030344
flag The Silk Roads, Highways of Culture and Commerce Editions UNESCO 9789231036521
flag Silk, Scents and Spice John Lawton 978-2717849516
flag The land that raised oriental music T. Sh. Shirinov, A. E. Berdimuradov and A. A. Raimkulov , A.E. Berdimuradov, A.A. Raimkulov

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7 Place de Fontenoy

75007 Paris, France

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Research, Policy and Foresight Section

Silk Roads Programme

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