User directory


Olly Bartrum's picture
Short description: 
Olly is a senior economist in the Institute for Government’s public finances team. His current projects focus on the effectiveness of economic policymaking, the role of the Treasury, and energy policy & regulation. He was previously an economist in the UK civil service. Most recently he led research projects on economic growth, productivity and investment for the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, having previously worked on forecasting and macroeconomic strategy at HM Treasury. He studied Political Economy and Behavioural and Experimental Economics.
Evan Gregoire's picture
Short description: 
Evan Grégoire is a dual Ph.D. candidate specializing in political theory at Columbia University and Sciences Po, working with Nadia Urbinati (Columbia) and Bernard Reber (Sciences Po). His dissertation seeks to answer the question, “under what conditions can deliberation work?" paying particular attention to the collegial and deliberative governance of professional service firms. Evan Grégoire is a 2022-2023 Fulbright recipient. Prior to enrolling at Columbia, Mr. Grégoire received four master’s degrees with distinction from the École Normale Supérieure Ulm (in philosophy, with a concentration in contemporary philosophy), Paris Sciences et Lettres, Sciences Po (in political science, with a concentration in political theory) and HEC Paris (in management, with a concentration in sustainability and social innovation). He was a visiting student at Scuola Superiori Sant’Anna (Italy), Scuola di Studi Superiori "Ferdinando Rossi"(Italy), and Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). As part of his Ph.D., Mr. Grégoire taught courses in political science and management both at Sciences Po and Columbia University and participated in the grading of graduate-level exams (notably, at the School of Management and Impact, the Paris School of International Affairs and Columbia School of Professional Studies). Mr. Grégoire is a French citizen with fluency and international work experience in English and French. He also worked for leading companies including Mazars (the largest French consultancy) and Carrefour (the largest European food retailer), as well as top universities including the University of Bristol and ESCP Business School and international organisations (UNESCO). He speaks fluent French and Spanish which helped him conduct foresight analysis, write policy briefs and recommendations, as well as lead stakeholder engagement tasks.
Nathalie Bolduc's picture
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Research fellow with Institut du developpement durable et des relations internationales, working on just transitions in agriculture.
Jon Einar Flatnes's picture
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Jon Einar Flatnes is an applied development economist and Senior Researcher at the Chr. Michelsen Institute in Bergen, Norway. He holds a Ph.D. in Agricultural & Resource Economics from the University of California, Davis, USA. His area of expertise is poverty, resilience, and climate adaptation among poor and vulnerable populations, and his research to date has focused on understanding how innovative financial products, such as microfinance and insurance contracts, can help mitigate risk and improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers.
Mohammad Yazdaninasab's picture
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I am assistant professor of sociology at Shahid Beheshti University. My expertise is in the fields of subaltern, inequalities, gender and ethnic studies.
Jana Kazaz's picture
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Research Fellow at GLOBSEC´s Centre for Democracy and Resilience SJD in Comparative Constitutional Law from Central European University in Budapest. Area of research expertise: strategic communication, information operations, freedom of speech, data protection and metaverse.
Carlo Giupponi's picture
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Professor of Environmental Economics; expert in natural resources management and climate change
Yorgos Christidis's picture
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Associate Professor, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki Bachelor's Degree in Politics and International Relations, MA in Middle Eastern Politics, PhD in Politics Researcher at ELIAMEP (Athens), member (Academic Council) at the European Neighborhoud Council (Brussels), expert at EuroMeSCo (Barcelona) Areas of expertise: minority issues, energy, security and foreign policy issues in South-eastern Europe
Massimiliano Mazzanti's picture
Short description: 
Massimiliano Mazzanti is full Professor in Economic policy, University of Ferrara, at the Department of Economics & Management. He has directed the inter university centre SEEDS (www.sustainability- since the foundation in 2012. He also directs the new CERCIS Research centre on the Circular Economy, Innovation and SMEs ( He graduated at the University of Bologna, he continued the education with Msc in Environmental Natural Resources Economics at the Department of Economics, UCL London, and PhD.
Cheryl Novak's picture
Short description: 
Cheryl Novak holds a MSt in International Relations from the University of Cambridge and a MSc in Sustainability and Quality in the Marine Industry from the University of Piraeus. She is a Research Associate at ELIAMEP working in the fields of sustainability and migration, and her research interests are Ocean Governance, Sustainability, Environmental Policy, Migration, and Female Empowerment.

