User directory


Maria Chiara Vinciguerra's picture
Short description: 
Maria Chiara Vinciguerra is a Doctoral Fellow at the Wiener-Anspach Foundation and PhD Candidate at the University of Cambridge. She works on EU governance, migration and anti-corruption. Before Cambridge, Maria Chiara graduated from Bocconi University, Syracuse University and the Hertie School of Governance. She has already published articles in peer-reviewed journals and newspapers such as International Migration Review and Corriere della Sera, among others.
Amal AlAmoudi's picture
Short description: 
A strategic health care professional with significant experience working in multi-jurisdictional hospitals and health regulatory facilities. My interest is in health policy, and my focus is on postgraduate medical training, creating outcomes measurement and quality standards for all medical and non-medical training programs. Being that I am a KPI practitioner allowed me to understand the impact of training outcomes on patients' safety. I enjoy generating new ideas and devising feasible solutions to broadly relevant problems. My colleagues would describe me as a driven, resourceful individual who maintains a positive, proactive attitude when faced with adversity.
Soohyun Kim's picture
Short description: 
I am interested in understanding the effects of social/public policies aimed at addressing the gender/income disparities in the labor market, primarily focusing on workers with caregiving responsibilities in middle and old age. I do quantitative analysis in the hope that my work could contribute to developing policy initiatives that reduce the disadvantage in the labor force placed at persons with family care responsibilities over the life course and that work better with the aging population.
Xiaoning Huang's picture
Short description: 
Huang studies social welfare policy and social work at Columbia University School of Social Work.
Shawn Drake's picture
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Shawn holds a MSc from The Management Centre, the School of Public Policy and Social Science, King’s College London, and is in the final stages of submitting his doctoral dissertation to the School of Public Policy and Administration, Ottawa, Carleton University. He is Managing Partner of Workforce Edge, a niche international consultancy working at the exclusive intersection of healthcare and workforce deployment. He has founded an international Practitioner’s Panel on Health Workforce Mobilization with the ICPA-Forum on whose board he serves. He is founder and co-Chair of a CCHL and HealthCareCAN collaborative, raising the visibility of staff scheduling, deployment and “in-system” workforce planning towards health services sustainability. He is a board member of the Canadian Chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executive as Canada has much to be proud of in the domain; serving as an example for our counterparts in the US and abroad.
Yaminette Diaz-Linhart's picture
Short description: 
Management scholar and public health social worker studying worker wellbeing for healthcare and social service industries. Research focus on employment relations for frontline workers in social health through work design and employee wellbeing. Extensive experience with developing, implementing and evaluating community health worker, public health and social work interventions to improve family health across medical and community-based systems.
Gong Hoe Gimm's picture
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Hi. I am an economist from South Korea.
Ricardo Martinez's picture
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Brett Osler's picture
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Professional with over 20 years' experience with Australian public, private and not-for-profit bodies across major events, facilities, policy and program development and delivery across the areas of health, planning, racing, recreation, sport, tourism and trade amongst others including representation on policy committees for community and social; health; international affairs.
Christopher Wimer's picture
Short description: 
I am a senior research scientist at the School of Social Work at Columbia University. My work focuses on poverty and disadvantage in the United States, as well as the effects of antipoverty policies and programs on poverty, disadvantage, and wellbeing among low-income individuals and families.

