User directory


Serge Banyimbe's picture
Short description: 
More than 13 years experience in non profit organizations communication, both for local (national) and international organizations. Specialized in Communication for development, designing, implementing and evaluating communication program for a better involvement of beneficiaries, and for a sustainable (individual and social) change.
Sama Edward Caspa's picture
Short description: 
Caspa is a humanitarian and development worker at the UNESCO field Office in Bamenda, NW Region, Cameroon. He assist in the implementation of the the UNESCO's EiM projects in the North West Region of Cameroon that is undergoing a four year old armed conflict, with a great attack on education.
Tara Collins's picture
Short description: 
Hello. I am an Associate Professor at the School of Child and Youth Care at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, and Honorary Associate Professor for 2019-2024 at the Children's Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa. At Ryerson, I am also Program Faculty with the Graduate Programs on: Immigration and Settlement Studies, the Early Childhood Studies, and Social Policy Faculty, Policy Studies PhD Program. I have a Ph.D. from the University of London and have worked on international human rights since 1996. Professional experience includes work for: universities in Canada, South Africa, Brazil, and Ireland; Canadian federal government (Department of Foreign Affairs and CIDA) and Parliament; and a national non-governmental organization. Research interests include the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, child and youth participation, child protection, monitoring, rights-based approaches, anti-violence efforts in schools, business, and play.
Sally Broughton Micova's picture
Short description: 
Sally Broughton Micova is a Lecturer in Communications Policy and Politics at the University of East Anglia and member of its Centre for Competition Policy. Her research focuses on policy and regulation in media and communications. Her most recent publications include work on audiovisual media and online platform policy, public service media, and minority language media. She is active in policy making processes as well, contributing regularly to consultations and inquires at the European Union and the United Kingdom levels on issues related to media and internet policy. She is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Regulation in Europe (CERRE) in Brussels, where she recently conducted an investigation into audiovisual advertising inspired by the debates about the regulation of audiovisual media services and video sharing platforms. She is also a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she was previously Deputy Director of the LSE Media Policy Project and an LSE Research and Teaching Fellow in Media Governance and Policy, and a Visiting Lecturer at the Institute of Communication Studies in Skopje, Macedonia. She completed a PhD in Media and Communications at the LSE in 2013. Before entering academia in 2009, she spent over a decade working in international organisations, and continues to serve as an occasional expert for the Council of Europe, EU institutions, and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Indira Salazar M's picture
Short description: 
Programme Officer of Communication and Information Sector from UNESCO Quito Cluster Office (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela).
Birgul Cakir Yildirim's picture
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I'm an environmental educator in Agri Ibrahim Cecen University in Turkey. My interests include environmental education, education for sustainable development. I'm currently interested in use of digital storytelling in environmental education topics to make visible the voice of learners. Therefore, I would like to join your team and share our experiences.
Nicola Ansell's picture
Short description: 
Nicola Ansell is a Professor of Human Geography in the Department of Social and Political Sciences at Brunel University London. Her research focuses on social and cultural change in the lives of young people in the global South, particularly southern Africa, and the educational and social policies that produce and respond to such change. Nicola is also author of Children, Youth and Development (Routledge, second edition 2017) and of more than 70 other publications. She runs an MA programme at Brunel in Children, Youth and International Development.
Lisveth Cantillo Ponce de León's picture
Short description: 
I got my Bachelor´s degree at Superior Institute of Design (Cuba) in 2014. Currently, I performe as Graphic Design Consultant at UNESCO Regional Office for culture in Latin America and the Caribbean, where I´m responsible for the image design of the Transcultura Programme. I´ve provided service for clients in the areas of branding, corporate design, editorial design, environmental and illustration. I enjoy working with clients to solve problems and making companies and organizations better, doing team work and reusing materials for practical and creative use.
Short description: 
I am a historian of borders and borderlands in modern Europe, with interests in questions of belonging, regional/national identities, community and Government policy. I have worked on the Franco-German border in the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and am currently working on the long history of the Channel Tunnel (nineteenth and twentieth centuries).
Short description: 
Ernestina Dankyi is a child and youth protection and research specialist whose primary interest is in the rights and welfare of diverse groups of high-risk children and young people. She has expertise in conducting high quality qualitative research and engaging relevant stakeholders to make use of her research findings and recommendations. She has conducted extensive research on children and youth in migration situations including street connected children and youth most of whom are both internal and international migrants. She is a firm believer and an ardent follower of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and conduct most of her research in light of relevant SDGs specifically Goals 1, 2,3,4, 5, 8, 10 and 17.

