User directory


Short description: 
I am a Culture Programme Specialist at the UNESCO Quito Field Office since 2019 (this office covers Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela). Before working with UNESCO, I worked in cultural policy design and cultural indicators in the Ministry of Culture in Chile. And before that, I worked in France in public policy evaluation and qualitative studies (youth policy, social policy, "politique de la ville", education policy, with a particular focus on analyzing policies related to inequalities). I have lived in Colombia, France, Chile and Ecuador. I studied in France.
Vacih Davalibi's picture
Short description: 
Advanced data management expertise with extensive experience in leading monitoring, evaluation, and research operations for humanitarian and development projects, ten years of challenging and developing these skills to create new Ideas and values to serve humanity.
Ramesh Ganesan's picture
Short description: 
Work in the interface of public policy and institutional finance with infrastructure, smart city, MSME, inclusive finance and health insurance. Also in the area of industrial policy and competitive advantage of nations. Also mentoring start ups especially in the technology space.
Sarah Carr's picture
Short description: 
Sarah Carr PhD is Senior Fellow in Mental Health Policy at the University of Birmingham, UK. She has a particular interest in service user and survivor knowledge and research. She has personal experience of mental distress and mental health service use and uses this to inform all her work. Prior to taking up the post of Senior Fellow at Birmingham, Sarah was an Associate Professor of Mental Health Research at Middlesex University London. Before transferring to the academic sector she was a Senior Research Analyst at the Social Care Institute for Excellence, UK.
Renu Addlakha's picture
Short description: 
Professor, Centre for Women's Development Studies, New Delhi India. My Areas of Specialisation include gender studies, disability studies, Medical anthropology (Mental illness, infectious diseases), bioethics, violence and delinquency. I have authored four books, more tha 30 research papers, several project reports and supervised several dissertations in women's ad gender studies
Sivakumar Nagarajan's picture
Short description: 
Having strong leadership ability, good decision making skills and administration knowledge for the improvement of the productivity. Core Qualifications • Strong decision making ability. • Outstanding capability to provide leadership. • Capable to provide administrative, Secretarial, Vendor Development and Management, Event Management, Procurement, Data Base Management and Logistcis support. • Great ability to deal with risk. • Extremely result oriented and energetic. • Talented team player with ability to perform multiple tasks. • Computer skills such as MS-Office Suite and Internet applications. • Expertise in office and time management. • Good reasoning skills with ability to work in fast paced environment. • Ability to train and supervise junior staff. • Experienced in administrative activities. Specialities: Administration, Human Resource, Event Management, Basic Accounting, Vendor Management, Business Development Activities, Secretarial Assistance, Project Administration, Liaison.
Rob Millington's picture
Short description: 
Assistant Professor at Brock University, Ontario Canada. My research is focused on Sport for Development and Peace, and the role that sport can play in promoting environmental sustainability.
Michael Clark's picture
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Researcher in adult social care and aligned topics, including dementia and mental health. Experience in knowledge translation and co-production.
Lorna Roe's picture
Short description: 
Lorna Roe is a Research Assistant Professor at the Centre for Health Policy and Management in Trinity College Dublin. Lorna is an Alumnus of the HRB SPHERE programme, completing her PHD in Health Services Research and Population Health Sciences in Trinity College Dublin in Ireland 2015. The PhD focused on improving care for older adults living with frailty. It was a mixed methods study, using data from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) in addition to qualitative interviews. Previous work experience includes Social Policy Officer in Age Action, where she worked in the Community and Voluntary Pillar of the Governments' Social Partnership process. There are a number of strands to Lorna's research interests including: Gerontology; ageing trajectories, complexity of needs, frailty and cognitive decline, design of care pathways, healthy ageing and self-determination for older adults. Health economic analysis; health service utilisation and access, particularly econometric analyses to estimate the patterns and costs of frailty and cognitive decline among older adults. Policy analysis; using a whole systems approach to examine access/quality of health and social care for older adults and healthy ageing. Analysis of large datasets, survey, census and administrative data and international comparability of longitudinal ageing datasets. An emerging research area of interest includes exploring how diverse identity impacts on healthy ageing, including the appropriateness and accessibility of health and social care services.
Maria Karagiannidou's picture
Short description: 
Maria is currently a research officer within the Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC) at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). Her research focuses on the area of ageing and dementia. Her main research interests are prevention, inequalities in accessing older-age prevention, and improving healthcare for older people and for people with dementia. She was previously a visiting academic at the University of Oxford (Oxford Institute of Population Ageing) and also worked as an advisor for Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI) and as a researcher at King’s College London (Global Observatory for Ageing and Dementia Care). Maria has also worked as a researcher and project manager at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Greece) and the Greek National School of Public Health. Maria is co-author of the World Alzheimer Report 2016 on “Improving healthcare for people living with dementia: coverage, quality, and costs now and in the future” and of variou reports published by Public Health England on midlife risk factors for dementia. She is participating in many dementia and ageing-related research projects. She has an MSc in International Health Policy (LSE), an MSc in Psychology & Counselling (University of Sheffield), and a BSc in Psychology (Middlesex University). Prior to joining CPEC, Maria worked for several years in clinical practice as director of a dementia day care centre (Alzheimer’s Hellas). Her team was nominated by the University of Stirling (The International Excellence Awards 2010) as “highly commended” for developing innovative programmes of non-pharmacological interventions for people with dementia. She is currently a member of the Emerging Research Board at the International Longevity Centre-UK (ILC-UK), a member of the Scientific Committee of the Greek Institute for the economics of Ageing and a member of World Young Leaders in Dementia (WYLD). She also collaborates with the Greek think tank DIKTYO, a network for reform in Greece and Europe.

