User directory


Adelina Comas-Herrera's picture
Short description: 
Academic working on long-term care and dementia care policy. Editor of the website and co-lead of the Strengthening Responses to Dementia in Developing Countries project. Background in economics, with a special interest in long-term care financing and care systems.
Javiera Cartagena Farias's picture
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Working on long-term care and health economics.
Amanda Kirkham's picture
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Secondary school teacher from New Zealand, invested in global citizenship education. Postgraduate student who recently completed Master's dissertation (first class honours) from the University of Auckland with a focus on how secondary schools approach and define GCED.
Paula Hansen's picture
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I am a postdoctoral researcher based at the University of Oxford's Environmental Change Institute investigating community energy (business) models.
Alejandro Díaz's picture
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Sociologist, master in educational sciences, multimedia applications for education certified. UNESCO Consultant. Director of Science and Dialogue Group. Lecturer of Universidad de Chile and Universidad Andrés Bello. Specialized on measurement and training on Social and Emotional Learning.
Claudia Cadenasso's picture
Short description: 
My name is Claudia Cadenasso, current Senior Admin Assistant in the Regional Office located in Santiago, Chile. I am a professional translator, specialized in strategic communications and risk management with aprox. 23 years expertise in different UN Agencies. I have worked in Human Resources, Protocol, Security and Communications in FAO for 20 years, and since 2017 I am part of UNSCO's team. Having worked under the UN wing at different levels gave me a strong basis to give my best at work, strengthening teamwork, respect, commitment, gender equality and proactivity in my daily work. In fact, I am proud to be part of the UN family.
Jonathan Cylus's picture
Short description: 
Head of the London Hubs of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Senior Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and Honorary Research Fellow at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Main research is on health systems, focusing primarily on health financing policy, health economics and health system performance. I have worked in a number of countries, including Cyprus, Liberia, Finland, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Slovenia and the United States, as well as with the European Commission, OECD and WHO. I am also interested in the role of social policies and other social determinants on health. Prior to joining the Observatory, I was an economist at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the United States.
Johannes Kunz's picture
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Kunz is a research fellow at the Centre for Health Economics (Monash Business School), his areas of expertise are micro-econometrics and applied micro-economics, with a focus on migration, labor, and health economics.
Charlotte Alldritt's picture
Short description: 
Director, Centre for Progressive Policy, a UK-based economics think tank focussed on delivering inclusive growth and creating inclusive economies. Advisor to cities and national governments internationally on inclusive economic growth and public service reform. Previously Director of the UK's Inclusive Growth Commission and influential City Growth Commission. Former Senior Policy Advisor to the UK Deputy Prime Minister and HM Government Cabinet Office. Interests include: inclusive regional economic development; data, information and accountability; health and healthcare; theory and practice of inclusive economics.
Pushkar Maitra's picture
Short description: 
Pushkar Maitra is a Professor of Economics at Monash University. His primary research interests are in Development Economics, Experimental Economics and Applied Econometrics. He has conducted several surveys and lab-in-the-field experiments in developing countries, especially India and has published extensively on intergenerational transmission of norms, identity in developing countries and ways to improve agricultural productivity in developing countries.

