User directory


Nassir Ul Haq Wani's picture
Short description: 
My academic and research experience working as an Associate Professor and Head of Research and Development prepare me to be an influential researcher and instructor. My doctoral dissertation examined the prospects of India's trade linkage with BRCS economies. Other areas that interest me for my future research stem from developing improved analytical models and methods for trade policy designing, evaluating, and upgrading trade models. At Kardan University, I founded the research domain. I led the University Journals and other research activities, including grants, projects, research training, and master level thesis.These experiences have built my confidence and captivated my interest in teaching and research.
Rose Marie Azzopardi's picture
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Professor Azzopardi is an economist and lectures International Economics at the University of Malta. Her main areas of interest are trade, the labour market, migration, social policy and small states.. She has conducted research for several regional and international institutions, including the EU, CEDEFOP, EIGE, the Commonwealth Secretariat, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, and the World Bank. She is the Coordinator of the Migration Platform at the University of Malta. She is also the national expert on several EU projects dealing with gender equality. Her current two research projects focus on the future of skills, and innovation in small states. She is a Director on the Malta Development Bank Board and also a member of the Retail Price Index Advisory Board, and of the Smart Manufacturing Board.
Karilyn Mujica Gastelbondo's picture
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Currently working as tutor at the Erasmus University of Rotterdam. I have a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Sciences and a master's degree in Health & Life Sciences.
Jane Turner's picture
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Online Learning Tutor at Leeds Beckett University
Tanvi Adarsh's picture
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I am a PhD Scholar working on the topic of Inclusion and disparities in Indian higher educational sector. My interest areas include: social justice, equity, education and development.
Leif Grünewald's picture
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I am a sustainable finance and fintech innovation advisor and consultant with a very strong background in Social Anthropology. I am always intrigued with the complexity, creativity and variety of human thought and ways of living. I have a passionate interest on indigenous peoples lived worlds and my work is mainly oriented toward the idea that sustainability is not is not an end point but rather a direction and an important tool to empower people.
Emmanouil Chatzikonstantinou's picture
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Assistant Professor at Georgetown University. His research interests are Global Asset Pricing and International Macroeconomics. Currently, his research agenda involves questions about the impact of (1) Information Technology on Multinational Firms, Competition and Asset Prices, and (2) Information Frictions on Firm Networks and International Trade.
Ann Mary Biju's picture
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Ann Mary Biju is a post graduate in Development Studies from Azim Premji University currently involved in educational program management. She is also a fellow as part of the National Gender fellowship by IT for Change, Bangalore funded by the European Commission. Her prime areas of interest are gender, labor and culture with a focus on labor rights and policy for workers of the platform economy in India. She has volunteered for regional and global voluntary forums and is currently involved as gender equality lead as part of the Global Shapers Kochi hub.
Ohotuowo Ogbeche's picture
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Ohotuowo Ogbeche is a writer, lawyer, researcher, LGBT+ rights and feminist advocate. She is experienced in raising awareness about feminist issues and formulating ideas to promote gender equality. Ohotuowo writes for various publications including the feminist blog on feminism, sexual minority rights and social issues. She was the Director of Research and Knowledge Management with The Initiative for Equal Rights, (TIERs) Nigeria where her work centred around conceptualizing research on sexual and gender minority issues to feed into policy development, increased social acceptance, advocacy and training efforts. She currently works with OutRight Action International as Global Researcher.
Mahmoud El Zek's picture
Short description: 
Advocate for sustainable development with United Nation Resident Coordinator Office, Egypt in the UN SDGs advocacy program. Physical Education and sports teacher high motivated and interested in the field of sport and development, seeking to use sport for peace, leverages and addressing issues of violence and social exclusion.

