User directory


Tamás Szabados's picture
Short description: 
I am working as an associate professor of ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. My fields of interests include international cultural property protection law, EU law and private international law. In particular, I did research and published several articles on the private international law aspects of cultural property and the EU regulation of the trade of cultural goods. With my article ‘In Search of the Holy Grail of the Conflict of Laws of Cultural Property’, I won the Pierre Lalive and John Henry Merryman Fellowship in 2021 for the best article published in the International Journal of Cultural Property Law by an author under 40 years of age. In 2021, I was selected among the five winners of the UNIDROIT Covid-19 Essay Competition with my paper on "The Global Pandemic as an Opportunity: Towards a Cutting-Edge Legal ‘App’ for Online Art Trade".
Alexandre Bohas's picture
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As a professor in International Affairs at ESSCA School of Management, I am conducting research on Culture and Global Mindset.
Karolina Czerska-Shaw's picture
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I'm a sociologist and academic teacher and researcher, working in the field of migration and integration. I teach courses on anti-discrimination, migration, multiculturalism and citizenship, and I'm involved in integration programmes at the municipal level.
Jesus Argarin's picture
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International Association of Physical Education and Sports Inc President
Federico Casolari's picture
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Federico Casolari is Associate professor of European Union Law at the Alma Mater Studiorum – University of Bologna, where he teaches EU law and EU Constitutional Law. He currently serves as member of the Flying Faculty of the China-EU School of Law (CESL). He is also member of the International Research Centre on European Law (C.I.R.D.E.) of the University of Bologna and tutor at the Collegio Superiore of the University of Bologna (2016-2022). He is Director of the Master Programme in European Funds and Funding Projects Expert (MEFFE). Qualified Full professor of International Law and European Union Law, Italian Ministry for University and Research (2021). On 3 May 2018 he has been appointed Deputy Head of the Department of Legal Studies of the University of Bologna. Member of the University Senate (2021-2024) as representative of the Social Area. Federico Casolari’s current research agenda includes: The relationship between European Union law and international law; The external relations of the European Union; The general principles of EU law; and The international & European disaster response law.
Alejandro Agafonow's picture
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Dr. Alejandro Agafonow is Professor of Corporate Social Responsibility at ESSCA School of Management, France.
Ibrahim Warde's picture
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International affairs specialist, interested in bringing multidisciplinary and inclusive perspectives to the study of political economy, global finance and informal and underground economy.
Mohammad Mareye's picture
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I am a teaching assistant at Assiut University, Assiut, one of the south governorates of Egypt. I have spent around eight years in academia, working in the Faculty of Education, Assiut University, where I developed a passion for academia in the realm of education. During that period from December 2013 to October, 2021, I have had the passion for education as a life-changing career and field in life. During my previous career path, I have acquired a master in education, majoring in English language teaching (ELT, TEFL and/or TESOL) where English opened new and promising horizons before my eyes. I look for education as an empowerment and one of the most important human rights, and that no one should be left behind educationally. Now, I am a doctoral student at Surrey Institute of Higher Education, University of Surrey, United Kingdom. I have so many educational and academic (research) prospects for my future career as an educational academic.
Marcia Moreno-Baez's picture
Short description: 
Marcia Moreno-Baez teaches courses on the applications of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in different international settings and topics. She has diverse professional experience in the government and private sectors, NGOs, and academia. Marcia’s research has considered topics in geospatial technology applied on conservation planning, restoration, small-scale fisheries, science communication, citizen science, data visualization, and participatory mapping. During her time at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, she helped develop and establish a collaborative program with small-scale fishing communities to generate crucial spatio-temporal data that resulted in an active stakeholders’ participation in decision-making processes, policy development, and science. Simultaneously, Marcia co-founded dataMares (, an initiative that aims at facilitating access to scientific knowledge while promoting transparency, education, and a deeper understanding of ecosystems and their biodiversity, where she currently serves on the advisory committee. Marcia’s current research include applications of geospatial technology to problem solving on blue economy and energy on coastal communities.
Mihaela Tofan's picture
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Full professor of law at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Director of the Jean Monnet Chair European Financial Regulation EUFIRE ( Her research and teaching fields of interest are EU business law and taxation, in particular the legal framework for insuring fiscal responsibility and European harmonization of legal systems. Her habilitation thesis, defended in February 2019, approached the regulatory dimension of public policies for business environment in European Union.

