User directory


Laia Becares's picture
Short description: 
My research interests are in studying the determinants of inequalities in health, with a focus on life course effects. I am particularly interested in understanding the pathways by which the discrimination and marginalisation of people and places lead to social and health inequalities. This work has mostly focused on examining the association between marginalisation, oppression, and health, in order to understand how experiences of discrimination pattern people's health and social outcomes, as well as that of their children. I am also interested in understanding how the accumulation of experienced discrimination across people's lives determines their health as they age. I study these processes in relation to racism, homophobia, and heterosexism as systems of oppression. I am a Social Epidemiologist by training, and take an interdisciplinary, mixed-methods approach to my work. I collaborate with quantitative and qualitative Sociologists, Psychiatrists, Geographers, Demographers, and other Epidemiologists. I joined Sussex in August 2018 having previously worked at the University of Manchester (2010-2018), where I retain an Honorary position. At Manchester I was an ESRC/MRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Joint Hallsworth/ESRC Future Research Fellow, and Lecturer in Social Statistics. Prior to that I held research posts at Northeastern University (Boston, US), and at UCL. I obtained my PhD in Social Epidemiology from UCL, and my Masters in Public Health from Boston University School of Public Health.
Joanne Tippett's picture
Short description: 
Dr Joanne Tippett is a lecturer in Planning and Environmental management in the School of Environment and Development at the University of Manchester. She began working in the field of community participation and ecological planning in the mid 90s in Southern Africa. Her PhD funded research into participatory river basin planning led to the development of a hands-on toolkit for stakeholder engagement and active learning, Ketso, now in use in over 83 countries. She is currently leading on innovative community engagement in the Carbon Landscape, which is restoring and connecting habitats across the post-industrial landscape in Greater Manchester.
Eri Saikawa's picture
Short description: 
My main research questions are related to the source and the magnitude of emissions linked to air pollution, ozone depletion and climate change, as well as the impacts of these emissions on humans and on society. I am also interested in what policy measures are available to reduce these emissions, and how politics play a role in policymaking process. My current projects are: 1) assessing the impact of agricultural practices on soil GHG/ammonia fluxes; 2) using low-cost air quality sensors to measure air quality; 3) creating a prototype of anaerobic digestion for reducing food waste on campus; 4) assessing the impact of plastic burning on human health and ambient air quality in Guatemala; 5) assessing the link between air quality exposure and asthma and 6) understand and mitigate the current and possible future soil heavy metal and metalloid and other chemical contaminant exposure among children in the Westside of Atlanta.
Ian Mell's picture
Short description: 
Ian is a Professor in Environmental & Landscape Planning at the University of Manchester. Ian has worked in academic, government, practitioner and consultancy roles in the UK, Europe and internationally examining Green Infrastructure and Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) . This has enabled him to bring together Local Government and practical policy-making/delivery experiences into the teaching and research environment through a practical understanding of how policy is formed, how decision-making occurs, and how implementation is delivered.
Mette Marie Staehr Harder's picture
Short description: 
Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Karlstad University Sweden and Carlsberg visiting fellow at the Department of Law, University of Copenhagen. Dr. Harder publishes on legislative representation, parliamentary institutions, gender equality, and indigenous politics, and her work has appeared in journals such as Scandinavian Political Studies, Representation, and Parliamentary Affairs. In 2021 her paper “Pitkin’s Second Way: Freeing Representation Theory from Identity”, won the Representation best paper prize 2000. She holds a PhD. in Social Science from Roskilde University (2018). Before entering graduate school, Dr. Harder was a political consultant at the Danish Parliament, the Danish Chamber of Commerce, and the Danish Nurses Union among others.
Isobel Frye's picture
Short description: 
Founding Director of Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute, National Minimum Wage Commissioner, a non profit research institute into poverty and inequality and socio-economic rights in South Africa. I am experienced in social security policy and published in Social Security Review released in February 2022 plus many other publications. I am a leading researcher into the universal basic income grant in South Africa.
Andrea Schalley's picture
Short description: 
I am a linguist interested in bi/multilingualism and biliteracy. I am Co-Director of the Centre for Language and Literature Education at Karlstad University, and a Research Affiliate with the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for the Dynamics of Language. I currently co-chair the International Association for Applied Linguistics (AILA) Research Network on “Social and Affective Factors in Home Language Maintenance and Development”, am editor-in-chief of the open access book series Current Issues in Bilingualism (Language Science Press), and lead the international project “Attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge: Teachers’ views on multilingualism”.
Marlene Stratmann's picture
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PhD student in environmental epidemiology. Research focusing on the exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals during pregnancy and neurobehaviour in the offspring.
Per Kristensson's picture
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Professor in psychology with special direction to consumer psychology and innovation. Director of Service Research Center, Karlstad University. Focus on transformation and behavior change.
Przemyslaw Tacik's picture
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Dean's Proxy for Safety and Anti-Discrimination, Faculty of International and Political Affairs, Jagiellonian University in Kraków

