User directory


Paul Shore's picture
Short description: 
I’m a senior lecturer in Biomedical Science and an Associate Dean for digital learning at The University of Manchester, UK. I’m interested in leveraging technologies to improve access, engagement and outcomes in HE.
Christopher Headleand's picture
Short description: 
I am an Professor of Digital Innovation and a National Teaching Fellow with over 20 years experience in a variety of teaching and learning roles. I am currently the Head of Games Design and Technologies at Staffordshire University. My research themes include Virtual Reality, Student Engagement, Serious Games, and Learning Communities. My research aims to make novel and innovative technologies more inclusive and accessible.
Billy Smith's picture
Short description: 
I am CEO Designate at the Association for Learning Technology
Amanda Lea-Langton's picture
Short description: 
Amanda Lea-Langton is a Lecturer in Bioenergy Engineering at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change, Dept of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester. Amanda is experienced in the development of future fuels and emissions minimisation. She has a background in domestic wood burning emissions, emissions from diesel engines, and the development of sustainable technologies for transportation. Her work has involved a focus on feedstock upgrading and improved energy performance in terms of efficiency, waste products and emissions. Amanda specialises in particulate emissions characterisation in relation to particle composition and Black Carbon impacts. Her current research includes development of cleaner domestic stoves, efficient use of biomass, and sustainable transport solutions. She works on whole system impacts including bioenergy-related air quality issues and minimisation of climate effects.
Maeve Cohen's picture
Short description: 
Maeve is Project Lead at the Social Guarantee and a Non- Executive Director at Positive Money. She is also studying a MSc in Urban Planning at Newcastle University. Her work is focused on developing Universal Basic Services and a Feminist Green New Deal. During her undergraduate degree Maeve co-founded Rethinking Economics, an international, student-led campaign to reform economics education.
Michele Romanello's picture
Short description: 
Michele Romanello. Italian. He received his Ph.D. in Development Economics from Federal University of Paraná (Brazil) in 2014 and his Master degree in Economic Management and Policy in 2010 from Strathclyde University (UK). Currently, he is Adjunct Professor in the Department of Economics and International Relations at Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). In 2020-2021 he spent 1 year as post-doc / visiting researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies in the Netherlands. Previously, he was a researcher at the International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth, research centre of the United National Development Programme. His research has been focused on education, inequality, and development economics.
Phillip Arceneaux's picture
Short description: 
Phillip Arceneaux researches the topics of political public relations and public diplomacy, with supplemental interests in international law, technology policy, and cybersecurity. His work merges political communication and technology policy to develop public policy solutions to issues posed by digital communication infrastructure, such as disinformation, computational propaganda, and influence operations.
Nathalie Morel's picture
Short description: 
Academic, teaching in the fields of social policy and social innovation. Nathalie Morel holds a PhD in sociology from University Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne. From 2008 to 2010, she worked as post-doctoral researcher at the Institute for Futures Studies in Stockholm. Her research interests are in comparative social policy and labor markets, with a special interest in care policies, gender, social investment policies, domestic services, socio-fiscal policies / fiscal welfare, the financing of the welfare state, and in the Swedish welfare state. She has co-edited (with Bruno Palier & Joakim Palme) Towards a social investment welfare state? Ideas, policies and challenges, Policy Press, 2012, and (with Clément Carbonnier) The political economy of household services in Europe, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2015. She is co-director of the LIEPP "socio-fiscal" research group. She is an elected board member of the French Sociological Association RT6 (Social policies, social protection) since 2004, of the ISA RC19 (Research Committee on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy) since 2014 and of Esapnet (European Social Policy Network) since 2016.
L Cortesi's picture
Short description: 
Luisa Cortesi (dual Ph.D., Anthropology, Environmental Studies, Yale University, with distinction) is an environmental anthropologist who studies how people know about, and adapt, to water disasters, a process that involves technologies and infrastructure, as well as institutions and social differences. Her work intersects with science and technologies studies, the environmental sciences of water, development studies, the environmental humanities, South Asian studies. She is Assistant Professor at the International Institute of Social Sciences, Erasmus University; Marie S. Curie Junior Fellow, Sustainability Fellow at the Freiburg Institute of Advanced Studies; Affiliate Professor of Environment and Sustainability, Cornell University. She has been Stanford H. Taylor Postdoctoral Fellow in Science and Technology Studies and Anthropology, as well as Atkinson Fellow in Sustainability, at Cornell University, USA (2018-2020). Her work has been awarded the 2019 Field Prize for “poetic and literary” scholarship, the highest honor for graduate dissertations at Yale, the (2017-2018) for “high academic standards” based on a national competition amongst graduate students of any discipline in the U.S.A.; the 2017 Eric Wolf Prize for “advancing the field of political ecology”; the 2017-2018 biennial PRAXIS Applied Anthropology Award for “outstanding achievement in translating anthropological knowledge into action”; and the 2016 Curl Essay Prize by the Royal Anthropological Institute for “the best paper relating to the results or analysis of anthropological work.” Her research has been supported by the Fulbright-IIE, Wenner-Gren Foundation, Social Science Research Council, Josephine de Karman Foundation, American Institute of Indian Studies, MacMillan Centre, Yale Institute for Biospheric Studies, The Tropical Institute, the European Union. Luisa has served as a water expert for the United Nations, and continues to support several NGOs in India and in Sub-Saharan Africa. She has founded and leads the Water Justice and Adaptation LAB, a new platform for collaborative work between scientists and communities on water-related environmental justice.
Igna Bonfrer's picture
Short description: 
Health Economist with in interest in strenghtening health care systems globally.

