Expert and fellow directory


Angela Scollan's picture
Short description: 
Angela Scollan is an Associate Professor of Early Childhood Studies at Middlesex University. Angela has worked in education for over three decades as a Teacher, Lecturer, Manager and Researcher. Angela offers bespoke training to promote high-quality, sustainable, and reflective early years leadership and provision. Since the early 1990s, Angela has worked directly with and for children positioning her practice within a transdisciplinary approach and as a rights-based advocate. Her teaching philosophy, research and writing focus on the child first. Self-determination is an area of interest.
Christoph Raetzsch's picture
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Associate Professor Journalism Studies and Digital Methods. Researching on journalism for the connected society, smart cities and civic cultures.
Federico Farini's picture
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For more than 15 years, Federico has designed and contributed National and International Projects in fields of sociology of education, sociology of intercultural communication, cultural studies, globalization theories, youth and childhood studies, policy evaluation and in the sociolinguistic analysis of interaction, particularly multilingual interaction in education settings. The most recent projects concerns the inclusion of migrant children and young people in education to support social mobility and equality, migrant-friendly educational and healthcare services, intercultural education, youth subcultures and cultural studies, client-centred interpreting in healthcare and education. His profile:
Dr Divya Shukla's picture
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I am senior lecturer in leadership and organisational behaviour.
Dr Aysha Sadia's picture
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Researcher ,expert areas are organisational behaviour, Communication barriers and organisation psychology
Donald Houston's picture
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Professor of Economic Geography, specialising in unemployment and commuting.
Lisa Sugiura's picture
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Reader in Cybercrime and Gender. Expertise in online gender abuse and sexual violence, technology faciliated domestic abuse, online misogynistic subcultures - incels.
Katharina Hauck's picture
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Katharina Hauck is a Professor in Health Economics and Deputy Director of the Abdul Latif Jameel Institute for Disease and Emergency Analytics (Jameel Institute), School of Public Health, Imperial College London. She is specialized in the economics of infectious diseases and the economic evaluation of complex public health interventions. Her research comprises of the core health economics fields of cost-effectiveness analysis, universal health coverage and priority setting. Katharina's broader research interests include the micro- and macro-economic impacts of endemic infectious disease and epidemics, the economics of malaria elimination, and health system strengthening.
Juan Tellez's picture
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Juan Fernando Tellez is an Assistant Professor of Political Science at The University of California, Davis. He previously worked as an Assistant Professor of Political Science at The University of South Carolina. Tellez is a political scientist whose research interests are at the intersection of political violence and development. His writing has been published or is forthcoming in The American Political Science Review, The Journal of Politics, World Politics, and a various other academic and popular press outlets. He also has substantial experience in international development, working on funded research for The World Bank, USAID, and other government agencies, in settings like Colombia, Indonesia, Guatemala, and Ethiopia.
Eleanor Woodhouse's picture
Short description: 
I am Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Public Policy at University College London’s (UCL) Department of Political Science. I was a Max Weber postdoctoral fellow at the European University Institute (EUI) 2019/2020 and received my Ph.D. in Public Policy and Administration from Bocconi University in 2019. My research and teaching interests include bureaucratic politics, public administration, public policy, and comparative institutions and politics. I received my bachelor’s degree from Oxford University and my master’s degree from UCL, before going to work as a Policy Officer for the European Commission. This experience shaped the direction of my research, which lies at the interface between political institutions and public administration.

