Expert and fellow directory


Peter Phillips's picture
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Public policy scholar of science and innovation policy, with a particular focus on the role and impact of new technology in the global agrifood system.
Thomas Davies's picture
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Senior Lecturer in International Politics, City, University of London. Specialist on NGOs, social movements, internationalism and transnational history.
Zainab Umar's picture
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Zainab serves as the youth engagement lead at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, a think tank focused on African governance and leadership. She is charged with the Foundation’s youth initiative, Now Generation Network – a coalition of young and mid-career Africans committed to moving the continent’s development agenda forward. Previously she was the organisation lead for communications: traditional, online and broadcast media relations, social media dissemination and stakeholder engagement. Prior to this role, Zainab worked on the Foundation’s data project, the Ibrahim Index of African Governance, and research projects co-authoring several governance-focused publications. Before joining the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Zainab worked at the Africa Advocacy Foundation, a charity dedicated to improving health outcomes for disadvantaged communities. Zainab began her professional career in local government working for public libraries across London, where she developed good relationships and engaged in partnership projects with national and regional agencies like the National Literacy Trust, Booktrust and the Reading Agency. Zainab is currently a Trustee at Book Aid International and also sits on the Steering Committee for the African Youth Network Movement, incubated by the Mandela Institute for Development Studies. Zainab has a significant PR and reputation management experience across multiple markets and is a recipient of the 2020 Gold SABRE awards for a public relations campaign. She holds an MA in Public Service Management and a BA in International Relations from London Metropolitan University.
Camilla Rocca's picture
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Camilla Rocca is Head of Research at the Mo Ibrahim Foundation, where she leads on the Foundation’s analysis and publications on African governance. Her main interest is the African political, economic and social landscape, with a focus on the nexus between fragility, development and state-society relations. She has worked extensively on these issues as independent analyst as well as political officer for the European Union in Central Africa. With a background in International Relations, she holds two MAs from the College of Europe and the University of Padua, and professional certifications including in political analysis and mediation.
Abu Shonchoy's picture
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Abu Shonchoy is an associate professor of economics at Florida International University. His research interests concentrate around financial inclusion, skills training, infrastructure, and education, with several ongoing evaluations in South Asia and West Africa. In addition to his academic work, Abu is the founder and chief advisor of MOMODa Foundation, a research-based NGO working with marginalized populations in Bangladesh. Abu received his PhD in economics from the University of New South Wales.
Emerson Abraham Jackson's picture
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Emerson is a Senior Manager and Head of Model Building and Analysis Section, Research Department, Bank of Sierra Leone. Operational role include: (I) managing the development of suite of macro-models for forecasting inflation and its surrounding risks (short, medium and long-term); (ii) coordination of technical and empirical research agenda activities that addresses core mandates pertaining to price and financial stability; and (iii) liaison of ad-hoc assignments in partnership with local and international institutions. He is in the penultimate stage of a PhD study in the Centre of West African Studies, University of Birmingham, UK. The research focuses on the exploration of livelihood diversification in Goderich (Freetown, Sierra Leone) and risk to the environment on account of the voracious activities people are engaged in to address their livelihood needs.
Alex Eble's picture
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Assistant Professor of Economics and Education, Teachers College, Columbia University
Geoffrey Swenson's picture
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Geoffrey Swenson is an Associate Professor of International Politics at City, University of London, an External Affiliate of Ostrom Workshop at the University of Indiana, Bloomington, and a Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. Geoffrey's current research focuses on issues related to post-conflict reconstruction, democracy and the rule of law, legal pluralism, and foreign aid. Geoffrey's research has been published in leading journals including International Security, World Development, International Studies Review, Third World Quarterly, PS: Political Science & Politics, Disasters, and the Columbia Human Rights Law Review. He has also managed in-country initiatives in various countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Namibia, Nepal, and Timor-Leste. Geoffrey is currently a Fellow-in-Residence with the Rothermere American Institute at the University of Oxford. He has also held fellowships at the London School of Economics, Stanford University, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Previously, he was an in-country program manager for the Asia Foundation in Timor-Leste and Nepal, the founder and in-country director of Stanford Law School's Timor-Leste Legal Education Project, and a global political party development specialist with the National Democratic Institute. Geoffrey completed a DPhil in International Relations at Oxford as a Clarendon Scholar and won the Bapsybanoo Marchioness of Winchester Prize for most outstanding thesis. He holds an MA in Comparative Ethnic Conflict from Queen's University Belfast as a Mitchell Scholar, and a JD from Stanford Law School.
Arya Gaduh's picture
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I am an Associate Professor of Economics at the Sam M. Walton College of Business, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. I am also an Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) affiliate and a faculty fellow of the Association for Analytic Learning about Islam and Muslim Societies (AALIMS). My research focuses on empirical microeconomic topics related to human/social capital and urban economics in low-middle-income countries.
Adrienne Lucas's picture
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Development/Education/Health Economist Professor, University of Delaware Research Associate, NBER Faculty Affiliate, J-PAL Non-Resident Fellow, CGD she

