Expert and fellow directory


Thoraya El-Rayyes's picture
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An impact-driven professional with 15+ years of experience in devising dynamic policy solutions and organisational transformations for sustainable development. I utilise state-of-the-art methods to optimise development outcomes through strategic planning, research, and results-based programme design.
Kishan .'s picture
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I am a Senior Research Fellow (SRF) and Media Educator. I am currently doing research in Disaster Communication & Social Media, and my specialization is in Radio and New Media. I also teach postgraduate level students.
Dr Gwynn MacCarrick's picture
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Dr Gwynn MacCarrick is a lecturer in International Environmental Law and Crime. She is the Director of Ecocide Watch.
Jeremy Morris's picture
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Professor of Global Studies with an interest in grassroots contributions to global governance, NGOs.
Santosh Adhikari's picture
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I am a final year PhD candidate in social science. I have worked in agricultural policymaking processes in Nepal and policy advocacies for multicultural communities in Australia. I like to do research in international migration and its implications in both source and host countries.
Alexander Paulsson's picture
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Alexander Paulsson (PhD) teach and write about political economy, the politics of ecology, and the making and consequences of science and technology. Being trained in the fields of history, politics and business, he combines the study of the urban environment, administrative devices and ecological processes with the history of economic and political concepts. He is currently engaged in two larger research projects: one is looking at how complementary currencies may be designed to achieve socioecological transitions and the other is exploring how post-growth welfare societies may be organized.
Luisa Enria's picture
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Luisa Enria is Assistant Professor in the Department of Global Health and Development at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. Her research draws on political anthropology to study violence, humanitarianism, health emergencies and knowledge production in epidemic preparedness. Her PhD research at the University of Oxford Department of International Development focused on experiences of unemployment and post-war political violence amongst young people in Freetown. She currently works on a number of projects looking at community experiences of epidemics, preparedness and biomedical research in Sierra Leone—including conducting ethnographic research with the Ebola vaccine trials, a study on the political economy of vaccine deployment and a social science training for Community Health Workers to explore vaccine confidence and experiences of COVID-19. Luisa currently holds a UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship titled “Crisis of Confidence: The Politics of Evidence and (Mis)Trust in Epidemic Response and Preparedness”.
Vibhor Saxena's picture
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I am a Development Economist and my research is focused on the issues of energy, education, health and labour. I equally enjoy teaching and research supervision in stats, econometrics, and development at the UG and PG level.
Arnaud Chevalier's picture
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Arnaud Chevalier is a professor of Economics at Royal Holloway University of London. Arnaud is a labour economist. His research interests are in economics of education, including understanding the role of families in education decisions. Arnaud is also interested in labour market discrimination and in the economics of crime.
Borbála Kovács's picture
Short description: 
Borbala is currently post-doc at the Department of Global Studies, Aarhus Universitet (until February 2022) and part-time faculty member at the Department of Political Science, Babes-Bolyai University. She holds a PhD and MSc in social policy from the University of Oxford and a BA in political science from Babes-Bolyai University. She has published comparative work on tax policy and family policy change in Hungary, Lithuania and Romania and written extensively on the sociology of childcare, with a particular focus on Romania. Her work has also extended to the sharing economy and informality. She has extensive expertise in using (and teaching) interpretive qualitative research methods.

