Expert and fellow directory


THANKOM ARUN's picture
Short description: 
I am a Professor of Global Development and Accountability at the Essex Business School. My research has moved away from arbitrary disciplinary constraints towards an interdisciplinary learning process to understand the global challenges, particularly in developing/emerging country contexts. Over the years, the research aims to understand, theorize and tackle the problems created by the uneven relationships between business, society and economy in an interdisciplinary framework. I have extensively worked in finance and development and microfinance. Currently, I am working on Fintech, financial inclusion, climate change and sustainability.
Jodi Burkett's picture
Short description: 
I am a historian of late twentieth century Britain (broadly conceived) specialising in anti-racist activism, social movements, students and youth, immigration and decolonisation. My research interests lie in the intersection between education, technologies, and civic engagement for social justice and inclusion. In the last 15 years, I have researched how educational decision-making processes and how educational institutions foster young people's empowerment to participate in social, scientific, and political issues through technologies. In the past 4 years, I have been working on implementing the inclusive and diversity frameworks to foster equity in education (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, social class, neurodiversity, etc.), including anti-racist technologic design.
mark alter's picture
Short description: 
A Professor of Educational Psychology at New York University and was the founding chair of the Department of Teaching and Learning and served as Chair for 14 years. . He has an extensive record of publications , national and international workshops and funded grants in the field of special education. He was granted A Fulbright Senior Specialist award to Viet Nam and was awarded The NYU Distinguished Teaching award. International activities include Romania, Italy, Greece, Senegal,Singapore,Crete and Buenos Aires.
Tania Dias Fonseca's picture
Short description: 
I'm a Senior Lecturer in Learning and Teaching at Kingston University. My research interests lie at the intersection of education, technologies, and civic engagement for social justice and inclusion. In the last 15 years, I have researched how educational institutions and decision-making processes can foster young people's empowerment to participate in social, scientific, and political issues through technologies. In the past 4 years, I have been working on implementing inclusive and diversity frameworks to foster equity in education (e.g., gender, race, ethnicity, social class, neurodiversity, etc.), including anti-racist technology design.
Laura Bingham's picture
Short description: Laura Bingham, J.D., M.A., directs the Institute on Law, Innovation, and Technology, based at Temple Law School. Working with faculty from across the law school and Temple University, she designs and executes the strategic direction, associated curriculum, research, and programming of the center. Laura is a globally recognized expert on nationality and migration law and human rights and joins Temple after extensive experience in international human rights litigation. As a legal practitioner, Laura has led complex investigations and transnational human rights litigation in every major regional system as well as many national courts. Representative matters include a landmark ruling on children’s right to nationality, legal personality, and effective remedies in Zhao v. The Netherlands before the U.N. Human Rights Committee (2020); a judgment nullifying the roll-out of a national biometric digital identification program for failure to respect the right to privacy (Kenyan High Court, 2021); a significant monetary award for members of six Roma families whose village was unlawfully razed by Russian authorities (European Court of Human Rights, 2018); and a groundbreaking decision from the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the arbitrary denial of nationality in Anudo v. Tanzania (2018). Prior to joining Temple, Laura served as senior managing legal officer with the Open Society Justice Initiative. She established and led a global program on data, technology, and human rights, which covered content moderation and hate speech, equity and non-discrimination, the right to privacy, data governance, and digital transformation of state and private services. She also managed teams working on global migration, nationality law, and structural discrimination. Beginning in 2020, Laura created and co-managed an organization-wide fund on digital identification, and served on the steering committee of a campaign on global health, technology and surveillance during Covid-19. Laura has written and contributed to stories on a range of legal issue from major technical and general audience publications, including World Politics Review, The Intercept, The New York Times, Just Security, and IEEE Spectrum. Recent longform publications include Unmaking Americans: Insecurity Citizenship in the United States (2019), Human Rights in the Context of Automatic Naturalization in Crimea (2018), and Documenting Citizenship and other Forms of Legal Identity: A Community-Based Practitioner’s Guide (2018). She also co-authored the Principles on Deprivation of Nationality as a National Security Measure (2020), and accompanying legal commentary, which are endorsed by more than a hundred eminent legal scholars and civil society organizations from around the world. Since 2017, Laura has taught courses on human rights and forced migration as an adjunct faculty member at New York University’s Center for Global Affairs. She has also lectured, spoken, and taught around the world on human rights, strategic litigation practice, equality law, law and technology, and migration and nationality law.
Kathleen Wetzel Apltauer's picture
Short description: 
Adjunct Associate Professor of Public Service - New York University, Wagner Graduate School, Center for Global Affairs: Primary coursework - Economics of International Development and Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning for Global Affairs. Independent evaluation consultant - Poverty, health & human development. How do we design better interventions to address poverty & health; how do we learn how to deliver them better. Research focus: Identifying critical interventions at the home-based level to prevent child deaths from diarrhoea, malaria & pneumonia, including delivering interventions through community health workers (CHWs).
George Chen's picture
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Lecturer in Construction Management, University of Strathclyde. Dr Zhen Chen, known as George, is the Lecturer in Construction Management, Academic Leader of Digital Construction Research Unit, and Course Director for MSc Advanced Construction Technologies and BIM in the Department of Architecture at Strathclyde. Through his academic and professional services at companies, organisations and universities worldwide, he has developed specialty interests and expertise in architectural engineering, construction engineering and management, and facilities management with regard to the dependable built environment. He has engaged in more than 80 funded research projects, and has more than 200 authored publications with over 100 plenary lectures and presentations at national and international events. He was the management committee member of COST Action on the effective design and delivery of megaprojects in the European Union, and serves on technical committees at ADS, ASCE, BIFM, BSI, CEN, CIBSE, ISO and RICS. He is the Specialty Chief Editor in Construction Management at Frontiers in Built Environment.
Dolunay Bulut's picture
Short description: 
Dolunay Bulut holds a PhD in Politics from the New School for Social Research. Her research grapples with the contemporary authoritarian phenomenon in constitutional settings and vis-a-vis the international rule of law. Before joining the University of Arizona School of Government, she worked in UN-CEDAW projects in Turkey, gender equity and urban development research projects in Turkey and USA, and presented her work on the new directions of constitutional-political knowledge production and transmission through education and religious institutions.
Bongo Adi's picture
Short description: 
Bongo Adi holds a full-time faculty position in the Economics, Data Analytics and Strategic Business Intelligence department of Lagos Business School, Pan-Atlantic University, Nigeria. He is a Development Economist, Corporate Strategist, Data Scientist, PPP & Project Finance expert with over two decades of experience in Development Economics research, consulting and strategy policy advisory; capital raising, business development and data analytics. His expertise has seen him lead and manage exciting and complex projects on subnational competitiveness indicator engineering and benchmarking. He has led several organizational re-engineering projects including skill-set diagnostic benchmarking, balance scorecard implementation, and manning analysis. His clients include both public sector organisations and a motley of blue chip companies and SMEs. As a Project Finance and PPP expert, he pioneered PPP and Project Finance training at LBS, Nigeria. As a technical economists he is adept in Multi-sectoral Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) modelling, macroeconomics modelling and forecasting, econometrics modelling and analysis. He applies his skills in economic development to help nurture startups and develop MSMEs. As a development finance specialist, he helps startups and SMEs to access venture capital, and various supports from donor agencies, CBN and the wider development finance ecosystem. He has sound expertise in managing large grants within development aid contexts. Dr Adi holds a PhD in Regional Science and Development Economics and M.Sc in Economic Development and Policy Management under the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship of the University of Tsukuba, Japan. He did a postdoctral training in Data Mining at the National Agricultural Research Center, Japan. He is a recipient of several awards including: UNU Fellowships (2000); World Bank Scholarship (2000); Japanese Scholarship for International Students (2004, 2005, 2006); Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) fellowship (2006); and several Best Paper Awards etc. His research has been presented in numerous international conferences, workshops and published in top ranked international journals. He is a regular Economist and Business analyst on Channels TV, CNBC Africa, TVC, Arise TV, Silverbrid TV, and AIT. He maintains a column bongonomics in Businessday newspaper. He is the Chairman of the Board of Prime Media Ltd, Nigeria’s leading online media and financial journalism company. He also sits on the board of several other blue chip companies and foundations. He also serves as a member of the editorial board of National Economy, Prime News and Daily Independent newspapers. His work in advancing education, social inclusion, poverty alleviation and other charitable initiatives have been recognized with several awards. He is a celebrated policy economic activist who uses the media to keep the managers of the economy on their feet. He is Nigeria’s leading policy economist with international media footprint.
Peter Krogh's picture
Short description: 
Peter Gall Krogh is trained as architect and product designer. He is Professor in Digital Design in Faculty of the ARTS at Aarhus University. Prior to this he was professor in design at Aarhus School of Architecture, visiting professor in Politecnico di Milano, Hong Kong PolyU and recently at Jiangnan University, China. He contributes to service and interaction design both in doing and theorising based on co-design techniques with a particular interest in aesthetics, collective action and proxemics. In recent years this has played out in relation to designing for patient experiences in healthcare.

