Expert and fellow directory


Hanna Fromell's picture
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I am an Assistant Professor in Economics at Aarhus University in Denmark and a Postdoc researcher at the University of Groningen. My research interests lie within Behavioural and Experimental Economics and Development Economics. I have worked on topics such as microcredit, microsavings, community-level health care provision, social norms, social preferences and the social integration of migrants.
Oluwatobi Oseni's picture
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Oseni Oluwatobi has worked extensively as a Learning Specialist driving digital equity in different Technology Education projects with the United Nations Educational Scientific Organization (UNESCO), GIZ( Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit),, Abuja Chamber of Commerce and Industry(ACCI), Facebook and Microsoft Nigeria #Code2Earn training over 26,000 to Code in one of the most ambitious education projects. He was recently a Policy Adviser on Technology and Education in the office of the Governor of Imo State in Nigeria.
Piero Dominici's picture
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Prof. Piero Dominici (PhD), sociologist and philosopher, Fellow of the World Academy of Art & Science (WAAS), UN expert and invited speaker, is Scientific Director of the International Research and Education Programme CHAOS and Director (Scientific Listening) at the Global Listening Center; he teaches Public Communication, Sociology of Social Complexity and Intelligence at the University of Perugia. As scientific researcher, educator, author and international speaker, his main areas of expertise and interest encompass (hyper)complexity, interdisciplinarity and knowledge sharing in the fields of education, systems theory, technology, intelligence, security, citizenship and communication. Member of the MIUR Register of Revisers, (Italian Ministry of Higher Education and Research), and of the World Complexity Science Academy, he is also standing member of several of the most prestigious national and international scientific committees. Author of numerous essays, scientific articles and books.
Georgina Gomez's picture
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Argentine academic in the Netherlands, expert on local development. I offer a MOOC on local economic development. Interested in how theory - policy - practices are related
Shyamika Jayasundara-Smits's picture
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I am an Assistant Professor in Conflict and Peace Studies at the International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. My research and teaching focuses broadly on the inter-connections of Governance, Development, Violent conflict and Peace(building). More specifically, I am interested in politics of war and peace, state building, trauma and psychosocial healing in post-war contexts, war economy, dynamics and challenges in post-war transitions, security sector reform in post-war scenarios, civil-military Relations, external interventions in fragile and conflict areas, visual peace research, nexus of media and violent conflict and gender and security. South Asia and Sri Lanka are my main geographical areas of specialization, but I have developed thematic expertise on conflict and peace in other geographical areas as well.
Diahhadi Setyonaluri's picture
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Diahhadi Setyonaluri or Ruri is a researcher and a lecturer at the Department of Economics Universitas Indonesia. She has been working in the area of gender equality and social inclusion in Indonesia.
Muhammad Faisal's picture
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Muhammad Faisal is a research assistant at the demography institute of the Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Indonesia with skills in economic modeling, statistics and econometrics. The field of research that he is involved is related to the fields of public economics and monetary.
Aarti Krishnan's picture
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Aarti Krishnan is a Hallsworth research fellow at the Global Development Institute, University of Manchester. She is a development economist, working at the nexus of environment, trade and the digital economy. Her areas of expertise include value chain analysis, green industrial policy, and sustainable digital development. Prior to Manchester, she has worked as a commodity derivate market analyst, and a researcher at the Overseas Development Institute. Her research spans countries in Asia and Africa, as well a breadth of sectors including food, retail and light manufacturing.
Laura MORALES's picture
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Laura Morales is Professor in Political Science/Comparative Politics at Sciences Po (Paris, France), affiliated with the Centre for European Studies and Comparative Politics (CEE). She previously worked at the University of Leicester, the University of Manchester, the University of Murcia, the Complutense University of Madrid and the Autonomous University of Madrid. She has held visiting scholar positions at the Amsterdam School for Social Research, Columbia University, Harvard University and Sciences Po Grenoble. She is fluent in English, French, Italian and Spanish. Her research interests lie, especially, in the areas of comparative political behavior, democratic political representation, public opinion, voting, political parties, the politics of immigration, and comparative politics. Between 2011 and 2017, she was the principal investigator of the European Research Council grant ResponsiveGov, which studies how democratic governments responds to the multiple and sometimes contradictory pressures of the public. Between 2017 and 2021 she was the Chair of the COST Action "International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network" (EthmigSurveyData), a network of researchers from 34 countries working on improving the access, usability, dissemination and standards of the multiple and scattered survey data that exist on the economic, social and political integration of ethnic and migrant minorities. The EthmigSurveyData network has created a Survey Data Hub where quantitative surveys produced since 2000 on the inclusion of ethnic, migrant and racial minorities can be discovered, accessed and reused. She is also leading a project (InclusiveParl) addressing the descriptive and substantive representation of seven under-represented groups (women, youth, ethnic and migrant minorities, religious minorities, people of working class background, people with disabilities, and people who identify as LGBTI+) in four European countries (France, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom). In the context of the Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud (SSHOC) project, she undertakes work on verbal agression on Twitter relating to the Covid-19 pandemic. Her research, thus, mobilizes various issues relating to inclusive policies and policy making from a comparative political science perspective.
Sander van Haperen's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Sander van Haperen is assistant professor at the Erasmus School of Health Policy & Management. He studies governance on the intersections of collective action, complexity, and digital technology, with a particular focus on conflict resolution and leadership. To that end, he develops a critical relational approach, combining qualitative inquiry with geographic analysis and computational methods such as network analysis, image recognition, and natural language processing. Following a dissertation examining the role of social media in the development of social movements such as Black Lives Matter, he published in a variety of journals about collective action and governance. He is currently studying governance in health care to shed light on the role of leadership in complex networks.

