Expert and fellow directory


Joe Ravetz's picture
Short description: 
My work on ‘collective sustainability intelligence’ covers urban, environment, economy, technology and political systems, as leader of the Future-Proof Cities theme for the Manchester Urban Institute at the University of Manchester. I have produced 2 landmark texts - the new ‘Deeper City: collective intelligence and the pathways from smart to wise’, and the previous ‘City-region 2020: Integrated planning for a sustainable environment’. I provide advice for policy and business from SAMI Consulting, along with reviews, evaluations, keynotes, training and capacity building events, in many countries. I practice and promote visual thinking as the key to creative collaboration, foresight/futures and systems change. In 2020 I set up the Collaboratorium for collective intelligence, a global online community, exploring the pathways ‘from smart to wise’.
Simon Moralee's picture
Short description: 
Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Healthcare Management with research interests and expertise in organisational & institutional issues in healthcare; public sector policy making; and professions/professionalisation/leadership and/or management by/for/of professionals, notably within the medical profession.
Arkadiusz Wiśniowski's picture
Short description: 
Arkadiusz Wiśniowski is a Senior Lecturer in Social Statistics, University of Manchester, UK. He holds a PhD in Economics. His interests are in integrating traditional and new forms of data to better measure populations, especially international migration. He also has general interest in statistical modelling and forecasting.
Babatunde Oni's picture
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A professor of Mass Communication. I'm interested in media and information literacy and risk communication.
Diana Paola Garcés Amaya's picture
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Ph.D in Migration Studies at the University of Granada (Spain). In her dissertation she analyses the official narratives and legal treatment of asylum claims based on gender grounds in Spain, examining how race, nation and gender are intertwined as devices to exclude applicants from membership. She holds a MA. in Gender Studies and a MA. in Human Rights. She has been research assistant in the School of Gender Studies at the National University of Colombia, and national consultant for issues including gender-based violence in armed conflict, gender and access to land, and the social movement of indigenous Amazonian women.
Guangwen Kong's picture
Short description: 
Guangwen Kong received her Ph.D. degree in Operations Management from the University of Southern California in 2013. She started her academic career as an Assistant Professor of the Industrial& Systems Engineering at the University of Minnesota, and then joined Fox School of Business, Temple University. Her research studies emerging problems in sharing or on-demand platforms using models, experiments, and data analysis, with a strong focus on behavior, incentive, and their implications to policies and operational decisions. She has published her papers in leading journals such as Management Science, Manufacturing &Service Operations Management, and Production and Operations Management. She is an editorial review board member of Production and Operations Management, associate editor of Journal and has served as an NSF panelist in 2014. She received the M&SOM Meritorious Service Award (2018, 2019, 2020) and Management Science Meritorious Service Award (2018, 2019).
Short description: 
Dr. Ayyıldız is a translator/interpreter, sociologist, teacher trainer, language instructor and holds MA and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Educational Management. She worked as a head teacher, academic coordinator, dean of students and director of English preparatory school in higher education institutions. To date she has taught several courses in various faculties. She has worked on topics like Epistemology of Educational Sciences. She holds various academic memberships and is the reviewer/editor of international journals. She is an assistant professor of Management Information Systems Department and the director of Center of Research and Learning (CORaL) in Ankara Medipol University, Turkey.
Liz Fouksman's picture
Short description: 
Dr Fouksman is a Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the Centre for Public Policy Research at King's College London. She is also a research associate of the University of Oxford and the University of the Witwatersrand. Liz's research focuses on understanding moral, social and cultural attachments to work and working. It looks at the impediment such attachments pose to new imaginaries of the future of labour and distribution in an increasingly automated world. In particular, Liz focuses on the ways the long-term unemployed in countries with high inequality and unempoyment rates think about links between time-use, work, and income. The research project looks to fieldwork in South Africa and Namibia to ask how such links challenge both proposals to expand social protection through means such as unconditional cash transfers, as well as more radical calls for the decommodification of labor via mechanisms such as a universal basic income guarantee and/or shorter working hours. Liz also does action-research with the global movement around universal basic income guarantees (UBI), and complements research in southern Africa with comparative case studies in the Global North.
Ann Morning's picture
Short description: 
I am a sociologist at New York University who specializes in racial and ethnic classification and conceptualization. I am the author of The Nature of Race: How Scientists Teach and Think about Human Difference (University of California Press 2011) as well as the forthcoming An Ugly Word: Rethinking Race in Italy and the United States (Russell Sage Foundation 2022, co-authored with Marcello Maneri).
Angela Muvumba Sellström's picture
Short description: 
Angela Muvumba Sellström is a Senior Researcher with expertise on wartime sexual violence prevention; international interventions and mediation; gender, women, peace and security; and the UN Security Council and the role of non-permanent members.

