User directory


Climate Solution International's picture
Short description: 
Climate Solution International is a youth-led organization empowering a global network of young leaders with the knowledge and skills to participate in climate policy discussions and champion bold solutions for a sustainable future.
Kashaf Alvi's picture
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At 20, Kashaf Alvi, born deaf, has shattered barriers as Pakistan’s first published deaf author and the youngest globally. A Microsoft-certified tech enthusiast, he served as a front-line volunteer during COVID-19, aiding mass vaccination efforts. As an ambassador for Pakistan Health Parliament and Includovate, he advocates for marginalized communities. Honored as the "Pride of Pakistan" and with the UAE Golden Visa, he inspires as NASA Space Apps Challenge 2024 Ambassador, reaching for the stars.
Sarah Lüdecke's picture
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Data, Knowledge and Innovation workstream lead for Fit for Life programme (SHS, Sport Section). Overseeing the delivery of the Knowledge and Innovation Network, which is hosted on the IPL.
Gulfem Cevheribucak's picture
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PhD researcher working on climate governance. Research interests include multilevel climate governance, comparative environmental policies, urban sustainability transitions.
Reyhan Haider's picture
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Founder of Health4US (, an international organization with over 100 members from 14 countries working to improve health/medical education for youth.
Sebastian Tan's picture
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Sebastian Tan is a Senior Vice President at the SPRING Group.
Neva Bojovic's picture
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Assistant Professor at Kedge Business School
ASEYO SHEILA's picture
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Mrs. Aseyo worked with law firm here in Kenya in Turkana west ,we do legal matters, children matters am also a psychologist by profession and a certified court annexed mediator , I pursued Bachelor of science in counselling psychology in North western Christian university and trained by judiciary as court annexed and also probation and after care department on crime prevention, have worked for three years in the department , have engaged on return to school policy on street children in Turkana both the host and refugee children , am a mentor worked with Finn aid church sponsor by Canada THAT
Shalin Patel's picture
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Treasurer & Board Member of J-To-A: a nonprofit which works to improve the mental health of Japanese individuals across the world. Research expertise includes behavioral studies/clinical trials and machine learning.
Bárbara Tomiatti Giancola's picture
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PhD candidate in International Studies in Peace, Conflicts and Development at the UNESCO Chair in Spain, Visiting professor at University of São Paulo, Master in Social Communication at the University of Valladolid, Postgraduate in Transpersonal Psychology at UNIPAZ and Public Relations at Faculdade Cásper Líbero. With intercultural experience in Brazil, New Zealand and Spain, I specialized in Education and Communication for Peace. I am the director and founder of thea Comunica com Alma and the Paz en Juego projects.

