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Terngu Sylvanus Nomishan earned his bachelor's and master's degrees in archaeology from Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. He holds certificates in World Heritage from The Open University, UK, and Tourism Management at UNESCO World Heritage Sites, through France Université Numérique and Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France. Currently a PhD student in Archaeology and Tourism at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka, he lectures at the Federal University Lokoja. His book, "Heritage, Memory, and Identity," has been translated into five languages. He is a PASRC Council Member.
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I have my Master's and Bachelor's degrees, both in International Relations and a diverse background in education, HR management, and entrepreneurship. As an environmentalist with a niche in studying climate change, I am dedicated to advancing SDG goals through my projects. Experienced in sales, marketing, and advocacy for sustainability and gender equality, I excel in project management, HR leadership, and digital marketing.
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An associate professor at the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong and visiting professor at School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University. She has worked with the World Bank, OECD and Tsinghua University in the past. She holds a Ph.D. in public administration and affairs and a M.S. in statistics from Virginia Tech, a M.A. in economics and a B.E. in mechanical engineering from Tsinghua University.
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Dr. Konstantinos "Constantine" Spandagos is an Assistant Professor of Sustainable Energy Policy at the University of New Hampshire, and the founder and director of the Spandagos Lab. By combining engineering, economics, data science and social science methods, he develops interdisciplinary, state-of-the-art tools to effectively guide policy-making towards a sustainable and just energy future for all people. Dr. Spandagos holds Ph.D. degrees in Chemical Engineering and Civil Engineering- Energy Technology from Imperial College London and HKUST.
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I am a HIV positive woman , who is living with various health conditions , also living in a community affected by climate and environmental changes , who is passionate about sharing of knowledge on climate change and its effects on human health and what climate adaption and mitigation methods maybe applicable
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Federica Cristani is Head of the Centre for International Law. at the Institue of International Relations in Prague (CZ). She earlier worked as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Verona and at the World Trade Institute of the University of Bern (CH). She has been a visiting scholar in different universities and research centres in Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Denmark, the United Kingdom, USA and the Arctic Centre of the University of Lapland (FI).
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Research Fellow in Knowledge Exchange and Impact with 10+ years in policy related research in areas of community resilience and policy implementation.
Currently working with Design HOPES leading on the Design Policy Interface Working Group.
I am interested in learning and governance process, transformation and social justice.
Prior to my current role I worked with the Institute for Ethics and Transformational Sustainable Research and the Stockholm Environment Institute.
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Dr Donatella Camedda is Assistant Professor in Education in the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Donatella's research interests lie in the area of inclusive education, including teacher education for inclusion, teachers' attitudes and inclusive practices, equality and diversity, inclusion policy. Her work involves creative methodology and cross-disciplinary approach. She is the recipient of highly competitive research awards and has led several projects involving academics, students, and stakeholders.
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Architect and Research Fellow in Urbanism and Environmental and Territorial Sociology at the University of Palermo (Italy)
Key expertise in participatory planning, Circular Economy and Ecological Urban Planning.
Previously Academic Coordinator and EU project Manager at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona.
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Associate Professor of Strategy, she is co-founder of the S&O Institute (Sustainability & Organizations), aiming at developing at HEC a new way of thinking about the role of business in society.
She co-founded the HEC Chair “Social Business / Enterprise and Poverty” (2008) that became recently the Inclusive Economy Center. She cro-created also the HEC Master in Sustainable Development (2003).
Her research focus is on reverse innovation; she’s studying the processes through which social businesses and Base of the Pyramid business models can be a lever for innovation and strategic rene