User directory


Josemaria's picture
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Dr Ekoua Jose-Maria Danho holds a PhD degree in Entrepreneurship from the University of Essex and is Fellow of higher education UK. She is a versatile and passionate early career researcher, and her research engages social issues related to Entrepreneurship. In this sense, she worked for 3 years as a Research Officer in the research team of the University of Essex for the EU INTERREG funded Accelerating Women’s Enterprises (AWE) project, which aimed to promote a better support for disadvantaged women entrepreneurs. She is currently lecturer in Entrepreneurship and Innovation.
anhnguyen's picture
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Dr. Anh Nguyen is the Project Lead for the First 1,000 Days Program for Asian Children. As a Clinician-Researcher, Harvard Clinical Scholar, and Fellow of the British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine, he is committed to inclusion health for women and children, bridging healthcare gaps through evidence-based solutions and health policy advocacy. His research drives digital health innovation, leveraging technology and behavioral science to promote sustainable nutrition and health changes.
azhanhasan's picture
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I am a Senior Research Analyst (Economy) and Head, Division of Policy and Research at the Institute for the Future of Malaysia (MASA)
Sisi Sung's picture
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Dr. Sisi Sung is an award-winning economist and Lecturer at the University of Dundee School of Business, specializing in gender, social economics, and inclusive business policies. She has served as an expert advisor, supporting international organizations and corporations, including the European Commission, in advancing inclusion to promote sustainability. With affiliations across the United States, China, and Europe, she holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Erfurt, an MA from the University of Washington, Seattle, and a Bachelor’s in Economics from Tsinghua University, China.
Panayiota Tsatsou's picture
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Panayiota is a Professor of Media Diversity. She has been research-active for more than a decade and her research lies in the broader field of digital media research. Panayiota’s research has addressed phenomena concerning Internet studies and digital/Internet research, and her work has explored various facets of digital divides/digital inclusion, as well as topics and case studies concerning digital media and civic activism, children and the Internet, gender and the Internet, and digital policy and regulation.
mircotonin's picture
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Mirco Tonin is a Full Professor of Economic Policy at the Free University of Bozen-Bolzano and Director of the Institute for the Evaluation of Public Policies at Fondazione Bruno Kessler in Trento, Italy. He is a Research Fellow at IZA, CESifo, and Bocconi’s Dondena Centre. His research spans labor economics, public policy, and behavioral economics, with publications in top journals. He has consulted for the World Bank and ILO and serves on editorial boards, including International Tax and Public Finance. He holds a Ph.D. from Stockholm University and a Laurea from Bocconi.
Aijaz Ashraf Wani's picture
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Aijaz Ashraf Wani (PhD), is Professor of Political Science at University of Kashmir, J&K, India.He is author of What Happened to Governance in Kashmir?, Oxford University Press, 2019; and Co-editor of Democracy in South Asia, Routledge, 2024; & Government and Politics of Jammu and Kashmir: From Princely State to Union Territory, SAGE, 2022. His research has appeared in national and international journals. His teaching and research interests lie at the intersection of governance, democracy, public policy, electoral politics and Identity Politics.
Alexis Roig's picture
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Alexis Roig is CEO of SciTech DiploHub, a leading think-and-do tank at the nexus of science, technology, and foreign affairs. He also serves as Barcelona’s Chief Science and Tech Envoy, promoting evidence-based urban policies globally. With 15+ years of experience advising governments across Asia, Europe, and the Americas on Science Diplomacy and City Diplomacy, his academic appointments include being a Researcher at the United Nations University (UNU-CRIS) and CIDOB, as well as a Professor at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) and IBEI.
kissu's picture
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Krishna Kharwar is a, UGC SRF and PhD scholar in the New Media Department at Central University of Himachal Pradesh. His research interests focus on queer representation in Indian cinema. He has been exploring queer narratives and the queer gaze on the silver screen. Additionally, he is eager to learn about the queer experiences and exposures both behind and in front of the camera. Besides this, he is also interested in climate change and its impact on mountain ecosystems. In his leisure time, he pursues nature, landscape, and professional photography.
kkitching's picture
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Karl is Professor of Public Education at University of Birmingham. He has a PhD in Education from the University of London and M.Ed. and B.Ed. degrees from Dublin City University. Karl's research focuses on challenging inequalities relating to race, religion, gender and sexuality in school. He is currently leading a national study of 'free expression' on race and faith equality across England's schools. This study is funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

