User directory


Manon Leroy's picture
Short description: 
Project assistant for the Quality Physical Education (QPE) policy project, SHS, UNESCO HQ
Maria Kypriotou's picture
Short description: 
I am a youth development specialist at UNESCO, the UN specialized agency for Education, Culture and the Sciences. I have been working with the UN, on youth development issues, for almost 10 years now, focusing on the strategic development and implementation of youth-related programming both within UNESCO and within the UN System. Within this context, my main fields of specialization have been youth civic engagement and participation (from the global to the local level), inclusive and multi-stakeholder youth policy development and implementation, as well as partnership development on youth issues. Prior to joining the UN, I have been actively engaged with youth-led NGOs, as well as working for research and policy institutions. I am also currently a PhD Researcher at the International Institute of Social Studies, under the Civic Innovation Research Initiative, focusing specifically on youth engagement and innovation. I hold a Master’s Degree (with Hons.) in International Law with a specialization in International Organization from the PARIS I Panthéon – Sorbonne University (Paris, France) and a Bachelor Degree (with Hons.) in Political and Social Sciences with specialization on International and European Studies, from the University of Political and Social Sciences “Panteion” (Athens, Greece). Ispeak six languages, originate from Greece and am 35 years old.
Tee Wee Ang's picture
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Programme Specialist, Bioethics and Ethics of Science, UNESCO
John Crowley's picture
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John Crowley is Chairman & CEO of the PHGD Group. Formerly Chief of Section for Research, Policy and Foresight in the UNESCO Sector for Social and Human Sciences.
Van Nguyen's picture
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Associate Programme Specialist in SHS - UNESCO Apia
Emilie Dejasse's picture
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Emilie Dejasse est Coordinatrice du Laboratoire des Politiques Inclusives au sein de la section Recherche, politique et prospective de la Division des transformations sociales et du dialogue interculturel de l'UNESCO. Depuis qu'elle a rejoint le Secteur des sciences sociales et humaines de l'UNESCO, son travail porte essentiellement sur la politique comparée et la question des politiques inclusives, avec un accent particulier sur l’inclusion des personnes handicapées. Avant de rejoindre l’UNESCO, elle a mené divers travaux de terrain sur les thèmes des droits de l’homme et de l’inclusion sociale des personnes en situation précaires, notamment en Colombie et au Vietnam, en étudiant la question de la réinsertion des victimes de guerre. Depuis 2016, Emilie est également membre du conseil d’administration de l’association Le Filon, un lieu dédié et co-construit avec les femmes à la rue afin de les aider à se reconstruire et retrouver une place dans la société grâce à leurs talents.
Irakli Khodeli's picture
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Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences Sector, UNESCO
Alma's picture
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Senior Program Manager at the Mercy Center, New York, USA.
Sumit Joshi's picture
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Global Director for the Lorinet Foundation. An education entrepreneur working towards enhancing the employability and organisational skills of engineering graduates in India, thereby improving the quality of the Indian workforce
IPL Admin's picture
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