User directory


Timothy Jahl's picture
Short description: 
Timothy Jahl studied Human Rights and Humanitarian Action at Sciences Po, and has an LL.M in International Law from Université Paris Descartes.
Pablo Fernandez Jimenez's picture
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I am currently working at UNESCO on projects relating to developing human rights-based public policies.
Sylvain Séguy's picture
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Holding two master's degrees from the College of Europe (EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies) and Paris 1 Sorbonne (Political Science / International Affairs), I am currently working at UNESCO within the Health and Education Section.
Inigo Lopez's picture
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Director of Baizara, an association for the promotion of projects and activities related to diversity, culture, and social impact. Chercheur sur la divesité culturel. programmateur des spectacles, producteur et project manager ( Europe - Afrique)
Edward Conroy's picture
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Advisor to the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet, Canberrra. Former Stagiaire chez l'UNESCO | Étudiant à Sciences Po, Paris
Aruhan Shi's picture
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Recent MSc Economics graduate from the University of Warwick. Has a strong interest in conducting economic research, particularly on development and labour aspects.
Balqis Amoo's picture
Short description: 
I'm a lover of Community Development Services. I'm a proactive and productive person. I love to do all I can to give back to the society. I love to do my best in all my dealings. I love volunteering. I am a local SDGs Facilitator in Nigeria. With diverse teams I have worked with, we have successfully embarked and impemented project that promotes SDGs in our immediate community in Nigeria.
Alexander Hauschild's picture
Short description: 
I am currently based in Jakarta, Indonesia, have 16 years experience in international development, and I am available for projects world wide. Themes include: - Disability - Human Rights Based Approaches - Inclusive Education - Social Inclusion - Social Protection Services include: - Advocacy and awareness raising - Capacity building - Concept development - Evaluations - Material development (electronic and print) - Project management - Project proposals and project design - Training and workshops Country experience: Bangladesh, Brazil, Cambodia, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Myanmar, Norway, Palestine, South-Sudan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam and Yemen. Worked with: AODN, AusAID, BMZ, Braillo Norway, British Council, Cardno, CBM, DEval, DFAT, EC, EENET, GFA, GIZ, Handicap International, Helen Keller International, IDP Norway, Kindernothilfe, Light for the World, Myanmar Education Consortium, Norwegian Mission Alliance, Norwegian Refugee Council, Palladium, Plan International, Save the Children, Terre de Hommes, UNESCO, UNICEF, USAID, WHO, and the World Bank as well with many local NGOs and DPOs.
Gary Chan's picture
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Director and Chair at Energy Circle Holdings Pty Ltd and Member Board of Trustees with EcoCARE Africa Trust
Claire de Burbure's picture
Short description: 
Medical Doctor with international background & education, passionate about Nature, International Medical Education Projects - helped develop International Relations for UCL-Health Sector & several EU Erasmus Mundus projects with South-East Asia - Accreditation & about SDG Progress both locally and globally, with a PhD in Environmental Health. HistoPathology Lecturer, Medical Education Advisor &Clinical Skills Centre Administration Coordinator at UCL-Brussels. Currently slowly recovering from Near-Death-Experience & polytrauma from a 100km/h 15-ton coach ramming into our car whilst motorway on still stand. Editor, Writer & Pianist in free time, convinced that together we can build a better world for our children, leaders of tomorrow.

