User directory


Cathal Elder's picture
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Regional Coordination Specialist with the Regional UNDG for Arab states/Middle East and North Africa.
Likhita Banerji's picture
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Graduate Student of Human Rights and Humanitarian Action, Sciences Po.
Rogers Dhliwayo's picture
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I'm an economist with more than 20 years working on applied development economics in Africa
Ian Thorpe's picture
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Chief, Learning and Knowledge Exchange, UNICEF
Paulyn Duman's picture
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Knowledge Management and Communications
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Je suis au ministère de la planification du developpement. Depuis 9 ans je fais le suivi et la coordination des agences du système des nations unies au togo.
Liana Giorgi's picture
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Liana Giorgi works freelance in research, training and policy evaluation. She has extensive experience in project management as well as in the design and implementation of interdisciplinary and comparative research in various areas relevant for public policy such as social policy, research policy and infrastructure policy. She studied cognitive sciences at MIT (USA), social and political sciences at the University of Cambridge (GB) and psychoanalysis at the Vienna Psychoanalytic Society (AT). She has published in the fields of political sociology and European integration. Book publications (as author, co-author and editor) include: Festivals and the Cultural Public Sphere (Routledge 2011), Democracy in the European Union; Towards the Emergence of a Public Sphere (Routledge 2006), Income, Poverty and Social Exclusion in the European Union: Second European Social Report (Eurostat 2003), Policy and Project Evaluation (Ashgate 2001), The Post-Socialist Media: What Power the West? (Avebury 1995).
Rachel Lopes's picture
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Project Manager Trainee for the Nopoor Project - lead by the French Institute for Sustainable Development I am finishing my International Relations Master's Degree, and I am delighted to do so through this traineeship at the Institute. I am willing to learn everything I can on sustainable development, and work in the field later. Environmental and humanitarian passionate and engaged
Delia VISAN's picture
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Delia Visan is the Manager of the Nopoor "Enhancing Knowledge for Renewed Policies against Poverty" project aiming at building new knowledge and better understanding of the nature and extent of poverty in developing countries that are needed for achieving the SDGs and for making more effective the policies. The project comprises 20 partners in Africa, Europe, Latin America, South-East Asia. Based on original surveys, data collection and qualitative research, the project is providing policy advise to policy-makers. Prior to appointment at the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development Delia worked as project Manager for The French National Center for Scientific Research. Sha holds a Master Degree in European and International relations from Sorbonne University and proven expertise in project management and coordination of international scientific communities and policy-makers worldwide. Project details and report summaries: and
Sam Mosallai's picture
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