User directory


Mary Daly's picture
Short description: 
Professor of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Oxford. I am interested in the lab both for the purposes of my own research and also for teaching, especially in regard to the course I coordinate here on comparative social policy and policy evaluation.
Filipa Embaló's picture
Short description: 
Degree in Social Work. Project Management. Production and content management for communication. 10 + years’ experience. In Mozambique since 2009 Soft Skills – Proactive . organized . independent . creative. persistent and sociable. Has fulfilled roles in the coordination and project management, and in the creation of support (groups) for institutional and financial networking, project development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. In the past years the fusion between her skills in social intervention and communication has been her principal focus, through content production, public awareness and behaviour changes campaigns, compiling and treatment of information for external communication and analysis and research. Creates her own teams according with each projects´ context, object and goal, thus promoting interchange between professionals whether they’re beginning their careers, proven entrepreneurs or already established. She has worked for the private and public sector, development agencies, NGO´s and community-based organizations. Professional skills: Great learning ability, professional commitment, innovative (social, environmental and corporate), good social and work relations, excellent at adapting to new situations.
Hanna Fiskesjö's picture
Short description: 
MCs candidate in International Development and Management (LUMID) at Lund University in Sweden. Special interest in Culture and Creative Expression and the connections to sustainable development. Bachelor in French and literature, writing about postcolonial feminism in contemporary French literature. Have been working with intercultural dialogue and cultural promotion in Paris, and will shortly join the team of interns at UNESCO in Paris.
Joanna Hofman's picture
Short description: 
Research Leader with RAND Europe. I lead research in the area of employment and social policy. I manage and contribute to a range of large-scale and complex studies at European and national levels. My research focus is on Employment and Social Inclusion, Gender and Equality, Education Policy. I have experience in evaluation, public administration and consultancy, lead research on employment, inclusion, well-being and mental health.
Dr. Rica Kelly's picture
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Aarth Saraph's picture
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Consulting with the Finance Unit at UN Environment, as part of the global coordination team of the UN Environment/UNDP/WRI GCF Readiness Programme, working to prepare countries to plan for, manage and disburse climate finance. Responsible for programme activities in Benin, Nepal and Fiji. Previously consulted for REN21, designed and created the REN21 Renewables Interactive Map, in order to facilitate public access to the most up-to-date data and policy information on renewables.
Oliver Fischer's picture
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Kathy Wan's picture
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Bashir Najeeb's picture
Short description: 
Dr. Bashir NAJEEB is a Public Health and Development Practitioner with over 10 years of working experiences with the United Nations with responsibilities to provide leadership, technical and programmatic support mainly in the area of Reproductive Health, Gender, Population and Development, and Emergency Preparedness and Response.
Leyla Karimli's picture
Short description: 
Leyla Karimli is an Assistant Professor at the Social Welfare Department at UCLA's Luskin School of Public Affairs. Leyla Karimli’s research interests focus on a multidimensional and systems-oriented analysis of poverty and social exclusion in a global context. Situated within Amartya Sen’s capability approach, Professor Karimli’s research is based on the proposition that poverty needs to be treated as a complex phenomenon experienced not only in terms of material deprivation but also as powerlessness, limited human agency, exposure to vulnerability and risk, and social exclusion.

