User directory


Busani Sibindi's picture
Short description: 
Founding Director at Save Matabeleland Coalition, @SavMatabeleland. Mandela Washington FELLOW 2016 Interim Co - Chair @Together_2030 Founder @THESDGDIGEST #DevTransformation. Board Member YOCIC, International Institute of Global Leadership. Team at the #SDGSFOREVERYONE Project and Founder and President of Matabeleland Football Confederacy. Has participated and contributed in many Global Policy Institutes like the United Nations.
Caroline Tresise's picture
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UNESCO Bangkok
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I'm a Social Science researcher on governance and inclusive development specializing in social safeguards policies of Indigenous Peoples under the banner "Vulnerable and Marginalized Communities in Africa". I have undertaken research assignment in Africa (East Africa, South Africa and West Africa).
Sity Daud's picture
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Associate Professor in Political Economy at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, National University of Malaysia since 1992. Research interests in Social Policy, State Intervention, Social Protection and Human Security. Published several books on Malaysian Politics and Human Security in Southeast Asia and Asia Pacific in cooperation with UNESCO Bangkok.
Suzanne Hargreaves's picture
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I am a Senior Education Officer within Education Scotland with national lead responsibility for Health and wellbeing and Outdoor Learning. I am also an Attainment Adviser within Scottish Government's Scottish Attainment Challenge to reduced the poverty-related attainment gap in Scotland.
Franziska Abila-Roetzer's picture
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Policy Advisor, GIZ, Promotion of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Programme (PREEEP) Uganda
Nelson Acevedo's picture
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Profesor de Educación Física. Master en Administración de la Educación. Master en Ciencia Política para el Desarrollo Democrático. Ministerio de Educación. Subdirector General del Instituto Nacional de Educación Física. Presidente Red de Educación Física y Calidad de Vida.
Mary Chen's picture
Short description: 
Chairman to the Challenges Foundation, Challenges Foundation. Disability advocate working on building an inclusive community. Our current projects include promoting social inclusion in educational settings whereby students with and without disabilities are brought together in a programme to learn together , grow together and hopefully champion one another. Currently working to promote inclusive fitness and sports for a headstart to inclusive education
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Am a PhD researcher in South Africa and interested in social change and transformation
Inuti Mwilima-Phiri's picture
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I am the National Coordinator of the Zambia Deaf Sports Federation. Interim Chairperson of the Council of Coaches (still in its formation)

