User directory


Jonathan Mijs's picture
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Harvard University
Ana Garcia-Hernandez's picture
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I am a Ph.D. student in Economics at NOVA University in Lisbon and a Research Fellow in the Political Economy of Development research unit at WZB Berlin. I am a Development Economist interested in Political Economy and Behavioural Economics with a focus on gender. I mainly work with primary data, collected in the field through field experiments and lab-in-the-field experiments. I am currently working on understanding how increasing political voice of women in developing countries affects community outcomes. I am also working on exploring the effect of decreasing the cost of transportation to school for girls in rural Zambia on educational and empowerment outcomes. I am a co-organizer of the Development Economics Network in Berlin (DENeB).
Benjamin Faude's picture
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I am a senior research fellow at the Global Governance unit of the WZB Berlin Social Science Center. My research is inspired by the observation that virtually all global policy challenges, such as financial stability, international trade, migration, global health, and environmental sustainability are governed by international institutions which find their particular competences overlapping under no coordination from an overarching authority. The key question that motivates my work is to what extent effective and legitimate global governance is possible in such an environment. After visiting scholarships at the University of California at Berkeley and the Vrije Universiteit Brussels, I joined the WZB in 2011. Previously, I earned a doctorate summa cum laude from the University of Bamberg, where I held a grant from the DFG Training Group “Markets and Social Systems in Europe”. I have published my work in articles that appeared in The Review of International Organizations, Global Governance, Global Environmental Politics, Politische Vierteljahresschrift, and Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen. In 2015, I published my first book entitled Von Konkurrenz zu Arbeitsteilung. Komplexität und Dynamik im Zusammenspiel internationaler Institutionen [From Competition to Division of Labor: Complexity and Dynamics in the Interplay of International Institutions]. I have taught at the University of Bamberg, Freie Universität Berlin, and Charles University in Prague.
Florence Bertic's picture
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Digital officer at Handicap International Luxembourg
Rai Sengupta's picture
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Rai is a development consultant and has extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative data analysis, stakeholder consultations, primary data collection, risk management and research. She is part of a 4 member technical team to conduct the 'Country-led Formative Evaluation of the Maternal and Child Cash Transfer Program in Chin and Rakhine States in Myanmar’. As a part of this formative evaluation, she is currently developing the evaluation methodology, sampling plan and data collection tools with the Team Leader. In addition, Rai is undertaking literature review and assisting in report writing for the same assignment. Rai has experience in nutrition, education, and business modelling and livelihood strategy development. She has worked extensively with various think tanks and civil society organisations in the development sector and has engaged with a wide range of issues including the empowerment of low-income puppeteers and women dairy farmers, as well as the Ease of Doing Business in India. She has published a number of research papers and articles centred on food assistance programmes, nutrient fortification and globalisation, on a number of platforms including The Citizen, the Indian Economist and the Centre for Policy Analysis' website.
Rebecca Barr's picture
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UNESCO SHS Bangkok Intern
Mark McQuinn's picture
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Specialist in labour issue, focusing on work of trade union, development-related labour organisations and grassroots movements. Years of experience working for NGOs in the UK and Africa. Consultancy experience with bilaterals and civil society organisations
Angela Kohama's picture
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Angela Kohama is the Inclusive Livelihood Policy Officer at Humanity & Inclusion, where she sits in HI's global technical support unit on inclusive economic development. Angela supports field teams in designing, implementing and evaluating high quality disability and gender inclusive economic development programs across Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. She is also responsible for designing, promoting and coordinating technical assistance on disability - inclusive employment and livelihoods to mainstream international development and multinational corporations in low and middle income countries. Angela follows livelihood trends within the international development space and private sector, promoting innovation and inclusion throughout. Prior to her role at HI, Angela worked for Disabled People’s Organizations and NGOs in India, Timor-Leste and the U.S. Angela hold a MPA in Development Practice from Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, and a BA from University of Oregon in International Studies, with minors in Special Education and Religious Studies.
Pallavi Nuka's picture
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Pallavi Nuka executes policy and strategy at the Julis-Rabinowitz Center for Public Policy and Finance. Her responsibilities include financial, academic, and operational management. Prior to joining the center, she was the Associate Director of the Innovations for Successful Societies research program, which explores issues of governance and policy implementation in challenging contexts and she was a Visiting Lecturer at the Woodrow Wilson School and a Research Coordinator in the Department of Politics at Princeton. She has a background in impact evaluation and has conducted research on governance, environment, and development. She worked with the World Bank-Global Environment Facility's Evaluation Office for six years, assessing the design, performance, and impact of the Bank’s investments, with a focus on climate change adaptation, conservation of biodiversity, and land degradation. From 1999-2001, she was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Bangolo, Cote d'Ivoire. She has a B.S. from MIT and an M.P.A. from Princeton University.
Gabriel Perriau's picture
Short description: 
Communication Officer for Humanity & Inclusion, formally known as Handicap International. Humanity & Inclusion aspires to an inclusive world, enriched by our differences, where people with disabilities and vulnerable people live in dignity.

