User directory


Mairead Dunne's picture
Short description: 
I am a Professor of the Sociology of Education working in the Centre for International Education at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK. My interests are in critical approaches to development policy and practice with respect to global inequalities. I focus on educational and social differences largely (though not exclusively) through micro-level studies of the intersecting and overlapping social relations of gender, race, ethnicity, socio-economic status, religion, nation and age (youth) with implications for livelihoods, equality and social development locally and globally. I have lived and worked in several countries in the Global South and North which has highlighted for me the sustained work of education in the (re-)production and valorisation of particular colonial 'Western' knowledges that need to be addressed urgently in efforts towards greater global equity. This has significant implications for approaches to development in the explicitly or implicitly interconnected fields of theory, policy and practice as they are imagined by and impact differently on people in different local spaces.
Rosemary Atieno's picture
Short description: 
Associate Professor, Institute for Development Studies, University of Nairobi
Michelle Carmody's picture
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Historian and sociologist of Latin America in the world. Particular topics of expertise include human rights, democratisation, transitional justice, internationalism, development, and the Cold War and its impacts in Latin America. I am currently an Academic Specialist in Latin America at the University of Melbourne. Before that I was an Assistant Professor in International Studies at Leiden University.
Julia Carrillo Lerma, Ph.D.'s picture
Short description: 
Dr Carrillo Lerma is currently a Research Fellow at the Centre for International Studies (CERI) and a Lecturer at Sciences Po - Paris. Her research interests and expertise touch upon diaspora politics, memory politics/politics of memory, social transformation, conflict transformation, and participatory research methodologies. From 2017 to 2019, Dr Carrillo Lerma served as Project Officer at the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet). She has also worked at Eugene Lang College – The New School for Liberal Arts, UNESCO’s Social and Human Sciences Sector, the UN Department of Public Information (UN Photo Library) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Dr Carrillo Lerma has multidisciplinary academic training which has enriched her methodological approach to social science research. She holds a PhD in Historical Studies and Politics (NSSR, 2017) and PhD in Political Science (Sciences Po, 2016), an MPhil in Comparative Politics and an MA in Historical Studies from The New School for Social Research, an MSc in International Affairs from Sciences Po, Paris, and a BA in History (with a minor in Sociology) from the Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia). Photo - credit must read: Catherine Gilbert.
AHM Bazlur Rahman's picture
Short description: 
Mr. AHM Bazlur Rahman has been serving as Chief Executive Officer of Bangladesh NGOs Network for Radio & Communication (BNNRC) since 2000. He has been struggling for the last 20 years for leveraging community media and the right to communicate in order to create successful policy advocacy in Bangladesh in line with community media development from 2000. In recognition of his outstanding and committed extraordinary services for promoting Community Media and ICT, he has awarded the UN World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) prize in 2016, 2017, 2019 & 2020. He is serving as a member of Community Radio Monitoring Committee of Ministry of Information, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. He is also a member of Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) of Asia Pacific Regional Internet Governance Forum (APrIGF) and co-founder of Bangladesh Internet Governance Forum. He was the strategic council member of UN Global Alliance for ICT and Development (UN GAID) from the Asia and Pacific. He is serving as the three member of the jury panel for the Free Press Unlimited Newcomer of the Year in Journalism – Hans Verploeg Awards from 2016, The Netherlands. He has been actively promoting shaping the future of Media, Entertainment and Culture in the era of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in line with using AI, Block chain, Internet of things and Big data. He has the unique quality of experience and contribution in an inclusive manner in multi-stakeholders of politics, development partners, the private sector, NGO & civil society, public sector, UN, policy makers, academia and media. He is known as transformational expert, visionary, and change agent. He can be reached at |
Baris Ari's picture
Short description: 
I am a Teaching Fellow in Comparative Politics and Quantitative Methods.
ismail mohamed's picture
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i'm ismail moahamed one of young African scholars. master students of institute of development studies,i'm also researcher,activist by and social worker humanitarian.
Emma Calgaro's picture
Short description: 
Emma is a human geographer specialising in disaster risk reduction (DRR), vulnerability, resilience and transforming risk responses. Her research examines the complex set of contextual factors that impede and/or improve resilience and vulnerability levels to risk with a regional focus on South-East Asia and Australia and the South Pacific. Her research career began looking at the vulnerability and resilience of tourism destinations to natural hazards. However, the last several years has seen her focus shift to disability and disasters. Taking a systems approach, her current work explores two fundamental questions designed to advance inclusion in the disaster space: 1) what does inclusion means in the context of DRR and 2) what steps - including knowledge generation and sharing, processes and practices - are needed to make DiDRR a lived reality.
Nicolas Duvoux's picture
Short description: 
Professor of sociology at Paris VIII University, researcher at CRESPPA-LabToP, Nicolas Duvoux is a specialist in issues of social solidarity, poverty and philanthropy. He is the author of several books including Social inequalities, Paris, PUF, “Que-sais-je?”, 2017; The forgotten ones of the American dream. Philanthropy, State and Urban Poverty in the United States, Paris, PUF, 2015 or The New Age of Solidarity. Poverty, precariousness and public policies, Paris, The Republic of Ideas / Le Seuil, 2012 as well as numerous articles and interventions in the press. He has been Visiting Scholar at Harvard University (2012-2013) and guest lecturer in many countries (Russia, Lithuania, Canada, USA, Switzerland, Belgium, etc.) and academic institutions. In addition to his teaching and research activities, he is a collection director at Presses Universitaires de France and editor-in-chief of Vie des idé Finally, he participates regularly in public policy evaluation activities. After having been a member of the Evaluation Committee of Active Solidarity Income (2009-2011), he became a member of the University College of the National Observatory of Poverty and Social Exclusion (since 2014) and is, for this reason, president of the monitoring and evaluation committee of the Support Fund for Integration Policies with the Ministry of Solidarity (2018-2021).
Thom Brooks's picture
Short description: 
Thom Brooks is Professor of Law and Government at Durham University’s Law School and its longest-serving Dean from 2016 to 2021 (with Associate Membership in the Philosophy Department and School of Government & International Affairs). He has held visiting positions at Chicago, Columbia, Harvard, LUISS, NYU, Nice (Cote d'Azur), Oxford, Penn, St Andrews, Uppsala and Yale.

