User directory


Santiago Bertoglia's picture
Short description: 
Voluntario de las Naciones Unidas - Asistente Humanitario
Anna Laing's picture
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Anna's research interests focus on the spatialities of social movements and activism, indigenous politics and environmental justice. A key aspect of her work is on understanding the vital role of civil society actors in shaping development agendas in the Global South. Anna’s main geographical focus is on Latin America, specifically Bolivia, where she has conducted research analysing the interplay between the State, indigenous movements and urban environmentalists in contemporary resource conflicts.
Ann Cheryl Armstrong's picture
Short description: 
Ann Cheryl is the Associate Dean, Research Innovation and International at the Faculty of Arts, Law and Education, University of the South Pacific (USP). She is also the Co-ordinator of Inclusive Education Courses at USP. Ann Cheryl has worked in this area for more than 20 years in universities in the UK, Australia and the Pacific. She has also worked in the Caribbean, across Europe, South East Asia and the Pacific. Her publications focus on inclusive policy & practice, Inter-cultural competence and professional development in developing countries.
Derrick Armstrong's picture
Short description: 
I am the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation & International at The University of the South Pacific, a university that covers 12 member countries in the Pacific region. I am also a Professor of Inclusive Education and a Sociologist and Educationalist by background. I have worked in Universities in the UK and Australia prior to moving to Fiji in 2015. I have also spent time working in the Caribbean. My publications and research has been focused on the sociology of inclusive policy and practice and I have a strong interest in the experiences and stories of young people and adults who have experienced institutional social exclusion.
Tim Bartley's picture
Short description: 
I'm a Professor of Sociology at Washington University in St. Louis. My research has focused mainly on standards for decent working conditions and sustainability in global industries, with particular attention to the apparel and timber industries in Indonesia and China. More broadly, I'm interested in global production networks/global value chains, social movements, and the regulation of global supply chains, including mandatory due diligence policies and market restrictions intended to combat illegality (e.g., illegal fishing, illegal logging). You can see more information on my recent book, Rules without Rights: Land, Labor, and Private Authority in the Global Economy, here: and more about my other work here:
Maria Angelica Bautista's picture
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Assistant Professor at Harris Public Policy School
Wenjun Cheng's picture
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Wenjun Cheng is a Ph.D. Candidate at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University. She got a Bachelor degree in Spanish Philology and Master degrees in International Politics from Renmin University and in Global Political Economy from Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research focuses on the political economy of international trade and investment, especially the economic relations between China and Latin American countries, as well as the social and political factors behind policy arrangements. With China rising as a contributor to international development, her study will explore the development cooperation beyond the OECD DAC system and the traditional South-South cooperation framework.
Kelechi Ekuma's picture
Short description: 
I hold a PhD in Development Policy and Management and currently lectures at the Global Development Institute (GDI), The University of Manchester, where I convene the Human and Digital Development (HDD) teaching cluster which manages several key postgraduate programmes within the GDI, including the MSc degrees in Human Resource Development, ICTs for Development and, Management and Information Systems. I am a development policy and strategy expert specializing in innovation policy, national capacity development/education planning and public sector transformation in developing contexts. My current research interests focus on understanding the critical role played by leaders, elites, and coalitions in promoting or retarding development reforms, especially public sector reforms in developing countries (DCs). I am particularly interested in the ethics of leadership and the politics of trust and cooperation in public sector governance as well as how complex policy problems such as corruption and incentive structures shape the standards for public sector governance; and how these issues impact public sector employees in developing contexts. The second strand of my research explores the implications of the emerging fourth industrial revolution for the future of work and skills development in developing and transitioning contexts, especially in sub-Saharan Africa.
Youssef Filali-Meknassi's picture
Short description: 
Youssef Filali-Meknassi, né en 1969 à Tanger (Maroc), est un hydrologue et fonctionnaire international. Il occupe en 2019, le poste de Directeur de la Division des Sciences de l'eau de l’UNESCO et de Secrétaire du Programme Hydrologique Intergouvernemental. En septembre 2020, il est nommé directeur du bureau régional à Quito. Titulaire d’un diplôme en ingénierie chimique de l'Université Mohammed-V de Rabat, il poursuit des études d'ingénierie civile à l'Université de Sherbrooke en partenariat avec l'Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique du Canada (INRS). En 2003, il obtient un doctorat en sciences de l'eau à l'INRS en partenariat avec l'École Polytechnique de Montréal, et concentre ses recherches sur les méthodes d’épuration des eaux usées et sur la conception de procédés industriels et de technologiques pour améliorer la qualité de l’eau à l’effluent. Il rejoint ensuite l'Université polytechnique de Catalogne et mène des recherches visant à éliminer les perturbateurs endocriniens (EDCs) des eaux usées avant leur rejet ou leur réintégration dans l'environnement. En 2004, il continue ses travaux à la Missouri University of Science and Technology. L'année suivante, il collabore avec l'Institut d'études géologiques des États-Unis sur un projet relatif à la décontamination chimique de La Nouvelle-Orléans suite à l'ouragan Katrina5. En 2006, il rejoint l'UNESCO, d'abord au Maghreb puis en Afrique australe. En 2016, il est nommé au sein de la Division des Sciences de l'eau et du Secrétariat du Programme Hydrologique Intergouvernemental, et prend en charge le portefeuille d’activités sur l'éducation relative à l'eau. S'appuyant sur les nouvelles technologies et la science ouverte, il lance en 2013 l’Initiative HOPE (Hydro Free and/or Open-source Platform of Experts) qui encourage l’utilisation des logiciels libres et gratuits pour la gestion de l'eau dans les pays en développement. En 2017, il conceptualise la plateforme IHP-WINS, une bibliothèque en ligne collaborative hébergeant données, cartes, et documents relatifs à l'eau. Il siège comme représentant à l'ONU-Eau (en), au Conseil d'administration de l’UNESCO-IHE et du Conseil mondial de l'eau, et est également membre du Comité de pilotage international du 9eme Forum mondial de l’eau (Pour plus d'informalltion:
Susanne Schwalgin, Dr.'s picture
Short description: 
technical adviser on Migration and Disability in the German /European context since 2013; current position head of Project Crossroads | Migration and Disability at Handicap International in Germany academic Background: PhD in Social Anthropology with focus on Migration studies

