User directory


Ann-Katrien LESCRAUWAET's picture
Short description: 
Director International Relations at Flanders Marine Institute VLIZ, InnovOvean site in Oostende Belgium (since 2017). Strong believer in open collaboration and sharing of data, information, resources. Effective Science-policy interface works in both directions and there is no one size to fit all. It requires active listening to both sides of the interface. Worked at marine science-policy interface as broker of information and data offer and demand, since 2006. Ample experience in field work as marine scientist, in particular in solution-oriented approach to tackle conservation of marine life in artisanal fisheries, in South America; marine mammal ecology and conservation in field work in European waters.
Fiona Macaulay's picture
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Senior Lecturer at the University of Bradford in the Department of Peace Studies and International Development. I have worked for the last three decades on Latin America, especially Brazil. My main areas of research are: gender rights and representation, the influence of civil society mobilisation on political institutions and policy, criminal justice reform - especially of the prison system, gender-based violence and state responses to it. I am currently writing a book about how Brazil has responded to the challenge of feminicide. Before working in academia I worked for Amnesty International
Asgar Ali Sabri's picture
Short description: 
Experienced development professional with strong strategic leadership skills in directing programme staff as well as mobilizing Civil Society Organizations/platforms towards alternative development initiatives, facilitation skills in creating linkage and collaboration across the country and region on common issues of concerns, critical engagement skills with the government and fundraising and relationship building skills with donors.
Sarah Parkinson's picture
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Dr. Sarah E. Parkinson is the Aronson Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Studies at Johns Hopkins University. Her research examines organizational behavior and social change in contexts of war and disaster. Focusing on the Middle East and North Africa, Parkinson uses ethnographic methods and social network theory to study how actors such as military organizations, political parties, and humanitarian groups cope with crisis, disruption, and fragmentation. She has conducted extensive fieldwork among Palestinian and Syrian refugees in Lebanon as well as with humanitarian responders in Iraqi Kurdistan.
Eleonora Harwich's picture
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I am Director of Research at a London-based think tank called Reform. My work focuses on how tech innovations can help public services deliver better outcomes for people. I have particular interest in the public-sector applications of artificial intelligence (AI). I have led and co-authored papers on AI in the NHS, the value of healthcare data, commercial models within healthcare system, the regulation of data-driven technologies and data sharing in the public sector. I am a member of the British Standards Institution’s Committee on Artificial Intelligence and a member of the AI Programme advisory board for the Academic Health Science Network. I am also the London Hub Lead of One HealthTech a volunteer-led network that seeks to promote diversity in healthtech.
Merima Ali's picture
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Economist focusing on development, state capacity and taxation policy in Africa.
Jennifer Curtin's picture
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I am the Director of the Public Policy Institute, University of Auckland, New Zealand and I am a Professor of Politics and Public Policy. My areas of research expertise relate to gender policy analysis, comparative public policy with a focus on New Zealand and Australia. I am currently working on three projects that have an applied focus and involve working with government agencies and civil society. These are 1) to design a gender responsive budgeting strategy for New Zealand that recognises different groups of women; 2) to develop a new policy incubator to support the co-design of small scale policy 'solutions' at the community and city level and 3) to investigate the use of care credits and the valuing of unpaid labour to advance gender equality. I am the coordinator of our University's Master of Public Policy programme, which we offer both on-campus and online.
James Sloam's picture
Short description: 
Professor of Politics at Royal Holloway University. Engaged in research on youth civic and political engagement internationally. Most recent research project (for the Greater London Authority) focusses on young Londoners and sustainability, investigating youth voice on issues related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. James had published widely on the subjects of young people, politics and policy, political communication and citizenship education. His 2019 book "Youthquake 2017: the rise of young cosmopolitans in Britain" (with Matt Henn) was downloaded over 20,000 times in its first year. James worked with many NGOs and public authorities, including authoring a chapter on electoral participation for the 2016 UN World Youth Report
Frederik Booysen's picture
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I am a health economist based in South Africa working on inequalities in health and healthcare.
Bentley Allan's picture
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Assistant Professor of Political Science, Johns Hopkins University

