User directory


Angeliki Dimopoulou's picture
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Senior Economist
Ana Martinez's picture
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Ana is the head of the Behavioral and Experimentation Unit (UCEx) at the National Public Policy Lab. She is professor of Rational choice and Economics at CIDE. She specializes in the study of rationality and behavioral sciences for public policy design. She is experienced in the analysis of financial inclusion with several publication on the topic. Ana worked as a consultant at IMCO (a leading Mexican think tank) and in the private sector. Her study on skin-color discrimination in bank branches was awarded the National Public Policy Price in 2018. Ana holds a B.A. in Economics from the Tecnológico de Monterrey, a Master in S.C. on Development Studies from the London School of Economics and a PhD. in Public Policy at CIDE.
Ali orazgani's picture
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I'm a Senior Lecturer at De Montford University. His research focuses on macroeconomics. Formerly, he was a Research Fellow at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR).
Eleftherios Giovanis's picture
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Eleftherios Giovanis studied economics at the University of Thessaly. He completed the M.Sc. in Applied Economics and Finance at the University of Macedonia and the M.Sc. in Quality Assurance at the Hellenic Open University in 2009. He completed his PhD in economics at the Royal Holloway University of London. He was awarded the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Individual Fellowship at the University of Verona in 2015 and worked as an assistant professor in economics at Adnan Menderes University in 2017. In 2018-2021 he worked as a Senior Lecturer of Economics at Manchester Metropolitan University, and in 2019-2021 he was a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at Adnan Menderes University. He is currently an Associate Professor of Economics at Izmir Bakircay University.
Richard Ntaka's picture
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I am working as Chief Executive Officer in Local Governance Institute ( Institut de la Gouvernance Locale ) based in DR Congo, working to promote local inclusion and providing capacity building tools to local actors to shape the future of their communities.
Walters Nsoh's picture
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Dr Walters Nsoh is a Lecturer in Law at the University of Birmingham, with expertise in land and natural resource law and policy. He has undertaken studies with forest stakeholders in Cameroon; developed standards on land rights, the environment and extractive industries across Africa; and contributed to drafting of a new legal framework for Ecuador on natural resources and food security, among others. His book The Privatisation of Biodiversity? - New Approaches to Conservation Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2016) explores the use of innovative market-based approaches such as biodiversity offsetting, payment for ecosystem services and conservation covenants in nature conservation. He has published in leading peer-reviewed academic and practitioner sources and has provided written evidence to policy consultations. In 2018, he guest edited a Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy on Competing Claims for Land, Food, Water and Agricultural Resources: Perspectives from the Global South. His work continues to evolve into new lines of enquiry and interdisciplinary collaborations and he has recently initiated research on the governance of water-energy-food nexus.
Prof. Christian Lambert Nguena, PhD's picture
Short description: 
Christian Lambert NGUENA, PhD is a Senior Researcher and a University Associate-Professor who capitalizes on more than 13 years of work experience; additionally, he owns more than 15 years of leadership and administration with an extensive work with international organizations such as for example the World Bank, the European Commission, the African Development Bank, the United Nations, the African Capacity Building Foundation. Jointly to this, he is currently the Secretary General of the Cameroon Academy of Young Scientists since 2018 and the President of the Association of African Young Economists since 2013. He is member of several international recognized scientific societies including the Econometric society, the CEDIMES, the African Finance and Economic Association, the International Economic Association. During his professional career, he have won many fellowship competitions and awards including: the University of Fribourg research fellowship (2009), the United Nations research fellowship (2011), the IDRC/Trust Africa research grant (2012), the World Bank Group research fellowship (2013), the International Economic Association fellowship (2015), The Sweeden Nordic African Institute (2019). He is author of many scientific papers in per reviewed and classified journals, and he is currently editor board member of several ranked journal including the Journal of Management and Sustainability and reviewer for African Development Review among others.
Isabel Hidalgo's picture
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I am a Venezuelan, entrepreneur and business consultant. I work as a change strategist, leadership development and business growth for private companies. Also, I´m an advocate for D&I. My main research in the past 5 years is based on a project dedicated to understand and design actionable method that enables companies around the world to create winning teams with a mindset that embraces change as an opportunity for innovation and growth for them and the companies they work for as well as their communities' development. This method is called ¨Amazing Leaders - Amazing Teams¨ which consists of 4 specific areas of development and action: Leadership and Power Dynamics, Education, Communication and Diversity & Inclusion. I will collaborate with UNESCO IPL better address the challenges we all encounter at work related to diversity and inclusion and at the same time help the private industry make a better and sustainable impact in our communities.
Roberto Foa's picture
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Roberto Stefan Foa is University Lecturer in Politics and Public Policy at the University of Cambridge. His research examines quality of government, regimes, and comparative social indicators. He is also interested in research methodology, including comparative survey work, index construction and design, geospatial analysis, and multi-method research. Roberto's academic work has been published in a wide range of top journals, and has been cited in publications including The Economist, the Financial Times, the New York Times, the Guardian and The Atlantic. Roberto graduated from the University of Oxford in Politics, Philosophy and Economics (BA), and completed his Ph.D. at the Harvard University Department of Government, during which time he published three articles rated by the Web of Science as among the top 1% highest impact in their fields. He has served as a Peter Martin Fellow at the Financial Times and was designer of the Indices of Social Development at the World Bank (, a global resource combining more than 25 data sources that measure social institutions such as trust, tolerance, social discrimination, and inclusion. He has also served as a consultant to the United Nations, the Africa Progress Panel, and the European Council for Tolerance and Reconciliation. He is a member of the Oxford Altius Society and a Principal Investigator of the World Values Surveys.
Anusha R's picture
Short description: 
Public health dentist

