User directory


Deval Desai's picture
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Teevrat Garg's picture
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Teevrat Garg is an Assistant Professor of Economics at the School of Global Policy and Strategy at the University of California in San Diego. His research is at the intersection of environmental and development economics with an emphasis on the role of public policy and institutions in helping the poor cope with environmental stressors such as heat, air and water pollution. In recent years, he has conducted research in India, Indonesia, Mexico, Nepal and Mozambique. Prior to joining UC San Diego, Professor Garg was a postdoctoral fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He received a B.A. in Economics (with Honors) and a B.S in Mathematics from Lafayette College in 2010, and a PhD. in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University in 2015.
Agita Pasaribu's picture
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Agita Pasaribu is the Founder of Bullyid App; a future AI app that combines psychology & law principles to proactively identify cyberbullying with an AI-analysis. Known as a child online protection enthusiast and cyberbullying policy analyst, Agita has been advocating for progressive youth-related policies at various diplomatic and international forums to promote the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Prior to founding, Agita has contributed to youth empowerment initiatives both national and internationally for over a decade. She has co-founded Tweet Kuliah, Instilling Learning for Malaysian Unity, led Safer Internet Day 2020 celebrations in 11 countries and Youth IGF Movement (UN IGF recognised global youth initiative) in over 35 countries.
Stefanie Gruessinger's picture
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I have been working in international cultural relations over the last years und joined UNESCO in March 2020 as a JPO in the Europe and North America Unit of the World Heritage Centre.
Sarah Kabay's picture
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Dr. Kabay is the Education Program Director at Innovations for Poverty Action and a Research Affiliate of the Global TIES for Children Research Center at New York University. Previously, Dr. Kabay worked with IPA for five years in Uganda, helping to establish the country office there and to manage several education projects. As an education researcher, she uses mixed methods and interdisciplinary research to study early childhood and basic education. Much of her own research continues to focus on basic education in Uganda, where she partners with the Ministry of Education and NGOs to investigate and improve monitoring systems, school management and parent and community engagement. Additional research projects include psychometric analysis of early childhood assessment instruments, cost analysis of the city of Boston's universal prekindergarten program, and qualitative investigation of social emotional learning in Niger.
Karen Robinson's picture
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I have nearly twenty years of experience working on gender and development issues in global policy and research across the donor and NGO sectors. I have expertise in country-level programming, conducting sectoral and thematic gender assessments, monitoring and evaluation, developing plans and processes for mainstreaming gender within organisations, and designing and delivering gender training.
phebeans ORIARO's picture
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My name is Phebeans Oriaro Weya. I am a Kenyan. I currently work as the Country Director of Innovations for Poverty Action-Kenya, an American not-for profit organization committed to conducting rigorous research, including policy impact evaluations, mainly using RCT methodology, to evaluate what works. We are keen on research-policy nexus and would like our research findings to lead to policy impact. Before this, I worked with ActionAid and Oxfam in policy advocacy and influencing. I am keen to learn what other teams are doing in the policy space and what works for them to motivate the policy maker to use evidence to inform decisions.
Kate Glynn-Broderick's picture
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I'm an associate director of the financial inclusion program at Innovations for Poverty Action.
Lena Hassani Nezhad's picture
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My research interests are in the field of labour economics. I specifically study the design of policies which could facilitate participation of women in the labour market in transition to motherhood and if/how these policies could reduce the gender pay gap.
Shyama Ramani's picture
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Shyama Ramani's research focuses on the relationships between technology, innovation and their governance for inclusive development. Her work examines the role of technology and innovation in conjunction with actor (government, firms, citizens, public laboratories, NGOs etc.) engagements to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to sanitation, sustainable cities and communities, education and climate change. Her earlier work revolved around three core themes: the impact of the national system of innovation on the creation of industrial competence; the use of patent and publications statistics as indicators of competitive position and comparative advantage for investment; and the creation of incentives for cooperation and coordination. Her methodology is varied, ranging from contextual analysis and case studies to the use of game theory for studying strategic problems related to innovation creation and diffusion. Dr. Ramani holds a PhD in economics from Cornell University, USA. After the tsunami of December 2004, she founded a charity action-research unit ‘Friend In Need’, which aims to improve sanitation coverage and hygiene conditions in rural India. It is actively supported by the field participation of European and Indian students. She is a serial academic entrepreneur who has also co-founded a profit unit (Tecknowmetrix, Voiron, France) and a non-profit (Sti4Change, Bangalore, India), but currently she is active only in 'Friend In Need'. Finally, in 2017, she co-founded SITE4Society in UNU-MERIT, to bridge gaps between academics and society, via events and understandable publication briefs dealing with science, innovation, technology and engagement - for societal welfare.

