User directory


Philippa Calver's picture
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PhD Researcher looking at issues of recognition and distributive justice within low carbon policy
Martin Frick's picture
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Senior Director at UNFCCC, former Director Climate Change at UN-FAO
Andrew Kythreotis's picture
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I have expertise in climate policy and governance and have advised local and national governments on climate change policy related matters.
Patrick McGrann's picture
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Intrepid researcher and project manager with an enduring passion for understanding and improving the prospects of conflicted societies throughout the developing world. Well versed in areas of political contention, built from 20 years of field experience leading the assessment, design, and implementation of a wide variety of unique development projects within adverse circumstances, including
Jeffrey Hardy's picture
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Dr Jeffrey Hardy is a Senior Research Fellow at the Grantham at Imperial College London, where he researches energy market transformation, innovative energy business models and the role of consumers and citizens in future energy systems. He leads a team in the UK Energy Revolution Research Consortium examining the policy and regulation of smart local energy systems. He is also a Non-Executive Director of Public Power Solutions, a wholly-owned company of Swindon Borough Council specialising is renewable power and waste solutions. Previously he was Head of Sustainable Energy Futures at the GB energy regulator, Ofgem and Head of Science for Work Group III of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He’s also worked at the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the UK Energy Research Centre, the Royal Society of Chemistry, the Green Chemistry Group at the University of York and at Sellafield as research chemist in a nuclear laboratory.
Samuel Stevenson's picture
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Former renewable energy policy analyst and now Research Assistant at the Grantham Insitute on Climate Change and the Environment, based at Imperial College London.
Michael Murphy's picture
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My current research pioneers a new framework for legal pluralism, emphasizing the interconnectedness of individuals, communities, and legal systems. It challenges traditional assumptions by integrating post-western social theory, relationality, and the concept of emptiness to empower marginalized voices and reimagine democracy.
Hala E's picture
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interested in learning policy
Mohammad Pournik's picture
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I am an economist by training and have worked in the UN system my entire professional life. I am passionate about political economy of inclusive development. I also see inclusive development as a field of study that needs the insights of anthropologists, sociologists, political scientists, historians and economists to name a few. I have worked on economic policies needed for inclusive development as well as community driven development focused on poor communities or social groups. My work has been mostly in poorer developing countries, but have also followed the rise of inequality in higher income developing countries as well as OECD member countries. I have worked on many UN wide initiatives and engaged in joint activities with the World Bank. I have witnessed many experiences of political transition and am right now living a fledgling experiment in Sudan.
michael taylor's picture
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Director, International Land Coalition

