User directory


Jin Tanaka's picture
Short description: 
He was born in 1997 and enrolled at Kyushu University, Japan in 2017. Currently collaborating with National Institute for Environmental Studies, Biodiversity Division, Japan since 2016. Global Coordination Team of YOUNGO, UNFCCC youth constituency organization by youth from all over the world coordinating Conference of Youth (COY). And Country or Asia Pacific region represents the youth task force, youth champion, or youth group in UNEP, UNDP, UN ECOSOC, UNSC, UNCTAD, UNOPS, UNOSD, UNCLOS, UNHCR, UNDRR, CTBTO, and World Bank Group. From October 2021, enrolled in UNEP Stockholm+50 Youth Task Force, a youth group accredited with UNEP engage with UNEA, Leadership Dialogue to make a connection with economical social benefit from the youth by proposing youth involvement in the decision-making process. He enrolled in YOUNGO: UNFCCC Youth Constituency as Global Coordination Team, UNEP Stockholm:50 Youth Task Force, UNESCO SDG4Youth Network, UNISC International: UN-ECOSOC Special Consultative Status NGO for focusing on environmental Education via climate change, energy transition, water management, ocean conservation in Asia Pacific countries to take a lead by youth engagement. He is also cooperating with National Institute for Environmental Studies, Biodiversity Division, Japan since 2016 for mutual understanding educational method “Kankyo Cafe”, environmental dialogue.
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I have been a teacher for almost 20 years and in between teaching and research, I engage in community development projects including teaching children in Sunday School, conducting financial literacy programs for school youths, and as well as teaching public school elementary school teachers on financial literacy.
TAIB BENNANI's picture
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Problématique: L'analyse sociologique et politologique des politiques publiques d'inclusion (PPIS) par le sport et l'éducation physique (EP) est régie par deux tendances doctrinales en opposition. D'un côté, l'humanisme de l'EP et du sport confère aux politiques d'éducation par le sport un ensemble de valeurs centrées sur la personne en faveur de l'inclusion et l'intégration. De l'autre, le réalisme politique confère aux politiques de l'EP un caractère non conventionnel renforçant la thèse de marginalisation. En conséquence, le référentiel des politiques publiques d'inclusion par le sport et l'EP peine à réaliser les rééquilibrages nécessaires entre l'approche par les valeurs de l'humanisme et les impératives du réalisme politique.
Vanesha Manuturi's picture
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A storyteller at heart, Vanesha is deeply passionate about the power of stories in driving civic movements. As the Communications and Advocacy Manager at Kota Kita, she combines her field journalism training with a diverse experience in communications for development to execute compelling media & communication strategies that raise public awareness and stimulate citizen participation on pressing urban issues. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies, Journalism with a minor in Sociology from Seattle Pacific University, and has contributed to media outlets such as the Jakarta Globe, the Jakarta Post, iBAN magazine, and the Next Billion.
Margaret Antony's picture
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I am a final year postgraduate researcher at Royal Holloway, University of London, working in the area of Education Economics. My research focuses on primary schools in England. My interest in schools began with my selection as a Foundation Governor in my daughter’s school in Kent, England, during which time I served in the committees on curriculum, finance and religion. In my research, I undertake an efficiency analysis on English primary schools, using data on school inputs and 'test-score' output. I also undertake a policy evaluation on the implications of the Academy Act 2010. My other research interests are broadly in the area of Microeconomics and Applied Econometrics. I have been working in the higher education sector since 2012 as a post-graduate teaching assistant. Previously, I worked as a Researcher in both governmental and non-governmental organisations in India. In these roles, I primarily worked on socio-economic issues affecting the marginalised sections of society. Much of this research was meant for advocacy and policy purposes. As Consultant at the Kerala State Planning Board, Kerala, India, I was engaged in research on the functioning of local body institutions in the State as part of the People’s Campaign for Decentralised Planning. In this latter role, I was able to gain first-hand experience on the restructuring of governmental institutions in the State, with an emphasis on grassroots level governance and the adoption of a bottom-up approach in planning. I would like to further put to use my research skills and experience in the understanding of the micro-processes that shape economic, social and political institutions.
Paula Westenberger's picture
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I am a Lecturer in Intellectual Property Law at Brunel University London. My research interests cover the intersection between copyright law, human rights and culture, with particular focus on topics including limitations and exceptions to copyright, the use of digital technology by cultural heritage institutions, and the relationship between artistic freedom and copyright law. I hold a PhD (with Scholarship awarded by the Centre for Commercial Law Studies) and an LLM in Intellectual Property Law from Queen Mary University of London, and an LLB from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), where I was also part of the Human Rights Centre research group "Simulações e Realidade".
Tom Barton's picture
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I am a PhD student in Politics, funded by the ESRC (SeNSS). My PhD focuses on the impact of Voter Identification laws on election turnout and perceptions of democratic integrity. This research aims to create a comparative database of Voter ID laws around the world and bring greater understanding to an issue that gains much focus in the USA but very little throughout the rest of the world. In addition, I aim to better understand how ID laws relate to turnout, the elite motivations and public reaction surrounding new laws, expert and individual perceptions of democratic integrity due to ID laws. How ID laws relate to other electoral rules such as registration laws will also form part of my thesis.
Zhamilya Mukasheva's picture
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Zhamilya Mukasheva is doing her PhD on the causes of retrenchment in higher education in the OECD countries. Her research focuses on the effect of blame avoiding behaviour of politicians on the subsequent retrenchment decisions. As such, her research interests include comparative politics of the welfare state, blame avoidance, and public opinion. She also researches on rentier states, civil wars, and politics of Central Asia. Prior to beginning her PhD, Zhamilya worked in a social and marketing research firm in Kazakhstan, where she was responsible for developing the design of social and marketing studies and collection of data. She received her Bachelor’s degree from the Kazakh-German University (Almaty, Kazakhstan) and Master’s degree from the Nazarbayev University (Astana, Kazakhstan).
Miriam Mendes's picture
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Research Facilitator at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. We focus on evidence-based policy for a world better led, better served and better governed.
Mohammad Kalantari's picture
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Dr Mohammad R. Kalantari is the co-director of the Centre for Islamic & West Asian Studies (CIWAS), and Research Fellow in International Relations of the Middle East at Royal Holloway University of London. His research interest lies in the International Relations of the Middle East with a particular focus on the interaction of regional doctrines, Muslim clerical elites and their transnational networks. He has collaborated actively with policymakers and researchers in various inter-disciplinary projects addressing the contemporary affairs of the Middle East and the Muslim World.

