User directory


Hristina Mikich's picture
Short description: 
Hristina is an expert on the topic of the creative industries and creative entrepreneurship. She currently works as a research associate at the Institute for creative entrepreneurship and innovation, Serbia. She holds a Ph.D. degree in economic development and policy – cultural economics. Hristina specializes the analysis of the creative industries, cultural/creative industries indicators, cultural and heritage driven entrepreneurship globally. She has worked for the UNESCO Institute for statistics, World Bank, Council of Europe, UNDP, British Council, several ministries for cultural affairs in SEE region and other profit and not-for-profit organizations. Hristina is specialized in qualitative and quantitative economic analysis of the creative sector and economic evaluation of cultural policy measures, both methodological-theoretical and practical-operational with a special focus on job creation, economic fairness and improvement of economic well-being in cultural and creative industries.
Jamilla Hamidu's picture
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I am a political scientist, lecturer and researcher specialised in political engagement of the African diaspora in host countries such as the UK and France, transnational political engagement towards homeland politics in Anglophone and Francophone Africa . My research interest is equally focused on returnee diaspora political and economic engagement in homeland development. My specific countries of research are Ghana, Nigeria, La Cote d'Ivoire and Senegal. My research thematics equally focuses on the Black Atlantic diaspora history, particularly the historic linkages between Ghana and the French Antilles.
Ellen Fobé's picture
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I am a postdoc research at the KU Leuven Public Governance Institute in Belgium. My research interests include evidence-based policymaking, policy advice, nudging and policy instruments for effective policymaking.
Vinayak Lashkar's picture
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Mr. Vinayak Subhash Lashkar is working as an Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Sociology at Anekant Education Society’s, Tuljaram Chaturchand College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Baramati, Pune. Presently he is engage as an Expert Committee Member on Establishment of Independent Study Center for Denotified and Nomadic Tribes of India in Savitribai Phule Pune University. He is also a former Expert Committee Member on National Commission for De-notified, Nomadic and Semi-Nomadic Tribes, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India. He is also a former Five Year Perspective Plan Committee Member on Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, Maharashtra India. He has completed his M. Phil research work on ‘Sociological Study of Wadar Community in Pune City’ at Department of Sociology, SPPU, Pune. He has a huge experience of working as a Research Co-ordinator, Project Assistant, Research Associate, Field Work Co-ordinator and Documentation Co-ordinator with various Government Projects, University Grant Commission Projects and NGO support programs. His areas of expertise include Teaching, Research, Documentation, Data Analysis, Field Work, Translation, Training, and Evaluation. His sectors of specialization are in the subject of Sociology of Caste, Sociology of Tribe, Social and Cultural Anthropology and Gender Studies. He has presented paper and published various articles in international, national and state level conference/ seminars and journals/ books covering a wide range of topics, including issues of Denotified and Nomadic Tribes in India. His research areas include on Denotified and Nomadic tribes, Internal Security of India, Human Rights of DNT’s, Development Issues, Social Anthropology, and Sociological Studies. He is also an active member of academic bodies and nongovernmental organizations. He is also actively participated in workshop, seminar and conferences which are covering the social issues.
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Black woman, Brasilian, Christian, graduated in Veterinary Medicine, postgraduated Inviromental Management. Public Worker in the public health sistem of São Paulo.
Carmela Roybal's picture
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Carmela "Than Povi" Roybal, is a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of College Dublin. She is an Indigenous scholar trained as a medical sociologist and social science research methodologist. Her areas of research are in race-gender health disparities, health policy, and social inequalities. Through an intersectional lens, she examines the social determinants of health among women and racial and ethnic populations. She employs decolonial strategies to research, policy development and nation building.
Noelle Higgins's picture
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Noelle researches and teaches in the area of public international law at Maynooth University in Ireland. She has a particular interest in culture and cultural rights.
Rosalee Gonzalez's picture
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Dr. Rosalee Gonzalez has twenty-five years of international experience in the promotion and protection of indigenous peoples, women's, and human rights. She is an elected leader of the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas and is Co-Founder of Indigenous Women Rise--a convenor for the Women's March in the US (2017). Dr. Gonzalez's academic research is informed by her engagement in the international indigenous peoples' movement. She has university teaching experience in human rights, critical race theory, social work/welfare, and criminal justice. She has executive management, public policy, and administration experience. She worked for two United Nations Secretariats in Geneva and New York Headquarters. Dr. Gonzalez is the former Executive Director of the US Human Rights Network, a member-based network building a people-centered human rights movement in the US.
Cristiano Zazzara's picture
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I'm an adjunct professor of finance at the NYU Stern School of Business, where I teach a Sustainable Finance course in the MBA program
Hallie Jeon's picture
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Please see linkedin

