User directory


Kate Joseph's picture
Short description: 
Kate Joseph joined the City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality in 2018 in the Group Strategy Policy Coordination and Relations unit. Her work contributes to the overarching long-term city development strategy and improving operations within the city, particularly around service delivery infrastructure, urban sustainability and governance. She has represented the City of Joburg in a number of global networks
Rebekah Baglini's picture
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Computational linguist focusing on analyzing media (traditional and social media) in collaboration with HOPE (How Democracies Cope with Covid-19) at Aarhus University.
Claire Hathaway Rusam's picture
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My interests and expertise lie at the intersection of policy and innovation. I currently work at the Management of Social Transformations and Foresight (MOST) Programme of UNESCO. In this role, I am conducting research and assisting in the coordination of a project with the European Commission on government innovation and capacity building. I also lead the research at the Inclusive Policy Lab, focusing on sustainable welfare, data for good and trust in science.
Caroline Cox's picture
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Academic lawyer at the University of Portsmouth's Law School. Research areas: illegal wildlife trade, wildlife law and wildlife crime, sustainable spaces.
Kavi Abraham's picture
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Assistant Professor in International Relations at Durham University (UK). Political theorist and student of global governance, interested in the ways in which public participation has changed over time, the effects on normative definitions of democracy, and how to rethink democracy to meet the challenges of a global world.
Lukas Slothuus's picture
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I am a political theorist working on theories of social transformation.
Krista Holthaus's picture
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Phd student focused on economic and health inequality
Erenay Umay CINAR's picture
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Currently, I am studying Master's in International Politics in KU Leuven. From September 2020 to September 2021, I have worked as an Expert at Turkish National Commission for UNESCO, within differrent sectors and Global Priorities of UNESCO (esp. Culture, Social and Human Sciences and Gender Equality) (I took a year off to get my studies). I am native in Turkish, fluent in English (Overall IELTS Score: 7.5), Intermediate in Spanish (B1 -Certificated), and beginner in French (A1 - Certificated). During my years in Bachelor's I was the Vice Chair of the MUN Club, Team Leader in IR Department of the Business Club, performer at the Theatre Club, and writer in the Faculty's Magazine: Beyond (2016-2019). I have written 5 articles in the magazine and two other articles of mine has published by ICRP Magazine during my studies in Budapest. (e.g. I got my bachelor's degree (2016-2020) in International Relations (%100 English) at Dokuz Eylul University in Izmir, Turkey. I studied a semester in 2019 at Kodolanyi Janos University in Budapest, Hungary with Erasmus + Programme. In 2019, have worked as an intern at Provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism of Izmir, and in 2017, for a month, I have worked as a reporter for foreign affairs in K&G Agency in Mugla, Turkey. Between 2012-2015 I have worked voluntarily as the President of Children Assembly in Izmir City Council. In 2019 I have joined a short term Erasmus+ project called "HumanITy".
Adel Belkadi's picture
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Dr.Belkadi Adel completed his PhD at 28 years from Mostaganem University, Algeria. He is the head of the training sports department of the institute of physical education and sports-Mostaganem University, Algeria.and chairman of the judo league of mostganem, He has over 30 publications that have been cited over 281 times, He has been serving as an editorial board member of several reputed journals. He was also the chairman of the university sports association (ASIEPS), previously he was a sports director of the international blind sports federation of Africa IBSA Africa.
Edwin Egede's picture
Short description: 
Professor of International Law & International Relations at Cardiff University School of Law & Politics

