User directory


Short description: 
Dr. Ayyıldız is a translator/interpreter, sociologist, teacher trainer, language instructor and holds MA and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Educational Management. She worked as a head teacher, academic coordinator, dean of students and director of English preparatory school in higher education institutions. To date she has taught several courses in various faculties. She has worked on topics like Epistemology of Educational Sciences. She holds various academic memberships and is the reviewer/editor of international journals. She is an assistant professor of Management Information Systems Department and the director of Center of Research and Learning (CORaL) in Ankara Medipol University, Turkey.
Roddy Munro's picture
Short description: 
I am a Learning Designer for Heriot-Watt Online at Heriot-Watt University. My role is to provide pedagogical expertise to support and advise faculty members in the design and construction of new online courses, using initiative and innovation to help shape the student experience.
Liz Fouksman's picture
Short description: 
Dr Fouksman is a Lecturer/Assistant Professor at the Centre for Public Policy Research at King's College London. She is also a research associate of the University of Oxford and the University of the Witwatersrand. Liz's research focuses on understanding moral, social and cultural attachments to work and working. It looks at the impediment such attachments pose to new imaginaries of the future of labour and distribution in an increasingly automated world. In particular, Liz focuses on the ways the long-term unemployed in countries with high inequality and unempoyment rates think about links between time-use, work, and income. The research project looks to fieldwork in South Africa and Namibia to ask how such links challenge both proposals to expand social protection through means such as unconditional cash transfers, as well as more radical calls for the decommodification of labor via mechanisms such as a universal basic income guarantee and/or shorter working hours. Liz also does action-research with the global movement around universal basic income guarantees (UBI), and complements research in southern Africa with comparative case studies in the Global North.
Roos van Greevenbroek's picture
Short description: 
I am a user researcher and interaction designer with both a psychology and human-computer interaction background. I’m interested in exploring how technology can impact human well-being positively and am currently working at University College of London (UCL) on an inclusive e-sexual health clinic, with, i.a., Claudia Estcourt and Ann Blandford. We aim to make online STI testing and arranging treatment accessible to all, and are currently involving gender diverse people and people with accessibility needs in our research.
Giulia Barbareschi's picture
Short description: 
Giulia Barbareschi is a Research Fellow in Disability and Assistive Technology Innovation at the Keio School of Media Design in Yokohama and the Global Disability Innovation Hub in London. She received her PhD in 2018 from University College London. From 2018 to 2021 she was a research fellow at the UCL Interaction Centre. Her research interest center on the design, development and evaluation of new and existing technologies to empower people with disabilities living in different parts of the world.
Zoe Russell's picture
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I am a PhD researcher working on UNESCO Biosphere Reserves. Specifically, I am working with Wester Ross Biosphere, exploring how they are implementing sustainable development and promoting cultural heritage. I have a background in sociology and politics. I am particularly interested in the intersection of policy and practice.
Ann Morning's picture
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I am a sociologist at New York University who specializes in racial and ethnic classification and conceptualization. I am the author of The Nature of Race: How Scientists Teach and Think about Human Difference (University of California Press 2011) as well as the forthcoming An Ugly Word: Rethinking Race in Italy and the United States (Russell Sage Foundation 2022, co-authored with Marcello Maneri).
David Ainsworth's picture
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Business Editor at Devex
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Computer Science Teacher from Morocco, MIEEXPERT, Wakelet, Flipgrid Merge EDU, Book Creator, Mote, GoNoodle, DEN ambassador
Spiros Denaxas's picture
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Prof of Biomedical Informatics

