User directory


Yoel Siegel's picture
Short description: 
I work internationally promoting local development integrating social,economic, and planning components. Much of my experience is introducing new roles for local government at the strategic and practical level. I have a firm belief in the capacity of people with a commitment to shared wellbeing to create a vibrant inclusive global society. PhD. from the University of Sussex.
Gillian Gualtieri's picture
Short description: 
I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Curb Center for Art, Enterprise, and Public Policy at Vanderbilt University. Previously, I held a postdoctoral fellowship at New York University and received my PhD in Sociology from the University of California Berkeley. My research broadly considers the relationship between culture, organizations, and inequality, and I currently study these dynamics in the context of cuisine, publishing, and the artistic labor market.
Emilie Biland-Curinier's picture
Short description: 
Émilie Biland is a full professor of sociology at Sciences Po, in Paris (France). She is a member of the Center for the Sociology of Organizations (CSO) and a research fellow at the Institut Universitaire de France. She is also an adjunct professor of political science at Laval University (Québec, Canada). Émilie does research in socio-legal studies and policy analysis. She is concerned about the part that organizations and professionals play in the shaping of inequalities based on class, gender, race and sexuality, both at work and at home. She is currently doing fieldwork on LGBTQ parental rights in France, Canada and Chile. She is also the principal investigator of a French research project devoted to the pandemic crisis: "Injustices and Disputes: Examining the Lived Experience of the Law during the COVID-19 Crisis".
Riva Kastoryano's picture
Short description: 
Riva Kastoryano is a research director at the CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), and Professor at SciencesPo Paris. Her work focuses on identity and minority issues and more specifically to their relations to states in France, Germany, the United States. She was a lecturer at Harvard University 1984-1987, and has been teaching at the Institute for Political Studies in Paris (SciencesPo.) since 1988 and at the New School for Social Research since 2005. Her most recent books are Negotiating Identities. States and Immigrants in France and Germany Princeton University Press 2002. She also edited Quelle identité pour l’Europe ? Le multiculturalisme à l’épreuve (Paris, Presses de Sciences-Po 1998 and 2005 for the second edition) ; Nationalismes en mutation en Méditerranée Orientale (Changing Concept of Nationalism) (with A.Dieckhoff) Paris, Ed.du CNRS 2002 ; and Les codes de la différence. Religion, Origine, Race en France, Allemagne et Etats-Unis, (Codes of Otherness. Religion, Ancester and Race in France, Germany and the United States) Presses de Sciecnes-Po, 2005. Turkey Between Nationalism and Globalization, London Routledge 2013. Her last book is : Que faire des corps des djihadistes? Territoire et identité, Paris Fayard 2015; Burying JIhadis. Space, Bodies between State, Territory and Identity, Hurst & Oxford U. press 2019
Bastian Betthaeuser's picture
Short description: 
Bastian A. Betthäuser is an Assistant Professor at the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC), Sciences Po, Paris. He is also affiliated with Nuffield College, the Leverhulme Centre for Demographic Research and the Department of Social Policy and Intervention at the University of Oxford. His research interests include social inequality, how it accumulates over the life course, and how it is transmitted across generations. He is particularly interested in the role of macro-level institutions in reducing or reinforcing inequality of opportunity in society.
Philippe Coulangeon's picture
Short description: 
Philippe Coulangeon is Senior Research Fellow in Sociology at the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), member of the Observatoire Sociologique du Changement (OSC) at Sciences Po, where he develop his research and teaching in sociology of culture, lifestyles, social stratification and quantitative methods in Social Sciences. Lats publication: Culure de Masse et société de classess, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 2021
Malkit Shoshan's picture
Short description: 
My practice is at the intersection of architecture, urban planning, and human rights. In 2005, I founded the Foundation for Achieving Seamless Territory, an award-winning think-tank that researches and makes visible systemic violence that is manifested in the built environment. At FAST, we develop and advocate for design alternatives that empower marginalized communities and improve the quality of the built environment. Our projects promote social and environmental justice. In addition to my practice at FAST, I regularly teach at Harvard University Graduate School of Design and direct the Art, Design, and the Public Domain MDes area.
who vietnam's picture
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Việt Nam
Bashar Malkawi's picture
Short description: 
Bashar Malkawi is Global Professor of Practice in Law at University of Arizona. He received his S.J.D from American University, Washington College of Law, and LLM in International Trade Law from University of Arizona. He is well-versed in teaching and providing legal advice with 20+ years' experience in private and public sectors. His interests include asylum, movement of people, international trade, and economic integration and development. He has written over seventy articles for law reviews and professional publications, which have appeared in such top-tier journals Harvard Negotiation Law Review and American Journal of Comparative Law.He also sits on editorial board of a good number of journals published by Brill, Elsevier, Emerald, Wiley, Springer and several other publishers and universities.Prof. Malkawi has received numerous awards for his work. In addition to his scholarship, Prof. Malkawi frequently consults for a wide array of international organizations, governments, and international law firms.
Joe Ravetz's picture
Short description: 
My work on ‘collective sustainability intelligence’ covers urban, environment, economy, technology and political systems, as leader of the Future-Proof Cities theme for the Manchester Urban Institute at the University of Manchester. I have produced 2 landmark texts - the new ‘Deeper City: collective intelligence and the pathways from smart to wise’, and the previous ‘City-region 2020: Integrated planning for a sustainable environment’. I provide advice for policy and business from SAMI Consulting, along with reviews, evaluations, keynotes, training and capacity building events, in many countries. I practice and promote visual thinking as the key to creative collaboration, foresight/futures and systems change. In 2020 I set up the Collaboratorium for collective intelligence, a global online community, exploring the pathways ‘from smart to wise’.

