Expert and fellow directory


Alaz Munzur's picture
Short description: 
Alaz Munzur is an Assistant Professor at Simon Fraser University, School of Public Policy. Her primary research is focused in the areas of government regulation and policy on energy and environment; international cooperation on climate issues; internal and international trade policy and economic history. Prior to joining Simon Fraser University, she completed her PhD in Economics at the University of Calgary and worked as a research associate at the School of Public Policy, University of Calgary.
Susanne Koch's picture
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Principal Investigator at the Technical University of Munich, Department of Science, Technology and Society; she is an affiliate of the Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP) and appointed research fellow of the Centre for Research on Evaluation, Science and Technology, Stellenbosch University.
Bénédicte Apouey's picture
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Since 2012: Researcher (in charge of research) at the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and professor at the "Paris School of Economics" (PSE), Paris, France.
Karina Nielsen's picture
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Professor of Work Psychology at The University of Sheffield. Karina Nielsen is an expert in organisational interventions aimed at improving employee health and wellbeing through making changes to the way work is organised, designed and managed. She has developed and tested frameworks on how to design, implement and evaluate organisational interventions. Such interventions may focus on the individual, group, leader and organisational levels. She also has expertise in interventions to promote workers return and thrive at work after long-term sickness absence due to common mental disorders.
Tommaso Vitale's picture
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Dean, Sciences Po Urban School. Teaching 'Urban Sociology' & 'Urban Policy Analysis'. Researcher at CEE.
Laraib Niaz's picture
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I am a Post Doc at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge where I am a part of the Independent evaluation of the Girls Education Challenge to see how effective it has been for girls with disabilities. I have a PhD in the role of religion in classrooms in Pakistan from the Institute of Education, university College London. I am also an education consultant with the World Bank where i focus on inclusive education.
Rachel Gisselquist's picture
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I am a political scientist and international development professional with two decades of experience in academia, applied policy research, and international research management. I have spent about a decade with the United Nations (UNU-WIDER) and previously worked with Harvard, MIT, and the World Bank. My projects and publications focus on inequality and inclusion, ethnic and identity politics, the state and state-building, development cooperation, and governance and democracy.
Karoline Wiesner's picture
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Professor of Complexity Science, University of Potsdam, Germany
Paul Burton's picture
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I'm Professor of Urban Management & Planning & Director of the Cities Research Institute at Griffith University, based in South East Queensland, Australia. I'm a planner by training and an active member of the Planning Institute of Australia. Before moving here in 2007, I was Head of the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol & formerly a member of its School for Advanced Urban Studies. My research interests include the professional lives and values of planners, the theory and practice of public participation and theoretical understandings of policy-making & implementation.
Nishi Mitra's picture
Short description: 
Professor at Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) in Centre for Study of Developing Societies, School of Development Studies.

