Expert and fellow directory


Dennis Görlich's picture
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- working on global, cross-border challenges, in particular the role of G20 - coordinating large international research network
Tobias Heimann's picture
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Tobias Heimann is a researcher at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. Currently he employs a CGE model to evaluate possible future scenarios on various bioeconomy policies. In particular he looks for interactions with land-use patterns, economic development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Nadina Iacob's picture
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Nadina Iacob is a digital economy specialist driven by the desire to explore and tap the potential of the digital transformation across policy areas. In her recent work, she has analysed the impact of digital technologies in multiple sectors (public administration, labor market, healthcare) as well as the need to govern the data economy effectively. Nadina is currently a consultant with the World Bank. During her career, Nadina has contributed analyses and studies for a variety of organizations including the European Commission, the European Parliament, and the German development agency GIZ.
Claudia Avellaneda's picture
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Her main research interests are decentralization, public policy, innovation, governance, and public management, with a regional focus on Latin America. Specifically, Professor Avellaneda investigates determinants of government performance in Latin American municipalities by focusing on the role of the local chief executive — the mayor. In her field research, Professor Avellaneda conducts personal interviews and experimental analyses with Latin American mayors. She explores the impact of mayors' education, experience, networking, and political support on social service delivery, public finances, tax collection, and decision-making. She has extended this line of research to Brazilian, Honduran, Colombian, and Salvadorian municipalities. Currently, her research focuses on the Chilean, Mexican, Peruvian, Guatemalan, and Ecuadorian municipalities.
Mitez Sheth's picture
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Dr. Mitez Sheth is from India. He was a senior banker for almost 17 years and then turned an Entrepreneur. He is IIM Calcutta alumini. Dr. Mitez runs the World's Largest Volunteering Platform (CSR Diary) with a reach of over 5 Million Volunteers. Volunteers include Students, Housewives, working professionals and senior citizens. CSR Diary organises large format events targeted towards Youth behavior-change, these events are jointly organised with and for the Government of India. Dr. Mitez is married with two kids and he likes to spend his weekends with his family and friends at rock climbing events.
Felice Simonelli's picture
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Felice Simonelli is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of Policy Evaluation at CEPS. He is also an Associate Researcher at the Research Centre in Industrial Organization and Finance of LUISS “Guido Carli” University (Rome). Expert in better regulation, analysis of public policies and business competitiveness with over ten years of professional experience, Felice provided research and advisory services to various public institutions, trade associations, and private companies. He completed many research projects in the field of impact assessment, policy evaluation and competitiveness analysis for EU institutions. With regard to impact assessments, he was part, inter alia, of the CEPS team conducting a study on a possible furniture product initiative for DG ENTR, a study on the structures of excise duty on alcohol and alcoholic beverages and a study on the general arrangements for excise duty for DG TAXUD, and a study on the EIB external lending mandate for DG ECFIN. He also managed a study on the reform of the EU InfoSoc Directive for the European Parliament. With regard to evaluation, he was the manager of the study on aggressive tax planning for DG TAXUD, the interim evaluation of ISA2 programme for DG DIGT, the mid-term evaluation of the Hercule III Programme for OLAF, and the implementation assessment of the InfoSoc Directive for the European Parliament. With regard to business competitiveness, he took part and managed several edition of the study on energy prices and costs in energy intensive industries for DG GROW, the Cumulative Cost Assessment of the EU aluminium, ceramics, glass and steel industries for DG GROW/ENTR and the study on the competitiveness of the renewable energy sector for DG ENER. He also took part in many other policy evaluation assignments for DG GROW, DG FISMA, DG TAXUD, DG ECFIN, EASME and the European Parliament. He has extensive experience in data collection and analysis across EU countries, including conducting interviews and surveys and planning stakeholder consultations on behalf of the European Commission. He was part of the team conducting open public consultations in several large better regulation studies. Felice was a Visiting Ph.D. Student at The Buchmann Faculty of Law (Tel Aviv University) and a Visiting Researcher at Berkeley Law (University of California) and published several papers on refereed journals. He holds a Ph.D. in Law and Economics from LUISS University, an LL.M. cum laude in Law and Economics from Erasmus University of Rotterdam and from Ghent University, a M.Sc. cum laude in Law and Economics and a Bachelor cum laude in Economics and Business from LUISS.
Dawn Walsh's picture
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Dr Dawn Walsh is an Assistant Professor in the School of Politics and International Relations at University College Dublin. She is currently the lead researcher on an Irish Research Council funded project which examines the role of independent commissions, such as electoral and human rights commissions, in peace processes. This project includes the creation of a dataset of such commissions from over six hundred intra-state peace agreements. She previously held an Irish Research Council-Marie Curie Career Development fellowship which funded her to carry out research on Northern Ireland, Iraq, Bosnia, North Macedonia, and Moldova while based at the University of Birmingham and Dublin City University. While at the University of Birmingham Dr Walsh was one of the contributors to the new Political Agreements in Intra-state Conflicts dataset. She received her PhD from Dublin City University in 2014. Her work has been published in academic journals including Regional and Federal Studies, Ethnopolitics and Irish Political Studies. She is the author of two books - ‘Territorial Self-Government as a Conflict Management Tool’ (Palgrave, 2018) and ‘Independent Commissions and Contentious Issues in Post-Good Friday Agreement Northern Ireland’ (Palgrave, 2017).
Marian Duggan's picture
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I am an Associate Professor in Criminology at the University of Kent and the Chair of the British Society of Criminology's Women, Crime and Criminal Justice Network. My areas of research are: homophobic hate crime; misogyny/gender hate crime; domestic violence (victimisation and prevention policies); sexual violence (particularly campus-based sexual violence); global gender-based violence; and victim policy. I am a Trustee for a Domestic Violence and Abuse charity, and have worked with a range of criminal justice organisations linked to my research areas. Most recently, I worked with the UK Office for Students on Tackling Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education.
Mehtap ​Akgüç's picture
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Aparajita Banerjee's picture
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I am an expert in the area of public perception and implementation of the SDGs and renewable energy policies.

