Expert and fellow directory


Akali Omeni's picture
Short description: 
Omeni joined University of Leicester as an Assistant Professor in African Politics. His previous role was at King’s College London where he taught at the Department of War Studies. He previously worked with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) and was co-chair of the Africa Research Group at King's College London (affiliated to their world-leading War Studies department).
Tahir Azad's picture
Short description: 
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Leicester . I have specialisation in international security studies.
Bianka Vida's picture
Short description: 
I am a Doctoral Researcher in Politics at the Department of Politics, University of Surrey, carrying out research on the impacts of Brexit on the UK's gender equality policies. I hold an MA degree in Critical Gender Studies with a specialisation in Public Policy from the U.S. accredited Central European University (CEU). My main research interests are the EU’s discursive politics of gender equality, gender equality and social inclusion policies, gender mainstreaming, intersectionality, gender, populism, and democracy, and gender-based violence.
Mehdi Shiva's picture
Short description: 
Mehdi Shiva is a research leader at the RAND Europe. Prior to joining RAND, he led the economics research and policy agenda at GO Lab (University of Oxford), performed as a health economist at the University of Dundee/Ninewells Hospital and as a research director for an entrepreneurial company in collaboration with the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST). Shiva has also done some fellowship and consultancy work in the international development sector with NGOs. He holds PhD (Dundee), MSc (PSE, Paris 1), and BSc (Tehran) degrees in Economics.
Simona Guerra's picture
Short description: 
Associate Professor of Politics (Public euroscepticism, Emotions, Populism, Post-Communist region)
Licia Cianetti's picture
Short description: 
Licia Cianetti is a researcher studying democracy in ethnocultural diverse and divided societies. She is the author of "The Quality of Divided Democracies: Minority Inclusion, Exclusion, and Representation in the New Europe" (University of Michigan Press, 2019) and co-editor of "Rethinking 'Democratic Backsliding' in Central and Eastern Europe" (Routledge, 2019). She is currently working on the research project "What Happened to the Multicultural City? Effects of Austerity and Nativism", funded by the Leverhulme Trust: She has a regional expertise in Eastern Europe and works on urban policies of inclusion and city-to-city policy exchange networks.
Elena Zhirukhina's picture
Short description: 
International security expert with a professional background in research and teaching/training. My work focuses on international cooperation and state strategies towards violent non-state actors and their various illicit activities, micro dynamics of irregular conflicts, and Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia. I hold a PhD in International Relations from the University of St Andrews (Scotland, UK) where I explored Russian counterterrorist tactics applied in the North Caucasus, and a MA in Political Science from the Southern Federal University (Russia). I am a proficient user of R, SPSS, selected Adobe Creative Cloud applications, and fluent in English and Russian. Professional duties include data-focused research and design/management of a regional N-large data-sets on micro dynamics of violent non-state actors. Building on experience of working as a graphic designer, I enrich presentation and enhance perception of research outcomes by its visualisation through relevant graphic forms including maps, illustrations, and graphs produced in R, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, or hand-drawn creative images.
Elise Cuny's picture
Short description: 
I currently work in the sector of training and education where I develop and manage projects with Belgian public actors (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, development cooperation agency) that aim at developing the skills of foreign civil servants and sharing best practices. My competences include the identification and implementation with third countries' training institutes in the field of public administration. I also developed strong knowledge in the field of Civilian Crisis Management from the European Union's missions and experts' training perspective. Along my work experience I have strong interest and certain experience in the field of migration and asylum in which I specialised through studies and that I further developed by working in an NGO for underage migrants in France.
Lars Niklasson's picture
Short description: 
Deputy professor in Political Science at Linköping University, Sweden & Senior researcher at the Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies (SIEPS). Author of "Improving the Sustainable Development Goals. Strategies and the Governance Challenge" (Routledge 2019). Interested in the design and implementation of the SDGs, including the role of the European Union and International Organizations in the implementation. The SDGs are a case of global governance as well as national governance. My interest is primarily on goals 16 (the importance of good governance) and no 17 (investments, technology transfer etc.).
Prof.Dr. Ajith Kaliyath's picture
Short description: 
I am a Human Geographer/Urban and Regional Planner with 23 years experience and interest on 'equity and inclusion' in urban planning. I have been exploring the interconnections of equity and resilience.

