Expert and fellow directory


Philipp Kircher's picture
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I am an economist interested in labor markets and inequalities that arise there. My other interest is in the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa, its causes and consequences.
Gonne Beekman's picture
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I am a behavioural economist at Wageningen Economic Research. My research focuses on impact evaluations of development interventions and on the role behaviour drivers in transition processes – mainly in low and middle income countries, but increasingly in high-income countries as well. I use survey data to map production and consumption decisions, and experimental data to elicit risk attitudes and social preferences of individuals, complemented with qualitative methods. I am involved in multiple research projects on transition processes worldwide. I conduct impact evaluation projects in the domains of nutrition and sustainable rural development in international, multidisciplinary research teams, among others commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, DFID, and Rainforest Alliance. Before joining Wageningen Economic Research, I conducted my PhD research at the Development Economics Group at Wageningen University on the role of informal institutions on rural development in Liberia and worked as a post-doctoral researcher on various impact evaluation projects in Sub-Saharan Africa. I have a track-record of academic publications in peer-reviewed journals.
Gaston Fornes's picture
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Dr Fornes is Senior Fellow at the University of Bristol (UK) and former Dean of the Graduate School & Executive Education at ESIC Business & Marketing School (Spain). He completed his Post-Doctoral Studies at IE Business School (Spain) after receiving a PhD in Management from the University of Bath (UK) and is Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. He also holds an MBA degree from Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (Chile) with a period of studies at University of Southern California (USA), and a First Degree in Business from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo (Argentina). Dr Fornes started his professional career at the Citibank in 1993 and then funded what became a mid-sized company with operations in Chile and Argentina. Since 2005 he has combined academic and executive responsibilities. Also in 2005 he started to be professionally involved with China where in 2010, for his work with SMEs, he received the Liupan Mountain Friendship Award from the Ningxia Government for his “contribution to Ningxia’s economy and society”, and then in 2014 he received the Foreign Expert Award from the Shanghai Government. Dr Fornes has published widely on management in emerging countries, including one of the first books on foreign exchange exposure in these markets and two on the economic and business relations between China and Latin America, for the latter he was awarded the London School of Economics – Latin American Development Bank Fellowship in 2015. His research has been featured in mass media like CGTN, Fortune, the BBC, El Pais or Cinco Dias, and in reputable academic publications like Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Asia Pacific Business Review, Journal of Business Research, etc.
Nicholas Faulkner's picture
Short description: 
Nicholas Faulkner is a Research Fellow at BehaviourWorks Australia, Monash University. Nicholas completed his Ph.D. at Monash University and his undergraduate studies at Griffith University and Sciences Po (Paris Institute of Political Studies). In 2012, he was AEUIFAI Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence. His research interests lie primarily in the areas of political psychology and behavioural public administration. In recent years, he has investigated several topics, including: - how emotions, norms and social identities influence people's willingness to help people in other nations; - how the internet can be used to improve or exacerbate intergroup bias and racism; and, - how psychological techniques can be used to increase compliance with requests from government agencies. His research has been published in leading social and political science journals, including Political Psychology, Public Administration Review, and Ethnic and Racial Studies. He also regularly consults and works with government and non-government bodies on how to use behavioural science to promote socially-beneficial behaviours.
Camille Louise Pellerin's picture
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Camille Pellerin, MSc, MRes and PhD in Development Studies, is a researcher and consultant specialised in issues related to civil society development, democracy promotion and human rights. Her PhD thesis is dedicated to analysing civil society state relations in authoritarian settings and explores how the relationships between the Ethiopian state under the EPRDF rule and different types of civil society organisations have affected regime stability. Camille is trained in quantitative and qualitative research methods and has hands on experience in project and programme evaluations, mapping studies and needs assessments. Moreover, she is familiar with the latest approaches to civil society capacity development and democracy promotion and has contributed to designing several capacity building projects in these fields in Africa, the Western Balkans and Turkey. Her approach to civil society development and democracy promotion combines best practices with innovative approaches and is founded on the principles of participation and local ownership. Camille has completed two “complex risk and research trainings” and has extensive experience of conducting research and evaluations in conflict settings.
Ilcheong Yi's picture
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Ilcheong YI is Senior Research Coordinator in the Social Policy and Development Programme and in the Social Dimensions of Sustainable Development Programme at UNRISD. He joined UNRISD in October 2008. Born in the Republic of Korea, he was trained as a political scientist (B.A. and M.A. from the Department of Political Science, Seoul National University, Korea) and as a social policy analyst (D.Phil from Oxford University, UK). His specialization is in the issues of poverty, social policy, labour policy, social economy, and historical analysis of the economic and social development process. Prior to joining UNRISD, Ilcheong was Associate Professor at Kyushu University, Japan (2004-2008), Korea Foundation Visiting Professor in the Department of East Asian Studies, University of Malaya, Malaysia (2003-2004), and Visiting Research Fellow at the Stein Rokkan Centre, University of Bergen, Norway (2002-2003). He has fulfilled a number of consultant, field researcher and project development roles for international and national organizations including the ILO, UNRISD, JBIC and KOICA.
Filippo Dionigi's picture
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Dr Filippo Dionigi is a lecturer of Politics and International Relations at the University of Bristol (UK), he is specialized in Middle Eastern international affairs and has published in several academic journals. He is the author of a monography on the impact of international norms on Islamist politics, in particular with reference to the case of Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Ritu Chandra's picture
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Dr. Ritu Chandra is the Principal of Institute of Education , Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University,India. Dr. Chandra also worked as Head of the department, Humanities & Social Sciences. She had been also associated as visiting faculty in Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI), Deemed University, India. She has done her research in Education, Graduation in Teachers’ training programme and in Theology. Dr. Chandra’s primary research interests are Educational psychology with emphasis on inculcation of values, individual differences in behavior, personality and intellect , academic achievement of students with different socio economic status and their well being .
José Ricardo Martins's picture
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PhD in Sociology from the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), track: State and Citizenship, Policies Master in Sociology ( from UFPR) with research on South American regional integration Latin American Specialization Course in Public Policies and Higher Education Evaluation Specialization in Geopolitics and International Relations Specialization in International Trade ( from Institut Cooremans, Ville de Bruxelles Higher Education Institute, Belgium) Diplôme en Management - MBA (from UCL -Belgium) Bachelor degree in Philosophy (incomplete) in International Relations & Public Management
Jeremy Segrott's picture
Short description: 
I am a senior lecturer in the Centre for Trials Research and the DECIPHer Centre at Cardiff University, Wales, UK. My work focuses on three main areas: 1) the development and evaluation of complex public health interventions - particularly those working with schools and families; 2) implementation of complex intervention, and the factors which shape recruitment and fidelity across different contexts; 3) public involvement in and public engagement with research.

