Expert and fellow directory


Michael Coelli's picture
Short description: 
I am an Australian academic economist based in Melbourne. My research fields are Labour Economics and the Economics of Education, and my research is empirical. I have a particular focus on the Australian labour market (and the effects of technology, trade and policy on individual outcomes). I also focus on the determinants of education attainment.
Simonetta Longhi's picture
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I am Associate Professor at the Department of Economics of the University of Reading. I am an applied economist with a background in regional science and labour economics. My research focuses on inequality in labour market outcomes by gender, ethnicity, and disability; unemployment and on-the-job search.
Scott Brenton's picture
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Scott Brenton was educated at the University of Queensland, the Australian National University and the University of Melbourne. Prior to his appointment at the University of Melbourne, he taught social policy and public sector management at the ANU, and worked at the Department of Parliamentary Services, holding the Australian Parliamentary Fellowship. He has also been a Visiting Fellow at the University of Copenhagen, the University of Gothenburg (Sweden), University College London, the Free University of Amsterdam and the Instituut voor de Overheid (Public Governance Institute), KU Leuven (Belgium). Scott has served as the Director and Deputy Director of the Master of Public Policy and Management at various times since 2011, and was the founding Director of the Melbourne School of Government Doctoral Academy.
Ludmila Volosnikova's picture
Short description: 
reseacher , inclusive higher education
Martina Viarengo's picture
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Martina Viarengo is a Professor in the Department of International Economics at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies of Geneva. She is faculty associate at the Harvard University, Center for International Development. Prior to joining the Graduate Institute's faculty, Professor Viarengo was an economist at the Centre for Economic Performance of the London School of Economics and a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government. Professor Viarengo is a specialist in public policy and economic development. Her research focuses on comparative education policy, employment and international migration. She has examined education policy, gender gaps and labor market outcomes in the OECD and developing countries in trying to better understand how to reduce poverty and inequality. In 2018 Dr. Viarengo was awarded with the Eisenhower Fellowship. In 2013 she was selected as a Young Global Leader by the World Economic Forum. Professor Viarengo was elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and she was named Newton International Fellow by the British Academy, Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering. She holds a PhD from the London School of Economics and a Master’s Degree from Northwestern University.
Jordan Panayotov's picture
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Jordan is focused on Health Equity as premise for achieving Sustainable Population Health which is the ultimate indicator for Sustainable Development (SD). He points out that all policies have differential impacts on health of populations, which if not properly assessed and considered can lead to growing health inequalities, thus impede SD. He argues that inclusive policies should be a normative goal and Health in All Policies is the right approach for operationalizing policies and investments in all sectors.
Narimah Samat's picture
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Professor of Geographic Information Systems and Dean for School of Humanities, Universiti Sains Malaysia.
Jo Aldridge's picture
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My research focuses on the experiences and needs of ‘vulnerable’ or marginalised groups, specifically children and young people who provide informal care (young carers), people with mental health problems and learning difficulties and women victims-survivors of domestic violence and abuse. I am Director of the Young Carers Research Group at Loughborough University, which is known both in the UK and internationally for its pioneering work with children and young people with caring responsibilities and their families. Broadly, my expertise is in promoting evidence-based approaches to policy making, deriving impact from participatory research and designing interventions and models of best practice for ‘vulnerable’ or marginalised groups (Aldridge, J. (2015) Participatory research: Working with vulnerable groups in research and practice, Policy Press, Bristol, UK). I have recently completed two international research studies: an investigation of the experiences and needs of children, including children with disabilities, living in Tonga – the first ever national study to include the views of children and young people themselves; and a study of Roma community perspectives on migration to the UK.
Monica Narvaez's picture
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Mónica Andrea Narváez Chicaíza has received her LLM degree from McGill University. She is a lawyer from the Universidad de Nariño, Colombia, and hold a degree in Social Security from the Universidad Externado de Colombia. Her main interest lies in the public policies in health as a mean to achieve well-living in the population. She is also interested in development law, especially in the achievement of sustainable development goals.
Simon Burgess's picture
Short description: 
I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Bristol in the UK. I work on education using an economic analysis, doing empirical work, using RCTs, and using other econometric methods on administrative and other data. My aims are to raise educational achievement, and thereby contribute to raising prosperity, reducing inequality and enhancing social mobility.

