Expert and fellow directory


Shweta Khandelwal's picture
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Dr Shweta Khandelwal is Head, Nutrition Research at the Public Health Foundation of India (PHFI), Delhi. She is a trained and experienced public health nutrition researcher currently exploring the role of prenatal omega-3 fatty acids (DHA) supplementation on neurodevelopment of Indian infants. Shweta is also interested in studying the nutrition epidemiology of non-communicable diseases and their risk factors among the Indian population. She serves on expert panels constituted by FSSAI and MoHFW, GoI including oils and fats, sustainable healthy diets and combating high fat, sugar and salt in Indian population. Shweta is the lead for capacity building initiatives in Public Health Nutrition at PHFI. In addition to more than 50 peer reviewed articles in scholarly journals, she has contributed several op-eds and review pieces in leading international and national print and online media. Shweta has also won several prestigious awards and recognition in the area of public health nutrition.
Alexander Carter's picture
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Senior lecturer in Practice at the London School of Economics & Political Science. Home in Geneva, Switzerland. Interests are health economics, health systems, health security, patient safety, quality improvement, pharmaceutical innovation and regulation
Mahasin Alquza's picture
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Mahain Alquza, Jordanian, currently HR Officer in UNESCO. - previously Head of Operations in UN WOmen - HR Admin Officer in UNRWA
Helen Gavin's picture
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Dr Helen Gavin is a sustainability professional, passionate about renewable energy and water resources. Following a PhD in wetland hydrology, Helen became a Chartered Environmental Scientist working on quantitative environmental issues, that span water resources, hydroecology, hydropower, onshore wind energy projects, and more. She has audited water companies for ~13 years on greenhouse gas and renewable energy production as well as other topics. She has covered a range of roles including technical specialist, auditor and programme manager. Over 2015-2019, she was Programme Manager for the Water Resources in the South East collaborative group, though her role as Principal Environmental Scientist for the engineering consulting firm, Atkins. This regional group was founded in 1996 and is an alliance of the six south east water companies, the Environment Agency, Ofwat, Consumer Council for Water, Natural England and Defra. The aim of the group is to work collaboratively to develop an affordable, sustainable and resilient regional approach to water resource management for people and the environment. Helen managed the multi-disciplinary research programme evaluating the risk and impact of drought and water scarcity in the UK, MaRIUS, working closely alongside the PI, Professor Jim Hall at the University of Oxford, and numerous industry practitioners and stakeholders. A key aspect was to ensure the outputs can be used by people working in the management of drought and water scarcity. Currently, she is focusing on her passion for renewable energy. As Manager and Knowledge Exchange researcher of the Programme to Integrate Renewable Energy, Helen bring the results and findings of the programme and associated projects to new audiences, and fosters a culture of collaborative working between academia and practitioners.
Cristina Menegazzi's picture
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Cristina Menegazzi has working experience worldwide for more than thirty years in the field of culture. She has a MSc on International Cooperation, Finance and Development at the University of La Sapienza-Rome (2022), a PhD in Disaster Risk Management at the University of Viterbo-Rome (2010); a MSc in Preventive Conservation of Cultural Heritage at the Sorbonne University in Paris (1996); an International Master Degree in Management and Conservation (Museums) at the Institut national du patrimoine (1994); a MA in Contemporary Art and a BA in Art History at the University of Bologna (1991).
Paula Braveman's picture
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Social epidemiologist who has studied and written extensively on health equity and the social determinants of health. Have focused particularly on socioeconomic and racial/ethnic inequalities in health, particularly in maternal and infant health, and have worked to bring national and international attention to the issues. Have collaborated with local, state, national, and international health agencies to see knowledge translated into efforts for greater health equity.
Hayley MacGregor's picture
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I am a clinically trained medical anthropologist with expertise in chronic disease, mental health, and pandemic preparedness. I work in African and in SE Asia.
Mariana Braga's picture
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Mariana Braga Neves is a psychologist, a specialist in comprehensive sexuality education, and a master's in education. She has been working for more than 25 years in psychology, social and educational policies, sexuality education, prevention of STI/ HIV/AIDS, sexual and reproductive rights, bullying and violence in schools, gender equity, and violence and inclusive education. She has been an Education Program Officer for the United Nations Educational Science and Culture (UNESCO) in Brazil since 2002.
Jan Knoerich's picture
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I conduct research and offer policy advice on foreign direct investment and its development implications, especially outward foreign direct investment and its impact on home economies. I also write on the Chinese economy, Chinese outward foreign direct investment and China's financial internationalisation. See:
Mika ODIDO's picture
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Oceanographer, coordinating the ocean science programmes in Africa

