Expert and fellow directory


Chris Goulden's picture
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Leading analytical, research, economic and evaluation teams at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in the UK. We are an independent, endowed foundation seeking to achieve a prosperous UK without poverty by inspiring action and change.
Basem Abdelrahman's picture
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Education is my passion. A passion for developing learning, I have over 20 years of International /MENA experience in education and project management in the development sector . A Chief Executive officer, Development and Training Director and a Senior Master Trainer of Change Agents with proven Effective leadership and coaching skills, who led the change in many educational projects and institutions Trained and coached executives at Alrowad group on implementing Improvement Plan and meeting the required Actions by the Accreditation bodies 2013-2016 , coached hotel Mangers while I was CEO at Aqaba hotels Association to meet the requirement of the capacity building project funded by the USAID and EU 2011-2012 and coached the ministry of education principals and supervisors to meet the requirement of Education for knowledge economy requirement from 2005 -2011. I have more than 10 years of administrative experience and achievement of senior Management status in an international education system (American, British and Dutch) Am a Certified Project Management Professional PMP from PMI and Certified Professional in Learning and performance CPLP from Atd (ASTD) and Have a Master degree in Management Information Systems and Bachelor of Science and a Higher Education Diploma Professional Certificate in Education From InHolland University - Netherlands STEM background and work experience in the vocational education,K-12 and Higher Education sector
Britta Augsburg's picture
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Britta Augsburg is Associate Director of the Institute for Fiscal Studies. Her research concentrates on understanding the effectiveness of programs and policies that tackle constraints to productivity of poverty affected individuals and households, with a particular focus on credit and technology adoption constraints. She has worked on a number of studies related to microfinance and particularly the effectiveness of this financial tool in achieving improved outcomes for the intended beneficiaries. Analysing the effectiveness of microfinance in inducing uptake of sanitation technology (basically toilets) has focused a significant amount of her research towards the field of sanitation, researching constraints to uptake both on the demand and the supply side, as well as understanding the complementarity of sanitation and other investments in producing positive (child) outcomes.
El-Sayed Salama's picture
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Dr. El-Sayed Salama is a Professor under “High-Level Talent Recruitment”, at Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Lanzhou University, China. He received his BSc degree in Faculty of Sciences, Benha University, Egypt. He completed both his MS and PhD degrees at Department of Earth Resources and Environmental Engineering, Hanyang University, Seoul, S. Korea. Followed by post-doc and assistant professor position under BK21 plus program.
Niaz Asadullah's picture
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Dr Niaz Asadullah received his Doctorate degree in the Economics of Education from Oxford University in 2005. He is currently a Professor of Development Economics at Monash University Malaysia. Previously he held visiting positions at Harvard, Oxford, Malaya, Manchester, Kent, Dhaka, BRAC, Chulalongkorn and Mindanao State Universities. His research relates to education, labor market, skills formation, poverty and gender issues with a focus on South/East Asia. In addition to 50+ peer reviewed journal publications, Prof Asadullah has published numerous policy commentaries and opinion pieces on education issues in the international media (print as well as electronic).
Mostak Ahamed's picture
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Mostak Ahamed is a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Finance at the Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Sussex Business School, UK. He holds a PhD in business and management from the Queen Mary University of London. He undertakes research to overcome the obstacles of financial development with special emphasis on access to finance, bank and firm performance while using robust econometric techniques and large cross-country panel data. The research questions that he addresses are motivated by and engaged with contemporary policy issues. His recent papers appeared on Economics Letters, Economic Modelling, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Journal of Financial Stability, Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, and British Journal of Industrial Relations.
Serge Banyimbe's picture
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More than 13 years experience in non profit organizations communication, both for local (national) and international organizations. Specialized in Communication for development, designing, implementing and evaluating communication program for a better involvement of beneficiaries, and for a sustainable (individual and social) change.
Tara Collins's picture
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Hello. I am an Associate Professor at the School of Child and Youth Care at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada, and Honorary Associate Professor for 2019-2024 at the Children's Institute, University of Cape Town, South Africa. At Ryerson, I am also Program Faculty with the Graduate Programs on: Immigration and Settlement Studies, the Early Childhood Studies, and Social Policy Faculty, Policy Studies PhD Program. I have a Ph.D. from the University of London and have worked on international human rights since 1996. Professional experience includes work for: universities in Canada, South Africa, Brazil, and Ireland; Canadian federal government (Department of Foreign Affairs and CIDA) and Parliament; and a national non-governmental organization. Research interests include the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, child and youth participation, child protection, monitoring, rights-based approaches, anti-violence efforts in schools, business, and play.
Sally Broughton Micova's picture
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Sally Broughton Micova is a Lecturer in Communications Policy and Politics at the University of East Anglia and member of its Centre for Competition Policy. Her research focuses on policy and regulation in media and communications. Her most recent publications include work on audiovisual media and online platform policy, public service media, and minority language media. She is active in policy making processes as well, contributing regularly to consultations and inquires at the European Union and the United Kingdom levels on issues related to media and internet policy. She is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Regulation in Europe (CERRE) in Brussels, where she recently conducted an investigation into audiovisual advertising inspired by the debates about the regulation of audiovisual media services and video sharing platforms. She is also a Visiting Fellow at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), where she was previously Deputy Director of the LSE Media Policy Project and an LSE Research and Teaching Fellow in Media Governance and Policy, and a Visiting Lecturer at the Institute of Communication Studies in Skopje, Macedonia. She completed a PhD in Media and Communications at the LSE in 2013. Before entering academia in 2009, she spent over a decade working in international organisations, and continues to serve as an occasional expert for the Council of Europe, EU institutions, and the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.
Birgul Cakir Yildirim's picture
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I'm an environmental educator in Agri Ibrahim Cecen University in Turkey. My interests include environmental education, education for sustainable development. I'm currently interested in use of digital storytelling in environmental education topics to make visible the voice of learners. Therefore, I would like to join your team and share our experiences.

