Expert and fellow directory


Jonathan Cylus's picture
Short description: 
Head of the London Hubs of the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, Senior Research Fellow at the London School of Economics and Honorary Research Fellow at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Main research is on health systems, focusing primarily on health financing policy, health economics and health system performance. I have worked in a number of countries, including Cyprus, Liberia, Finland, Malta, Mexico, Moldova, Slovenia and the United States, as well as with the European Commission, OECD and WHO. I am also interested in the role of social policies and other social determinants on health. Prior to joining the Observatory, I was an economist at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in the United States.
Johannes Kunz's picture
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Kunz is a research fellow at the Centre for Health Economics (Monash Business School), his areas of expertise are micro-econometrics and applied micro-economics, with a focus on migration, labor, and health economics.
Dennis Petrie's picture
Short description: 
Dennis is an Associate Professor in the Centre for Health Economics, Monash University. He was previously a senior research fellow at the University of Melbourne and a Lecturer in Health Economics at the University of Dundee, UK. He has published extensively on the economics of illicit drugs and alcohol, economics of disability, economics of cancer, the longitudinal measurement and evaluation of health inequalities and has lead a large number of economic evaluations of healthcare interventions including alongside RCTs. He has consistently published in the top health economics journals, with multiple papers in the Journal of Health Economics (3), Health Economics (5) and Social Science & Medicine (5) and also high impact medical journals including BMJ, PLOS Medicine, Addiction (2), Diabetologia, Diabetes Care (2) and Epidemiology (2). He specialises in analysing large and complex data sets to improve health policy decisions.
George Wharton's picture
Short description: 
George is a Senior Lecturer in Practice in Health Policy at LSE, with an academic background in International Relations and Health Policy. George began his career at Deutsche Bank before joining the UK Civil Service. George worked in a variety of policy roles before helping establish Healthcare UK, a government agency which promotes international partnerships on behalf of the UK health-care and life sciences sectors. As COO, he worked with governments around the world to address health policy challenges. George went on to join Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, as Head of International Business Development before joining LSE in 2018. At LSE, George teaches and mentors MSc students in international health systems and financing, and coordinates a variety of teaching, research and advisory partnerships. He has written/consulted for WHO, the Commonwealth Fund, philanthropic foundations and pharmaceutical companies, and has co-authored articles on health systems and policies in The BMJ and The Lancet, among others.
Olivier Wouters's picture
Short description: 
Olivier is an Assistant Professor of Health Policy at the London School of Economics (LSE), where he researches the pricing and affordability of medicines in countries around the world. He is Co-Director of the master's degree in Global Health Policy at the LSE. Olivier holds a PhD in Health Policy from the LSE. He also holds an MSc in International Health Policy (Health Economics) from the LSE and a BSc in International Relations from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.
Francisco Ceron's picture
Short description: 
I am currently working as Research Associate (postdoc) at IRSEI, University of Luxembourg. My research interests include the sociology of education, social stratification and educational inequality, comparative research in educational and labour market inequalities as well as quantitative methodology. I am currently working on three main research lines: i) Inequality of educational opportunity in access to higher education in Chile; ii) Wage inequalities and the value of education and skills in labour markets in the Americas; iii) Wealth effects on inequalities in a range of social outcomes; iv) educational inequalities and privately-driven stratification over time in Chile and across Latin American countries I am a Ph.D. (c) at the Sociology department of the University of Amsterdam and affiliated with the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR), Amsterdam Centre for Inequality Studies, and the programme group Institutions, Inequalities and Life courses (IIL). My PhD research focuses on the generation of social differentials in individual educational outcomes and educational pathways in Chile as a country case, and Latin America.
Iris Mosweu's picture
Short description: 
A Health Economist with 19 years experience of undertaking research in both physical and mental health, with a specific focus on economic evaluation (cost-effectiveness analysis) of varying interventions.
Bruno Avelar Rosa's picture
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Bruno Avelar Rosa has extensive experience related to cross sectorial collaboration between sport, health and employment. He has been involved with and advised a number of local and international Federations, Higher-education institutions, Ministries and non-governmental entities. He's also an external expert of the European Commission for sports sector. He has a PhD in Educational Psychology.
Anna Macia's picture
Short description: 
Senior Program and Project Manager with extensive experience in Corporate Communications, in a variety of industries including International Public Administration Entities, private sector, and NGOs. In all engagements have worked to provide value to shareholders and their clients. Highly confident to manage projects from planning to implementation.
Vivekanand Jha's picture
Short description: 
Professor Vivekanand Jha is the President of the International Society of Nephrology. He also covers the role of Executive Director at The George Institute for Global Health, India. Prof. Jha is recognized as a global expert on kidney disease and focuses on emerging public health threats globally and in India. He currently leads research projects operating in more than 20 countries. He is particularly interested in using multi-disciplinary approaches and innovations to address the system level health and economic challenge posed to humanity by non-communicable diseases. He has published over 320 peer reviewed papers, many in the most prestigious journal in the world and over 40 book chapters. He has held leadership positions in many organizations. He is a member of Task Forces and Scientific Advisory Committees of the Department of Science and Technology of Government of India, an Advisor to the WHO, has been on Editorial Boards of major journals and has been Section Editor of the Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology.

